
How do we stop these "Alt-Rightist" figureheads from subverting the movement?

>a good thread died for this

none of them are even alt-right imo.

U retarded son?

None of them are alt-right, you fucking newfag,

Seriously, just fucking lurk more.

You dont get to decide that though. The media has already made up it's mind and they have a far bigger reach than you.

None of those people are alt-right

The US media?
They only reach the DNC

there's nothing wrong with cernvovich or molyneux desu

besides his gay voice and failing to not sound like a cuck, yeah, he's pretty good

By subscribing and spreading Richard Spencer and/or TRS media.

Stefan INVENTED the alt-right, kiddo

Not sure if this is an intentional cringe OC or it was stole from Reddit.

Molyneux is fine. Beside the memes, he really just seemed lie an above intelligence guys that use to have some stupid beliefs but got wiser, and keeps getting wiser.
The others just keep peddling the same old tired shit.

We don't. They may be figureheads in the movement but they don't lead it. We're a hive mind of individuals.

steffy got alot better recently actually, even going so far as to shit on lolbertarians again.

DAE Gas the Jews?

If he mentions Jews he might very well get killed so he just sticks with "Globalists"

We don't stop them. They are all doing God's work.

Not even Sup Forums thinks positively about Alex Jones. Paul Watson, maybe, but not fucking Alex Jones.

Dont give them authority or attention also alt right doesnt exist.