Would this be a good idea?
Would this be a good idea?
only if she is disabled and transexual. anything less is biggoted desu
She was just a black female Q though
Oh my god this is hilarious. It isn't enough that minorities got some representation. now womyn are bootyblasted and want their handout. PLEASE I hope this gains traction. The shitstorms will be epic
she needs to get COLONIZED by spiderman
fitting name
>Representation MATTERS
why do socialists keep pushing this headline? What exactly does it even mean, that black people can only enjoy seeing other black people on the tv?
Isn't the mantle of the black panther specifically handed down from father to son?
How about you use some of the dozens of lady heroes that already exist, or make some new ones instead of trying to appropriate a character that was JUST introduced in the movies.
All that's going to do is just potentially alienate your existing audience to pander to a market that doesn't really give a shit about this character in the first place.
No its not a good idea because every single movie needs to cater to me, a white male, because somehow I'm the real one that's oppressed
Can’t they wait at least a year before they complain the big major black superhero isn’t diverse enough?
>Handed down from father to son
Jesus christ man, not ALL sons have dicks.
I lol'd
but this isn't gonna happen and highsnobiety is trash and should be ignored anyway
Get Lupita in a skin tight suit and id watch it on theaters
Black people are racist
I checked out during this whole fight when I realized that they were going to make those two girls join the fight for some reason and they just needed something to do.
>attacks bad guy in suit that has damage absorption
>she designed it
>she knows
This is correct. Same reason a Black Widow or Hawkeye movie wouldn't work. Very rarly can a character make a good spin off film. Only one off the top of my head is Bill Murray in Space Jam.
>when you have everything catered to you any push for equality seems like injustice to you
or however the quote goes you faggot
Vixen is female Black Panther but she is a DC character and had a manchild-targeted cartoon a couple years ago that tied into the life action Arrow series.
I love it when these idiots make this kind of shitty article and forget the entire researching part, I just wish somebody would finally fire them all for not doing their job properly.
This is like saying no one would like Arnie films, because most people aren't bodybuilders.
Holy shit! Does this mean Wakanda is a patriarchy? Feminists are stupid.
t. jew
Nobody deserves representation.
Humanity is always at its best when everyone is on edge.
uhhh excuse me bigot pepe is a hate symbol
prepare to get banned
calling the ADL right now
Is there someone not retarded at warner brothers that see's the cash in opportunity for finally making a really good animal man adaptation?
Who's fat ugly jew daughter do I need to marry to get the job as an executive producer for one of these studios. I'll make you a fucking fortune and we might fuck up and accidentally make some good movies people remember in the process.
I didn't know vixen got a show though, was it any good at all?
i cant wait for this trend to die
Never assume malice where ignorance (or greed) will suffice.
Those bombastic titles and bylines get clicks, usually from angry fucking neckbeards who spam it all over social media and Sup Forums where people who are old enough to remember when this kind of gay shit was called "The Blogosphere" and treated it with the appropriate amount of dismissive derision as it deserves.
Web 2.0 and post millennial gen z garbage pail kids, lacking this perspective and adamant to not listen to their elders (like every generation before refused to do) and thought this goofy bullshit is serious, and so they react in their kneejerk fashion and advertise these stupid fucking articles FOR FREE.
Print and Journalism are dead because people would rather have their jimmies rustled instead.
>He thinks consumeristic cape shit will end
you do realize that second movie would flop? i mean novelty wears off quickly
>i mean novelty wears off quickly
18 movies user.
18 fucking movies.
14 more in various stages of production as of now.
Literally infinity more planned.
And that's just Marvel/Disney.
Everyone has been waiting a decade for the novelty to wear off.
what do they want? Like what is their ideal situation? Where a black panther movie is all about only the black female characters, and the only thing black panther about it is the title?
Did they just assume T'challa's gender?
>Everyone has been waiting a decade for the novelty to wear off.
why it doesnt? i dont understand. do people really need this cheap entertainment?
Yeah. They're very petty in that regard.
I assume it's pretty bad since I was into Arrow at the time it aired and only heard about the show when all episodes finished airing and just before Vixens crossover episode happened.
>It's a Sup Forums scours the internet for a clickbait blogpost written to cater to maybe 500 people and screeches about it, only giving it more attention episode
>Sup Forums continues calling it insane while simultaneously telling everyone that they're part of a jew conspiracy to weaken the white race by advocating soy products therefore making white women pursue interracial relationships
>Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums
Kek u mad nigger faggot?
>No I swear it's not me I just hang out with them and get mad when people criticize them
I was thinking about this. I think at this point they've been making these movies for so long that by the time one group starts to grow out of it, there's a brand new group of kids hitting the FUCK YEAH SUPER HEROES age.
While everyone complains that they're all the same shit over and over, that's mostly story structure, the characters themselves and settings have some variation to them, and if you don't like one character there's probably another that vaguely catches your interest enough to pirate it or a drunken impulse rent at the redbox or VOD.
At the end of the day I think you just have to hang it on Feige for apparently being the last producer in hollywood that knows what the fuck they're doing.
>Space Jam 2
Yes, please.
Wakanda is literally a tribalistic, xenophobic, conservative homogenous ethnostate wherein there is a large wall meant to isolate the country from neighboring undesirables in other poorer countries.
No, rabid leftists cannot see the irony in this because all they see is the lack of white people and it validates their delusion.
That being said, the film itself was relatively apolitical and well-made, even if it was still mired in the tried-and-true Marvel formula. I enjoyed watching it for what it was: a superhero flick.
it feels like it's a steady investment and nothing more. i mean plenty of people already know characters from comics and plus you have source material.
The comics did the female Black Panther thing. It didn't go well.
>No, rabid leftists cannot see the irony in this because all they see is the lack of white people and it validates their delusion.
The entire point is that he changes his mind because he realizes it's a bad idea to isolate yourself, I really don't get this argument that it's secretly a redpilled gem
Shuri, the last leader before the fall of Wakanda.
No wonder it fell, she's a woman and black.
Never was implying that it was redpilled, just that it's ironic that people praise it for being exactly what many people hate about Nazism.
There's also a benefit of the fact that since Marvel sold off most of their really popular licenses years before they were bought by Disney, so they've had to develop a lot of B and C list titles and it gives them a little bit more latitude to use the characters.
You make a movie about the Big 3, Batman, Superman, Spiderman you get people crawling out of the woodwork to scream about how they completely fucked up the character.
Meanwhile no one gave a shit about tony stark before RDJ came along. All general audiences knew is that he had a robot suit, and MAYBE if they were into comics, knew he had a drinking problem. Steve Rogers? Boyscout who punched hitler in the face, frozen in ice, now in the modern age (even though in the comics he's been dethawed longer than he was frozen). Bruce Banner/Hulk? Bill Bixby, sad walking away music, campy tv show. Thor? Surfer Chad looking guy, was mentioned in that one movie where the babysitter takes the kids on an adventure in chicago you saw on WGN when you were home sick with the flu when you were 8.
You're not beholden to a fanbase you can never make happy.
Then they throw weirdo curveballs like hiring former troma alumni James Gunn to direct a guardians of the literally fucking who? movie that turned into the closest thing we have to fun space opera in a world where star trek and star wars movies are both currently being made.
No star wars toys are a failure, to the point that toys r us is dead
also isn't the first black panther the guy from avengers 1,000,000 bc?
>Nazism is isolationist and conservative
Based. Also more gay black men.
>movie that turned into the closest thing we have to fun space opera
is GoG that good? i feel like better franchises are abandoned like Spider Jerusalem and Sandman.
Nevermind female Black Panther, I think they could of introduce Storm for the next movie but I've heard they're gonna do man ape's storyline next...also Storm would probably enter in conflict with his current MCU love interest probably. So i dont know but that could give some awesome stories
anyways post IW era, BP's sequel is definitely one of the superhero movies i'm looking forward most
>Grand Nagus Tyrone?
I need to lay off the beetlesnuff.
Honestly the best of the marvel movies by a wide margin. It knows what it is and manages to do it without trying some serious melodrama
imagine if Iron Man 1 would flopped. there wouldnt be anymore of those movies.
The theory is that by pandering to increasingly smaller demographics will somehow net you more money in the long run.
This. Hiring James Gunn was the best idea Marvel had.
>being actually retarded and not just pretending
I enjoyed GoG 2 as well
I'd be down for a female in a skintight panther suit.
>ends wakanda isolation
>last BP after wakanda collapse
what did they mean by this
I hate Marvel movies. But I just can't seem to hate both GOTG filsm(Thor 3 was alright, if only because of Jeff Goldblum). They feel like part of a much better series.
>here's why
I think Marvel films that incorporate stylistic choices of other genres are usually the best:
>Iron Man
The original well-made formula that most other Marvel films are based off of. Proved that correct casting with solid directing and a watertight script can make a superhero film appeal to everyone.
>Captain America: The First Avenger
Period piece action-adventure.
Lighthearted sci-fi adventure with a churlish group of heroes and the right amount of comedy with an imaginative director.
>Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Spy and political thriller interwoven with a well-choreographed action film.
Heist movie disguised as a superhero film with a welcome descalation in scale.
The same premise that made the first great, albeit a bit more introspective and mature with its characters and a natural expansion on the themes of the first film.
>Thor: Ragnarok
A full-on space fantasy comedy with some fun action scenes and a surprising amount of emotional heft when it got serious.
>was mentioned in that one movie where the babysitter takes the kids on an adventure in chicago you saw on WGN when you were home sick with the flu when you were 8.
this was too deep a reference for me
shes going to be the new IRON MAN
>is GoG that good?
I liked it. It's not high cinema you can sit there and dissect but its really slick visually, a lot of great sets, a solid dadrock soundtrack, and manages to make you have some feels about a cartoon plant voiced by vin diesel.
Also plenty of ayy lmaofu's. If you're into that kind of thing.
It's biggest detriment is that it's ultimately tied to the MCU. The second one is completely standalone, but I wouldn't have minded a little bit more galaxy hopping. It needed at least one other interesting location. But I liked it, can't really go wrong with Kurt Russel hamming it up as a living planet named Ego.
And while it's got quips and humor it fits the tone and is very in the style of Gunn. It's got just the right amount of camp you need for good space opera. It takes itself seriously enough to sell the premise, but at the same time you have a homicidal retard that can't into humor and a cartoon racoon as main cast members, so it never gets lost up its ass.
Pic related, it's great. The little girl character has a thing for thor. That and the made for tv Incredible Hulk movie that no one alive remembers are really your mainstream cultural insertion points for thor.
Valhallen in Dexter maybe? In a sweet airbrushed mural on the side of a panel van that reeks of rank ass and reefer?
They all look more white than black.
Ladies just got Wonder Woman and will get Captain Marvel soon enough. Stop being greedy. Time for some Asian representation.