Occult Child Sacrifice Island

This is Little Saint James Island owned by convicted billionaire financial jew pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein.

The same Epstien who owned the Lolita Express Jet that Bill Clinton rode several dozen times.

Take a look at this Building located on his secluded private island, notice anything strange?

Because I see owls of Minerva.

Here have a closers look.


What kind of occult shit is this?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=little saint james island bull&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&source=lnms&prmd=simvn&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiAn6qf-43QAhXrw1QKHfa4DGsQ_AUICCgC&biw=360&bih=511&dpr=1.5#tbm=isch&q=little saint james island cow&imgrc=gTNRumJ9_dxOKM:

Also, I need some occult experts to decipher the strange marking on the ground next to the building.

I drew it out in pic related.

This picture might be upside down by the way, sorry.

Please bump the thread, we need to know what this means.

I checked this island on Google Maps and it's really small and owned by him indeed. WTF is that circle thing in the middle though? It's a bit bigger than a tennis court.

I don't know, this entire island is masked in mystery.

Be careful making direct claims of abhorrent crimes. It can be considered defamation and you can be arrested. Continue researching, but be careful how you word your posts. Tell others too.

What's it derived from?


Fuck those owls man.

What are the indegious species of frogs on this island?

Can we import a highly invasive frog species and then we the system crashes take this island for ourselves and make it meme island?

Uhhhh.... he's a convicted criminal you dumb fucking nigger.


occult pedo child sacrificer detected

I wasn't talking about Epstein and you're an idiot for thinking I was.

No idea, it's the markings on the ground, check the video link I posted in the OP.

Looks fucking weird, and it's not for decoration, it's an obvious cypher

The place has so much attention:

either it's hidden in plain sight nowadays, or they've moved elsewhere (which would be easy to accomplish)



That's a fucking bull that represents Moloch,


The golden calf from the Old Testament?

Now is this bull golden and look like it has a furnace in its belly?

We need to decipher that marking. It may give us clues.

Could the Cuban tree frog be our guy Sup Forums?

Looks like a clock without the 2nd hand.

Goyim, moloch is husband of minerva and is represented as a bull or cow. Popular to burn children inside of, Leviticus demanded death of those who even witnessed.

that symbolism though

Plz be my ai gf

Reeeee I've seen that blue and white stone stripe style before. Can't remember where. Maybe a mosque, maybe a Byzantine church


Moloch is the Biblical name of a Canaanite god.
Canaanite may refer to:

Canaan and Canaanite people, a historical/Biblical region and people in the area of the present-day Levant


>bigger than a tennis court.

Looks like a sun dial. If so, might have to do with occult time keeping possibly.


It'd be fucking nice if this thread would stop getting slid

That's more likely a sun dial then


probably nothing but I knew I recognized the style.




Right there for the wold to see.


>Popular to burn children inside of

hey dummy, actually they made a gold plated bronze statue and heated the shit up with fire until it's red hot then they put the children in it and they vaporize in terror pain which the archons ingest because terror pain is their favorite

Can you find a better source than Wikipedia?

Byzantine came to mind for me as well

He's right you know. But what would a sand dial have to do with occults? Any known occults that use these?




are these threads auto-saging?



I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?

Marina Abramovic invited the Podesta brothers to a "Spirit Cooking dinner" at her place.

Spirit Cooking is some sort of book written by Marina Abramovic, apparently detailing some sort of bizarre satanic ritual.

SPIRIT COOKING Marina Abramovic amazon.com/Spirit-cooking-essential-aphrodisiac-recipes/dp/B0006QR844

Pics of the book - editionjs.com/img/abramovic/ -

Video of Abramovic in what appears to be her setting up to do said ritual: youtube.com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E

What happens if we grab a boat and try to get there?


I can't, sorry. I was just replying to user who asked for source and remembered that's where it was from as I was browsing the wikipedia earlier.

There is no citation so we don't know how it got there. There is nothing on the talk page.

With video camera equipment of course.


google.com/search?q=little saint james island bull&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&source=lnms&prmd=simvn&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiAn6qf-43QAhXrw1QKHfa4DGsQ_AUICCgC&biw=360&bih=511&dpr=1.5#tbm=isch&q=little saint james island cow&imgrc=gTNRumJ9_dxOKM:

This is getting too fucking deep.

The Will of Kek.

There's nothing there and nothing worth seeing there. SAGE. It's just an average Carribean island.

>tfw you will never ride the Lolita Express
>you will never step onto the jet as a cute 12 yo loli pilot happily greets you "welcome aboard, oniichan~"
>the loli flight attendants will never serve you their home cooked meals and then ask if you want a blowjob as well while eating
>you will never have a sleepy loli passenger snuggled up next to you on the Lolita express

Why even live

water tank

source: Am 1%er, know a guy who brokers for private islands.

>pic related is a couple in southern california for comparison.

It's either a top down view of a water storage tank or one of these




FOUND THE SOURCE: on-stjohn.com/2009/04/04/a-billionaires-cow/

Not Moloch unfortunately.

holy shit this. We can make it look like one of the plagues from the book of Exodus.
>inb4 we call this plan operation Exodus when we save all of the child sex slaves from the island

its a sun dial



that is a synagogue

ask /x/, they have general for symbols

Does anyone remember the Ukrainian revolution a few years ago? I remember citizens storming a politicians house and finding some pretty occult stuff, like skinned chickens and weird cow statues.

Remember those threads some months ago, with the Owl of Minerva stuff, and Obama talking about the fake Sandy Hook massacre owl picture? This shit is real, and it has to come out in the mainstream at some point. Truth will out. I mean, how many people already know about these occult pedophiles and their weird rituals? Must be thousands... maybe tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands.. No way this is gonna stay hidden. It's everywhere, look at the golden bull in the middle of Wall Street for crying out loud. It all must come out. For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Those aren't owls, they're Falcons, a reference to Horus .

Owls are noble creatures.

That site is sick "a guy we affectionately refer to as Richie Rich"

"who got himself in the news" like its no big deal.

they wouldn't need one of those, the entities can communicate directly through the mind

I already made a thread asking for help.

The email: wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15893

The woman: editionjs.com/img/abramovic/

The "spirit cooking" ritual: youtube.com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E

>Moloch is literally Saturn
>Minerva/Athena being married to Saturn/Kronos
Nigga you retarded. Remember that the Masons/early Illuminati used to be the good guys before they were taken over by Jews, they used the Owl as one of their original symbols because Minerva/Athena is based (Literally the namesake of the founding city of Western Civilization).

[citation needed]

doesn't look like a water tank honestly. looks like it's level with the ground and there's a long shadow from the centre.

You're an anti-Semite.

Thats the statue

this is really weird

Bing maps shows the entire compound destroyed.

How much security you suppose the island has?
Any anons in the Virgin Islands want to pack shit, take a long range boat and visit this island ? Take some pics, infiltrate if possible

literally a synagogue of satan. the palm trees and stripey stuff look masonic but i think it's just a common eastern occult thing

Guys this is creeping me out. Never expected any Cult shit actually happening.
Also bump for interest


Moloch is the Biblical name of a Canaanite god.

Canaanite may refer to: Canaan and Canaanite people, a historical/Biblical region and people in the area of the present-day Levant


r we domed?

You realize that's a one way trip to rape/death right?

That building is incredibly ugly, it's beyond tasteless.
All those shekels, dirt on elites and lolis still couldn't buy Epstein good taste.

>artifical intelligence

He wants to harvest our meme magic


>2nd hand
>how many 2nds in a minute
>wait just a 2nd

apparently /x/ is too busy wondering what will happen if they kill themselves to help. Fitting

Why is JOHN PODESTA - former chief of staff for Bill Clinton and current chairman for Hillary's campaign - engaging in "Spirit Cooking" events at occultist Marina Abramovic's house? This implies a personal relationship.

> wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15893

What the fuck is Spirit Cooking? I quick search led me to this vile shit -

> youtube.com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E

For what reason is a chief staffer for the Cliton's associating with this witch? Is it true that the world's elites are all practicing occultists? I'm a skeptic but what the fuck.

Is there a way to know which one is more up to date?

>>Minerva/Athena being married to Saturn/Kronos
>Nigga you retarded.

When was Athena supposed to be married to Kronos? Kronos is imprisoned under Tartaros because he was defeated by Zeus.

earlier thread today had timestamps - Bing was most recent. i don't have a thread link though


They're either destroying the evidence, or its being censored.

Cease your attempts at searching for information, you will not find anything. All significant information does not exist in plain site, you must be a piece of our puzzle to know of our activities. Again, give up now as your attempts to uncover anything of importance is futile. Time is of value, don't waste it on that which you should never know.

One who lies where the rainbow ends

no, this is our guy

What if we periscope it or stream the whole thing?


A group of Owls is called a Parliament

Only way to know is if someone goes there

What the fuck


From the Portuguese wikipedia:
''The Ancient Greeks identified this Canaanite god, Adored By Carthaginians with the sacrifice of babies, as Cronos, 'Time's God' ''

Maybe they should test it out

God damn it Sup Forums, stop memeing owls.

That's what I was saying, OP doesn't know his ancient mythology or occult history.

Nice trips m8

>what is spirit cooking?

Probably boiling innocent children in a cauldron to appease their God Moloch


>One who lies where the rainbow ends
You're a leprechaun?

Man that guy has traveled to all the places David Duke has been to. I bet they know each other by now.

wrong. Look at the shadows. The circle itself does not have any shadow but rather some brush or trees are casting a shadow over it. Based on the way the shadows slightly curve upward it looks as if it is a depression in the shape of a dome.

Fucking Goldeneye