Can one dress like pic related yet despise liberals and SJWs? I say yes.
Am I wrong
If you know how to properly bait a hook, clean a gun, and change your oil without looking on the internet, yes.
Online shopping using moms credit card x what he interprets a Scottish fisherman to look like
yeah but you'll get it dirty if you're doing anything that matters
which you can't
carhart jeans, black bulk tee shirts, red wing boots, leatherman wave
all you need boy
You can dress whatever way you want and think whatever you want faggot.
when you think about it, most of the hipster, SJW dressing is just overly "normal" if you disect it, which makes it wierd in a day like today.
But you can dress however. That guy looks pretty fashionable
I'm 27 and make 6 figs writing code. Don't need mommy's money
>which you can't
t. poorfag
how low do you have to go to ask the literally most retarded echo chamber on the internet for permission to do something
get it together man
also yes
how does being useful make me poor?
Are you asking if you're allowed to do it or if dressing like that is a clear sign of being an SJW?
Answer to both is yes
yeah. he doesn't even look like a faggot imo. just dress normally with clothes that fit well.
Youre allowed to be whoever the fuck you want, lefty sheep
you can dress however and have w/e political views but why wear your hat like a fag just so that people can see your gay ass fringe
also I can't wait for this beard fad to die. used to represent masculinity, now represents numale faggotry, the size of the beard being a measure of how insecure about his masculinity that guy feels.
looks pretty normal other than the stupid hat
me, i like a little flair!
>pic related
>Caring about what a bunch of autists on a Flipino BBQ forum think of your wardrobe
Dress however you want man, unless you're from /fa/, then fuck off back there.
No, if it quacks like a duck it's a duck.
Fuck off with that elitist "poorfag" shit. Function over form, do what works.
Yeah. In fact infiltrate the lefty gypsters and get in Sup Forums worthy arguments till lefty rage splergmode happens and film it.
Pic related is not hipster/saw attire, it's just outdoorsy. He's wearing a Carhartt jacket and hat, which has a reputation for work wear and outdoorsy shit, and is too mainstream for the hipster cred.
Yes. I do.
Big fucking no no.
Ya, that's pretty normal fall attire.
If you wear that hat 70% of passersby and 60% of your "friends" and acquaintences will whisper to themselves in their heads: ".. what a faggot"
Come at me, bro.
Can't afford to get the clothes dirty?
Like I said: poorfag
no, thats cuck shit
I'm pretty sure that's a hipster Carhartt collab
Carhartt fits like absolute shit 90% of the time unless you're on permabulk.
If you don't dress like this you will never be accepted as right wing.
what the fuck? i said you'll get your clothes dirty if you do stuff that actually contributes to the world around your pitiful, squalling drudgery of an existence, you inbred cretinous dipshit
the implication is that getting your clothes dirty is a positive
Yes, but only because the guy in the picture is outside and it looks like it might be chilly.
Nobody should ever wear a hat like that unless they are outside and it is cold. People who wear those hats inside or when it's not cold should be turned into soylent green.
Wear what? A fucking shift, pants and jacket? Is it the beanie that triggers you little faggots?
I'm onto you, Tetsuya Nomura! I didn't realize you were a Sup Forums kinda guy though.
>change your oil without looking on the internet
what if I drive a mercedes?
If you don't look homeless you aren't red pulled. Wearing decent clothes is for numale cucks who are so insecure they have to dress to impress everyone around them
Of course not OP! You would be deceiving everyone who looks at you! Thats very impolite!
>not dressing like an Ivy chad
I wear karhartt occasionally. for work. the only place it should be worn at.
fellow mercedes owners will disown you for dressing like that, so the problem really take care of itself.
>Fishing rod
gigi looks patrician as FUCK in this
not even gonna lie, bitch is killing the game
Honestly the ideal aesthetic for anyone outside the world is bearded with a jacket that smells like cosmoline.
What if i can only do the first two but vehicles are like magic to me?
Hold the gun to a mechanics head
Fishing is a right wing hobby.
PNW. Everyone drives a subaru.
So do I sell my car or get new clothes?
sell your faggot Mercedes.
Living proof, cunts
is that you??