So can anybody tell me why this movie is so revered? I mean, I like it well enough...

So can anybody tell me why this movie is so revered? I mean, I like it well enough, but it's always made me scratch my head when I see people sucking its dick. It's an entertaining mob biopic with a few scenes of good camera work. Which is nice, but it's not high art. It's not the best crime movie, both of the first two Godfathers were much better, and I honestly don't even think it's the best Scorsese movie. So why do I occasionally see people talk about it like it's the pinnacle of filmmaking?

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OP is a fag, is a fag.

Because it's fun

It's was the beginning of the end for Scorcese's descent into "entertainment" bilge. There's the odd surprise kino like Bringing Out The Dead and Silence but most of Scorcese's post 80s films are video game fodder.

op here, this is actually pretty funny

Yea, I definitely like a lot of his earlier movies better. After Hours and King of Comedy are my favorites, but I haven't seen Taxi Driver or Raging Bull in like a decade, and I think RB specifically was over my head back then.

It's a far better mob movie than "The Godfather," in my opinion. The Godfather is a good movie, but as a statement on mob life and organized crime, it's muddy. Coppola fetishizes and glorifies the whole "family" aspect of organized crime, Scorsese reveals that whole thing to be a lie and a con job. They're not "family," that angle is just a way for them to lure in lonely kids and convince them to keep their mouths shut, but they'd all kill each other in a heartbeat if it made them rich or kept them out of prison.

That's the world of Goodfellas. Scorsese pulls off a balancing act where he paints a very clear picture of why this lifestyle is attractive and seductive, and the "high" they're living in before it all starts to fall apart. So it's clear why the characters like it and want to be a part of it, but it's never romanticized or built up like it is in The Godfather films. You're just hanging around with a gang of petty, frequently stupid, foul-mouthed sociopaths just looking for a way to fuck somebody over.

It's a funny, entertaining movie, but it's also pitch-black all the way through and does not hold back at all on the bottom-of-the-barrel ugliness inside these people. This is a film made with a strong, spiritual sense of good and evil, from the perspective of a filmmaker who is obviously attracted to "evil" himself and wants to explore why it seems like so much fun to do the wrong thing. He sticks to true stories and resists easy, "satisfying" moral messages, and shows how these guys create Hell for themselves and everyone around them even if they don't get a big cathartic "punishment" at the end.

It's also fucking hilarious and one of the most quotable movies of all time

Isn't The Godfather set several decades earlier? And it follows people of higher rank than anybody in Goodfellas too. It's definitely entertaining, but I find it more shallow. Godfather has broader themes and more complex characters, and honestly just better filmmaking, with better cinematography and better subtext. The second one as well.

>It's definitely entertaining, but I find it more shallow.
for clarity, i meant goodfellas

Godfather is opera, goodfellas is rock n roll. Never understood the comparison beyond the superficial similarity of starring gangsters.

Godfather is cinema. Goodfellas is video games.

You telling my you don't understand why they're compared because they have different aesthetics? Which even still have some significant overlap? Why would you be so willfully dense?

Nah, I liked the other user's analogy better.

I don't think it's a "shallow" movie, but it is definitely populated by shallow characters. You're right that it's focused on different parts of the mob, and these guys might be a little bit smarter at the highest levels. But "Goodfellas" shows the mob that Scorsese grew up around, they really are just a bunch of petty backstabbing thugs, and to give them the kind of depth & operatic pathos you see in "The Godfather" would flatter them unrealistically.

But you're not wrong that The Godfather films are great, I just think you're not giving Goodfellas enough credit

Would Paulie be the same rank as Clemenza and Tessio?

Rock and Roll isn't denigrating enough to the absolute piece of shit that is Goodfellas.

What? Does op amuse you is he fucking here to amuse you?

your life is moba shit, you braindamaged turdsucker.

>Isn't The Godfather set several decades earlier? And it follows people of higher rank than anybody in Goodfellas too.
Doesn't matter, The mob isn't and never was elegant that meme started just for one well-know photo.
They don't give a fuck about family, this isn't the yakuza.

I think its funny how so many gangster rappers love this movie when its about a snitch


Mafia 3 the video game had a great storyline user

What the fuck user.
Mafia 3 is by far the worst mafia game.

Fuck no i started playing it a couple days ago that shit goes hard man Im really enjoying it mafia 2 was great dont get me wrong but mafia 3 is bad ass

You wouldn't compare a comedy to a drama even if they were both about politics for example. It's just stupid. I understand comparing godfather to once upon a time in America because they share an operatic quality, a melancholic autumnal tone, similar themes about growing up around violence. The gangster setting is just a backdrop to explore the themes. The movies would still work in other settings. I understand comparing goodfellas to scarface because there's the legacy of 30s wb gangster films through the filter of new Hollywood cynicism, impulsive sociopaths running on nothing but greed and until their inevitable self implosion, violence and stupidity sold as entertainment. Here, reveling in man's violent behavior and seeing how the gangsters operate is the primary appeal, the core of these movies.

Lmao at the comment section people all butt hurt because the protagonist is a colored person

that's person of color you fucking bigot

Which do you think is better, Goodfellas or Scarface?

I learned a good place to hide a gun from watching Goodfellas

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>game called mafia
>dont play as mafioso like in the other two installments, but instead you need to play some black guy because its hip to be "diversive"

i can understand the anger.

>complaining about not playing mafioso in a thread a bout a film that followed three people in a mob film that werent mafioso

Goodfellas is more like biopic of Henry Hill who happened to be in the mobs. You probably have to rethink the way you see this film. This film is really text book example of how the narrative story should be conducted, & the parts where Martin utilized a tracking shot, a billy zoom, & useage of bumping the frame rates to catch the menacing, are very educational to study as well. You user should study more basic of physicality film making to appreciate this masterpiece.

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> video game fodder.
What do you mean ? Example!? You gotta back up your point YO !!!

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Kill yourself, Review Screw. Rogue One was video game fodder.

and the film is called goodfellas and not mafia, so its a complettly different point.
besides, tommy is executed right before he was supposed get in the family, so i would say that still counts.

Goodfellas > Godfather 1 > power gap > Godfather 3 > power game > godfather 2 > mean streets

Are you me op? I literally just finished watching this and was about to make this post. Movie was way worse than I remembered. I even started getting bored right before henry goes to jail.

Am I the only one who thought 'The Departed' was fucking amazing?

Scarface baby are you kidding
>it is a tough choice famalamadingdong

He wasnt even a nigger either they say his mom was Dominican and his dad was white/italian

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself

Ok, thanks user.

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There will only ever be one scarface, and it's not the one you're thinking of.

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I don't know how anybody can hate Goodfellas or Godfather, both are fucking perfect.

it was definitely good but just not Goodfellas/Casino level

what does any of this have to do which movie is better? all you did was talk about different approaches to filmmaking from coppola and marty. all you did was speaking vaguely about aspects. you didn't mention one thing about filmmaking or why is one movie actually better than the other. honestly you sound like a garbage person or a huff post blogger

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His comments were spot on though, guy.

Goodfellas is just more punchy and dynamic, fitting as Henry's rise and demise can be attributed to cocaine.
Idk what else to say, it's a far more stylish and seductive flick and has a ton of memorable scenes.

This is spot on. Coppola's romantic vision of family as though its a sanctifying grace of the moral rot at the heart of those con men is really pretty disgusting frankly. I have no idea why people heap so much acclaim on the Godfather movies, they're romantic pieces of twaddle. Goodfellas on the other hand is only becoming more and more relevant and absorbing given the current administration that's in power. A movie about people who are content to ram their corruption and disdain down your throat without any fear of consequences.

it's comparing one great film to another, of course it's all a matter of opinion. when it comes to this subject matter it's fine to judge based on the moral approach to the characters
>why is one movie actually better than the other
why don't you just check the fucking IMDB scores to see which one has an objectively higher number if that's the kind of easy answer you want. you add nothing to this conversation you whiny cocksucking brainlet

Well the major difference is that Goodfellas is about a low level crook while The Godfather is about the head of the whole operation. Even at that level its shown that friendship means nothing and the main character loses everything he's trying to protect.

I feel like it isn't possible to compare Goodfellas vs. The Godfather since they are about two different aspects of mob life: that of the associate goons, and that of the higher interworkings of the operation.


Goodfellas isn't even about how the mob works, if it were then the movie would follow Paul Sorvin's character instead of Henry Hill. Goodfellas is about one man's experience in the mafia lifestyle

I wonder if any of you plebs actually read the book “The Godfather” which is miles better than the film itself

>the /lit/fag leaves his cave to tell people about boring shit they will never care about'
anyway the true Mob kino wiil always be Once Upon a Time in America. Also Godfather 2 > The Godfather

ok sure, but this isn't apples and oranges, it's two crime dramas about the italian mob in america.

That person is not a /lit/fag. The book would be the male mob equivalent of a romance novel. It's trash.

Once Upon a Time in America is GOAT it's true

Karen was too good for that Irish Italian mutt.

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Godfather 2 >= Once Upon a time in America > Godfather > Casino > Goodfellas

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Funny how?

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Rewatched Casino the other night. It was an odd experience for me tbqh. I always considered it to be on par with Goodfellas but after seeing it again I think it’s more flawed than previously thought. The first third of the movie is really sparsely put together narratively. Like there wasn’t much development between Ginger and Ace at all. They just meet and get married. It felt like a lot of good scenes put together rather than a consistent and fluid storyline. Rest of the film was just as good though

I appreciate all of that, but there are a fuckton of movies that do it much better. Any Kubrick, a lot of PTA (yes I know Boogie Nights is heavily influenced by Goodfellas), Coppella, and even a handful of Scorsese's stuff himself tops it. Maybe it's hard to appreciate because Goodfellas is seminal in developing a formula that looots of other movies use now, but it feels pretty standard even compared to earlier stuff. I think I saw Casino first when I was a kid too, which, to me, is almost the same movie in a lot of ways, so I think it never had the impact that comes with novelty. Even still, I like the movie, but it just never seemed special to me the way other people have said it is.

Casino is definitely messier but you could also say that there's a massive jump when it comes to Henry as a kid and then 5 minutes later he's a mob member on the same level as Jimmy. Also Casino's characters are much better well written.

the things people try to pass off as bait these days

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you like the original? wow, you must be such a special person, user. tell me more about your amazing taste in kino!

>Coppola's romantic vision of family as though its a sanctifying grace of the moral rot at the heart of those con men is really pretty disgusting frankly. I have no idea why people heap so much acclaim on the Godfather movies, they're romantic pieces of twaddle.
>being this much of a brainlet

>Goodfellas on the other hand is only becoming more and more relevant and absorbing given the current administration that's in power.

I watched Godfather 2 and I have to say I didn't like it. the film felt boring without Brando and while Micheals assent to power felt satisfying once Brando and Sunny were gone, the continuation felt unnecessary and boring to me.

It's not a bad film but how people can say it's better than Goodfelllas which is entertaining throughout is beyond me.

it goes Goodfellas > Godfather > Scarface > Godfather 2.

Goodfellas just ticks all boxes for me.

>the film felt boring without Brando
Brando was missing from half of the first film too brainlet

>he didn't watch After Hours, his most /plebfilter/ of films

Goodfellas started the process, but the film that truly deconstructed the romanticisation of the Mafia was Donnie Brasco.

It was determined to drain the Mafia of all its glamour, and set out a drab world where the organisation was wheezing through its dying days. Pacino's 'Lefty' character was the embodiment of this - an ageing Mafioso who was part of the glory years, but had no place in the Mafia in the 70s.

The Sopranos picked up this tone and ran with it a couple of years later. We have a lot to thank Donnie Brasco for.

Nigger lover

That's before Goodfellas. He said POST 80s. Agreed though, it's a fantastic and criminally underrated film, better than GF.

I'm still angry about how Karen was miscast. I don't care if she's the same age as Hendry, she looks like his mother. She's not desirable at all.

This. I remember watching Goodfellas as a kid and I hated her flabby arms during the continuous restaurant shot. Even then, I knew that he could do so much better.


She's gorgeous, although her style is a little dated. I've always thought ray liotta looked like a jackal.

you literally went through this effort to make that shitty a joke... think about your life user.

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I guess it was okay because Henry says he fell in love with her vicious temper or something like that.

Liotta nailed the predatory squint and laughing sneer so hard it never left his face and he could never act again.

>She's gorgeous
no, Sharon Stone is gorgeous

I love mature women and something about that that scene was such a turn off.

i agree

You might be the only person to ever say this

Goodfellas is based on real people and events, whereas The Godfather is more of a mythology and it's characters are more archetypal. They are in reality, almost incomparable.

>So why do I occasionally see people talk about it like it's the pinnacle of filmmaking?
maybe stop going to r/movies, OP?

Not enough being said ITT about the incredible style & pacing of this film. I guess it's been imitated a lot since then, but the way it effortlessly handles complicated relationships & character development between a large ensemble of characters, over a long period of time, is pretty amazing to watch. The wild, fast-paced editing style, constant voiceover narrations (one of the best uses of this technique in any film) and wall-to-wall pop music were all very original and experimental at the time, and still beats most of its imitators and makes for a great viewing experience today.

I've seen this movie at least 10 times, anytime it's playing on TV it just draws you right in and it's impossible to stop watching. IMO there's not a dull moment in this film, two and a half hours go by like nothing

>b8ing this hard

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Yes, i understand people not rating goodfellas highly but tarantino wouldnt have a career if goodfellas never existed. Also note this film was made in the 80s when corporate america sanitised the movie industry. The film was a big kick up the arse in many ways

Hot take: even the third Godfather is way better than Goodfellas.