Who would he vote for?
Who would he vote for?
He would complain about Trump, but still vote for him.
Honestly, having read a bunch of his books, even the Clinton one, and watching almost every single debate, I'd say Clinton.
Also for kicks I would have loved to see a public debate of Hitchens against Trump, then most people would be able to see how retarded Trump truly sounds compared to an actual intellectual.
Seeing as there's numerous recorded speeches and interviews of his where he claims Hillary shouldn't be president and the fact that he hated the Clintons, I would say not Hillary. But I doubt he would vote for Trump either.
Still, hasn't stopped his "friend" Sam Harris using his good name to promote Hildawg in the media.
nice shitposting fag
Stein, or write in himself
This period. Him supporting Kissingers disciple? Only a moron would claim that.
I think his views would be similar to David Frum's and he would vote for Clinton: theatlantic.com
Oh right, this is a Trump hugbox safespace. I mean MAGA BUILD WALL
>having read a bunch of his books, even the Clinton one, and watching almost every single debate,
this is lying and shitposting and you are a fag, MAGA in your mother's ass you nigger
He was very pro war as long as it involves dispensing of mudslimes, as evidenced to his unapologetic support of the Iraq and Afganistan war, I would have to say Clinton because of that. But I think just like Bush it would be that single issue where he supports something related to Clinton.
Granted he was for Nader in 2000, Bush in 2004, then Obongo in 08, while also claiming to have Marxist and socialist tendencies, so I feel like Hitchens was just a living example of chaos.
>Republican that hates Mudslimes and fears their invasion and destruction of the west
>voting for Clinton
Lying, no. Shitposting,kind of. Making fun of the lord and savior of /pol Trump is autoshitposting I suppose.
Neither most likely
He loathed both Clintons it's true, but it's equally difficult to imagine him endorsing Trump
Sanders would have been up his alley. I don't know about Clinton, he absolutely despised both Clintons and he doesn't match up with Trump in virtually any issues. Then again he was a contrarian and he might begrudgingly support Trump just to spite people.
Hitchens: On NAFTA, free trade is going to go on. I don't think we should waste our time. But it has many of the problems of the first industrial revolution. It's extremely undemocratic; it's very unstable and very promiscuous.
Q: You're very much an internationalist.
Hitchens: I take capitalism very seriously, always have. It has, in fact, survived its crises--at huge fucking cost, let's not forget: war, empire. But still, it has survived. But it has not outlived its contradictions. If the world is one economy, why not make it one society? I look forward to the argument on this. What I won't do is spend ten seconds on the argument as to whether a plant should be in Michigan or Ontario, or for that matter in California or Tijuana.
Q: A lot would disagree with you on this.
Hitchens: They believe they can build a politics of populism against this. I'm not going to help them. They just will find out they can' t build a politics against this. What we really need is a new Internationale- -and that's a heavy responsibility. Sounds very utopian at the moment.
Don't confuse a well-rounded vocabulary for intelligence, user.
Chris was utterly clueless on nearly every subject- except for geopolitics, which he excelled at. He was yet another person who thought that being an expert in one particular field made him an expert on everything.
Internet edgelords only liked him because he was edgy.
>english intellctuals
Even as contrarian as he was, even Hitchens couldn't bring himself to make someone who said this one of the most powerful people in the world.
>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.
He has talked about not voting before, being against "lesser evil" arguments, I think he would do that. If forced, I think he would vote Trump, because his response to muslims is not burying head in the sand. He had said middle eastern policy was the only issue that mattered for his vote
Iconoclast contrarian he would have been a bernout and after all those leaks would vote Trump to stop Kissingers disciple. Tho it is all speculation.
I will never like the way Trump talks. It's like a winding, rocky path, when you just want him to go straight to the fucking destination already.
I'm 100% sure he'd go Clinton.
Hitchens was of the sort that always needed to appear as the "intellectual". As far as he'd be concerned, for all her crimes, Clinton's corruption is preferable to Trump's simple speech.
Much like Sam Harris, for him the "common folk" appearance of Trump would be inexcusable.
>Sanders would have been up his alley.
Sanders is a dope that offered nothing but pretty words. But then again so was Obama, so maybe, but I doubt he would make the same mistake twice
>he doesn't match up with Trump in virtually any issues
Strong borders, anti-mudslimes, lower taxes, nationalism (?) maybe, he did love the patriotism of America after 9/11, that's why he became a citizen.
I think he would vote for Trump, he really hated the Clintons, and he was somewhat republican
>Hitchens was of the sort that always needed to appear as the "intellectual". As far as he'd be concerned, for all her crimes, Clinton's corruption is preferable to Trump's simple speech.
Yea, this is enough to make Hitchens go apeshit.
Hitchens also supported the War in Iraq, he probably would have been friendly to Trump's (relative) isolationism.
Hitchens could talk well but that was the extent of his intellect.
I've watched most of his debates and all he does is regurgitate the same couple arguments regardless of the heading of the discussion.
Not smart, his brother is more well rounded in his rhetoric.
>"I would vote for whatever candidate isn't a pussy bitch too afraid to take on Islam, if that happens to be Clinton then I'll vote for her"
Yeah but it's not her, it's Trump.
>I don't care who's in the white house in 2008 as long as they have made a promise to draw the line and say that Bin Laden and his surrogates will never take power in Iraq or Afghanistan
Jesus Christ why was he so invested in what happens in the Middle East? He is literally saying I don't care what each candidate proposes to do for America as long as some country in the Middle East isn't led by some yahoos.
How is it difficult to imagine? He definitely wouldn't vote for Hillary. It would've been Trump or some write in. He would be all over Hillary in the media especially with all the leaks. Imagine if he got hold of what it is available now. No he would've made every attempt to destroy Clinton. Hitch would've also been all over the complete corruption and biased media not just MSM news outlets but Google and others.
This is a alt-right hugbox user, where making fun of Drumpf can automatically lead you to stormweenies calling you cuck and a mudslime.
Peter always seemed to be the brother who had it together.