>Lives in Progressive Utopia
>Tells girlfriend I'm CONSIDERING voting Trump
>Said girlfriend now refusing to speak with me
Feels bad man
Lives in Progressive Utopia
Vote trump or else..
San Francisco sucks anyway
>he doesn't redpill his gfs
lmao at pathetic ass nigga
Vote for Hillary, OP.
What difference, at this point, does it make?
Wait what
>Sup Forums
Oh. It's a fantasy. ok.
Get her preggo n dump her lad
Do it anyway
Don't tell her you voted Hillary or anything, either, she'll only respect you if you stick to your guns
You are a weak man and that is a terrible relationship. Leave. Find another one. Be unapologetic about your views.
Women are reflections of their men.
Sorry user, it's for the better. Once men stop putting up with this trash - women magically become better. Men are the gatekeepers of commitment. Didn't you remember your first red pill?
>having a girlfriend with opposing political views
I'm not sure I could ever deal with that.
pretty much
Tell her you changed your mind. (but you will still vote Trump) or dump her. better sooner than later
Grudge fuck is best fuck.
dump her ass before she cheats on you
She should be following you.
Thanks user. Seems Legit.
We're both Bern-victims. We coped in different ways. I figure this will blow over in a week or two.
holy fuck dude, you should be the one breaking up with HER for threatening that
Anonymous ballots are great because you can say one thing then vote another.
Youve already fucked up
Tell her you're voting Hillary but actually vote Trump.
It's the only way to MAGA.
I'm not snek
>already lost one gf to this election
>she said she couldnt be with "somebody who has so little sympathy for others" and my vote for Trump, which i guess is synonymous.
>Actually broke up with me after I started refuting le 2015 man's points in his trump episode.
>new gf
>told me last night that her dad said at dinner that he thought I was a republican and apparently she got really upset
>she texts me asking if I am
>I say im and independent and I dont talk about politics, "I leave them for wiser men"
>She said she wont talk to her brother because he is voting for trump and she literally hates him
tfw she is living a lie
And I already lost on gf to this stupid shit, its not worth it bros. I would rather live a lie.
Tell her your voting Hillary
Fuck her
Tell her your voting Trump
Tell her to GTFO
ITT: idiots want OP to sacrifice his relationship for 1 vote out of 300000000 that doesn't even matter and will be completely meaningless after November 9.
Don't listen to permavirgins you fucking retard, vote Hillary.
>We're both Bern-victims
>still voting hillary
>person who said bernouts were basement dregs
I'm literally lmaoing @ your lives
Hungary please
Youre telling him to be a jew? With those trips? Fuck you, leaf.
He should unapologetically stick to his trump guns. He should say that he cant believe a "smart girl" like her would vote for Hillary.
Girlfriends can come and go but if he cucks out now, he'll be raising his wife's son.
>Have bad girlfriend
>Make post about it
>Implying being with a liberal is worth being less of a man
Eurocucks everyone. Everyone, point at the European faggot and laugh ahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha.
>wanting to live a lie with a girl that HATES Trump and her own family for supporting him
Yeah I don't think that's a good idea user
>live in nyc
>bernvictim girlfriend
>tell her im voting trump
>nothin happens
When he wins im going to spam her with memes
Haha. Nice leafpost, faggot.
One of the biggest regrets in my life is thinking like this when I was much younger.
Well I tried to warn you, Sup Forums.
>girlfriend wont talk to you for voting your \mind
Tell her to fuck the fuck right off
me and my wife get into heated debates because she is a "stronk liberal woman"
Then we have really passionate argument sex.
Its great especially cause she is wrong about 90% of the time and while she puts her feminist bitch attitude out to the world shes my bitch behind closed doors.
tl;dr get a handle on your woman faggot.
hurry up and invent robogf
we're waiting...
Sounds like time to dump her OP.
Bitch is crazy.
Not talking to people because of votes?
I have friends and family with wildly differing political views, why do some people find this so hard to manage?
She is only shunning you because you're only considering in instead of being certain of it. Women wants real men.
>should not vote the way you want because of pussy
thats really sad
Because that's racys.
>Progressive Utopia
California is not a utopia, it's hell.
Good luck finding a wife who loves Hitler as much as us.
why? how could you ever build a lasting relationship with for example a commie. it's not only their political views that are fundamentally opposite to your's, it's social and economical beliefs, different goals in life etc.
will they grow out of it? maybe. probably not though. will you? as if the redpill could ever be taken back...
Married man here OP, also living in progressive utopia. (On the train back to 415 right now.) I'm not voting for either Hillary or Trump, although I prefer a Trump victory. If your GF can't accept the outcome of your reasoned deliberations, you should get out of that relationship fast. She sounds like someone who pays lip service to diversity, but can muster only intolerance when she is faced with it in real life. The thing is, if she can't extend you some understanding about this, she won't about greater things than one election. I know passions are high, but what she did is childish. Be a man, and the adult, and let her know that you're done.
You dont find them, you make them
Kek I lost a gf this year for the same reason too and believe me it's definitely worth it.
Girls respect men who stick to their guns, and if she ever disagrees with you so much politically where it becomes a problem she aint long-term material anyway
I will never be able to fathom the un-seriousness of American relationships. If you're not willing to accept your partners differences, then you shouldn't have paired up to begin with. I openly told my gf that I'm very inspired by Hitler and she actually listened and found some good points in what I had to say.
tell that cunt to vote Trump, take a pic with a stamp or else you will release all her nudes to the world.
and by 'world', I mean me.
Based non Eurocuck. There is hope.
just rape her op.
>Dat continuum fallacy
Vote for Trump and leave the bitch
Our country's well-being is more important than her shit-tier cunt
You mean semen
>Trump and dump
Fuck yeah.
Fucking piece of shit!
Fuck you
Leave her. This is a sign from Trump.
I want to say something mean and chastise you, but that'll do nothing.
You know what to do user. Kek is watching.
Murdoch-chan tho
get a better girlfriend
ask yourself
If that bitch votes for clinton dump her ass.
Your girlfriend is a bitch. Leave her.
secret ballot for a reason.
Don't let this cunt ruin your masculinity, vote for Trump.
"Yeah I voted for Trump, and you can't do shit about it".
I did this back in 2012 with my girlfriend, she was voting Obama because "hurr hurr he is black and understands problems of THE OPPRESSED!"
Voted for Mitt Romney, she dumped me and I found a 10/10 Trump girl
Stop fucking with beta females, OP.
I voted Trump with my gf. Get a new gf OP.
dodged a bullet desu f4m
You could always just fuck her brother instead. He seems like a decent guy.
Thanks Anons. Sticking to my guns. She's not happy but is talking to me now and is starting to question the narrative...
>tfw I have a girlfriend who actually loves me and trusts my judgement
Just be straightforward with her, tell her that all the rape allegations have no evidence and were all alleged AFTER it became clear Trump was running against Hillary.
Rape and sexual assault allegations are handled by the state of NY. There's zero possibility Trump could have "paid her family off" to drop the charges or anything like that. Once it's reported it goes directly into investigation.
Also the fact that the allegations against Trump are vague is deliberate. If they named a specific date, Trump's ledger of his schedule and transactions that would easily prove him innocent of even being in the same state.
Dump her. She's not your girlfriend, she doesn't love you.
Breaking up with her because of this behaviour sends a clear message and will either teach her not to pull this bs again except with betas in a next relationship, or she will come back begging.
>Trump is a racist/sexist/bigot/xylophone as is anyone who supports him.
Started asking why she thought that, addressing what he's actually said and done... I think it might be OK.
>not having a redpilled gf/wife
Imagine being such a stupid cunt that you would date a mentally ill person like OP