One of the best horror films I've seen recently and my favorite atmospheric one after The VVitch

One of the best horror films I've seen recently and my favorite atmospheric one after The VVitch.

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the Vvitch is overrated garbagé

Fuck you dude. The Witch was amazing. I agree with OP. The Blackcoats daughter was really good, very eerie soundtrack. But the movie isn't for everyone. The 3 girls in the movie were kino. Emma Roberts

Fun fact: This was written and directed by the guy who played the nerd in Legally Blonde

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I'd rather watch 86 minutes of Rooney Mara eating apple pie on the floor than this boring mess of a movie.

Totally agree. Was blown away by how good this was. Kiernan Shipka was phenomenal. She's the only one that has played "creepy" convincingly. I've recommended this movie to everybody who likes horror. True horror kino.

Best Emma by far

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I liked it. But not as much as VVitch.
Also didn't buy that Roberts is 7 years older version of Kiernan

Yeah she was great in this I hope she's in more films soon.

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Please A Ghost Story put me to sleep where as this kept me completely engaged throughout.

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I understand why people might dislike A Ghost Story. But it's def in my top 5 of 2017. The emotions it put me through was rough.

>Please A Ghost Story put me to sleep where as this kept me completely engaged throughout.
Why would you expose yourself as an ultimate pleb?

Me too. Patrician slowburncore.

t. got confused by the timelines

Whats harder to buy is that the parents would not recognize the person that killed their daughter.

Scenes like this get even better on a second viewing, even down to the very first time you see her and the priest asks her if she thinks something is funny. Its like it was made for a second viewing in mind. Kiernan's segments are by far the strongest parts of the film, I think they are strong enough that the Emma Roberts parts seem superfluous.

Based trivia poster. This was a good Sup Forums post.

One is a traditional straight forward horror movie inspired by some of the greats and the other is an up its own arse pseudo art movie. Not seeing why you would connect the two together what so ever. If anything you would compare Blackcoats to something like It Comes at Night at a push.

If you like the VVItch then you have good taste. I'll watch it tonight.

>The Black Cock's Daughter
>Starring Kiki
What did they mean by this

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I wouldn't really call Ghost Story a traditional straight forward horror movie, but I agree that Blackcoat's Daughter is an up its own arse pseudo art movie.

>Blackcoat's Daughter
One of the worst aspects of the film is predictability.

You do not put a 4:3 Vignette on your movie and get to come out the other side without being a complete insufferable cunt.

So everything must be by the book with no derivation whatsoever. The 4:3 Vignette fits perfectly to an intimate film, but then again I don't judge films by their aspect ratios.

>So everything must be by the book with no derivation whatsoever.
Who said that, I said you don't get to pull complete pseudo-intellectual bollocks and get away with it. "Intimate" fuck right off you stupid smug fuck.

Agreed OP. Before those it was Kill List, everything else has been shit for over a decade.

This is a troll, because the movie drags on and on, no nudity, no point. The Strangers sequel is better than this, and underrated tbqh

really liked the music
>no nudity
huge letdown

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>tfw your devil-husbando doesn't want you no more

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God damn it user did you have to mention the vvitch? Now I have to see this movie.

Got kind of cheesy at a few parts and was painfully predictable, the flashbacks didn't help, but it's still pretty comfy and the atmosphere they create is great. Isolation in the snow is always kino. A solid 6.8/10 desu. Waifukino. Also plot twist: Lucy Boynton was best girl

>pseudo-intellectual bollocks
You mean what? The dialogue by the douche that was disproved by the film's theme or that 4:3 Vignette is in itself pseudo-intellectual bollocks? You seem to be the stupid smug fuck with your vague arguments.

The VVitch is masterpiece on the level of Hour of the Wolf by Bergman. This movie is just another okayish horror film of 2010s that seems to full of similar slow-paced horror films. Lower your expectation drastically if you choose to watch it.

This movie isn't like the VVitch. It's just a slower burn psychological thriller.

>the VVitch is a masterpiece
Absolutely. I think The VVitch is the greatest pleb-filter of the 2010s, it revealed how many people on Sup Forums are pure-bred plebs who genuinely only watch capeshit and shlock horror, so many people shit on The VVitch and their only criticism is always
it's one of the best movies of the 2010s and I really, really hope we get more atmospheric historic-horror.

Well shit. I did not know.

I loved the VVitch but Blackcoats Daughter is my favorite horror movie to come out in over a decade.
True pleb filter

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>I loved the VVitch but Blackcoats Daughter is my favorite horror movie to come out in over a decade
Sure, everyone has their own subjective opinion...
>True pleb filter
Fuck off with your shit. There is absolutely nothing in this film that screams masterpiece. Decent film that will be forgotten and maybe someone will mention it in "recommend a slow-burning horror film from 2017", but other than that it's nothing special

Why do plebs always get so upset when they can't understand, or stay interested in an objectively good movie?

>they can't understand, or stay interested in an objectively good movie
Decent film that is nothing special doesn't mean the film isn't good.

Is it weird that I remember exactly what this character is going all facial about, after all these years?

>Emma Roberts
The only thing keeping me from seeing this, I'd say.

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she's better then that slag


Doubt it. I think you just looked up the plot and haven't actually seen it.

>pleb backpeddling when called out by a superior human

>You're either with us or against us
Are sure you aren't supposed to be talking about social justice on tumblr?

Were you really surprised by the ending? I just didn't know how else it could end. I understand if it was an "ah, okay" -moment for you, but not if you were actually shocked.

i bet he has a really THICCC Cock

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