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Hi Cleveland!
Hi Joe
>Joe's dad doesn't like handicapped people
>Joe's mom is handicapped
kek, never thought about this. McFarlane a hack
>Stewie has gone through ~5 Christmas episode, is still 1.
Just turn off your brain bro
johny test
I love these dumb wheelchair jokes
>Hold on, the wheelchair is coming first
bonnies character was absolutely destroyed. they fucked up hard
Off the top of my head, I can count 3 episodes that have been about Joe and Bonnie falling out and getting back together.
>The one where Brian and Bonnie run away with each other
>The one where Bonnie and Lois go to France
>The one where Joe has an affair with the officer
Same with Joe. He started as a badass despite being handicap and now he's nothing but half a man and wheelchair jokes.
and that's not counting the constant "bonnie fantasizing about killing joe" cutaways
He's always been in these jokes
and he still can be badass sometimes
Yeah I guess, but when has he been a badass lately? I feel like they act as if he can't do anything anymore
>Exact mirroring of Joe and Bonnie's relationship
Fucking kek.
For some reason McFarlane and FG sucks at making most jokes, but there are certain topics he always seems to do well with.
PTV is the best episode of the series.
Drunk and stoned on 420 blaze its.
he beat the shit out of peter in the episode with Joe's dad
I hate how Joe changed throughout seasons.
me but with stewie
>me but with stewie
in what way? more openly gay?
His character now, as obnoxious as it is, is way better than what it was originally.
That's not that much of a feat though. So has a giant chicken
I hate how Brian went from "snarky yet believably flawed and very mature alcoholic" to "insufferable liberal/athiest mouthpiece".
The chicken always fucking loses.
At least even they seem to understand that instead of him being right about everything. I was hoping he would stay dead, but I knew that faggot would be back.
Same with Beter - from lovable goofball with sensitive side to complete douchebag.
Still kicks his ass though
That doesn't make any sense. To kick someone's ass you kind of have to win.
He fought well. That's the extent of it.
Marrital concerns continue to bedevil me.
t.never been in a fight
You can still get beat up and win
they flanderized most characters. They changed Cleveland's whole personality just so they could give him his own spinoff where he is just black Peter/Homer/Stan
>do yourself a favor Sup Forums, don't get married
I wasn't gonna