Is there a movie that doesn't piss off Tumblr or the Conservacucks?
Anything Sup Forums?
Any good movies?
Is there a movie that doesn't piss off Tumblr or the Conservacucks?
Anything Sup Forums?
Any good movies?
I'd say Disney but even conservacucks get mad at the morals of those stories.
>Any good movies?
not really, no
few and far between
the point of movies is social engineering and brainwashing
very few are art
nope. Outrage culture is took strong. both sides want to be offended and fight for a cause.
>He doesn't know what Conservacucks hate
user, please.
One example is the Last Jedi. Or anything with women in it.
I'm a conservative and I loved Phantom Thread, where the main characters are a woman and a gay.
Maybe Hollywood should just make good movies?
Of course I don't, I'm not American.
Upstream Color.
wait, you want a movie that doesn't piss off tumblr or the conservatives and also considered good by Sup Forums?
Tumblr loves Disney which is strange when you think about it considering they are one of the largest capitalist media companies in the world and fill their films with cultural appropriation
now throw a movie title or go kill yourself
Conservacucks hate anything with black people, women leads, women with dyed hair, diversity of any kind really, and especially multiculturalism (this includes different animal species coexisting)
well i would've thrown more than one but you changed my mind
The Exorcist
Catch Me If You Can
I'm pretty confident that religious conservacucks hate that movie desu
I'd say movies that bash guns and police and military are anti-conservative. Most of the gay and "diverse" movies are just movies with directors that think being black fag makes you interesting.
bone tomahawk
If you get pissed off by opposing viewpoints in film, it's probably not because you're from Tumblr or Sup Forums, but because you're a brainlet
They might praise it for describing what happens when you dabble in the "dark arts." The girl was playing with an Ouija board wasn't she? The movie only proves their point and reinforces their faith.
who cares?
My Nigga
>women with dyed hair
I'm conservative and this is the only thing on your list that I automatically don't like. I am fine with all that shit unless it is being used like a crowbar to advance some agenda. I am open minded. I just think conservatism is a far better method of governance. The only liberals I hate are the Lena Dunham type who are aggressive preachy spazzy types that can't just live and let live. You know, the same way libs hate Christians who are the same way. You get it now?
Oh I thought Sup Forums is just being Sup Forums, I guess everyone here is a conservative but you.
Which one? Because of you're referring to the the remake, you're a fucking asshat
You don't seriously expect to get a genuine response out of a person like that do you? He's trolling for (you)s
Look buddy, you've probably had a bad day. No need to be rude.
>Thinking anyone would recommend the remake