Are any Predator movies other than the first one worth seeing...

Are any Predator movies other than the first one worth seeing? Do you think that the new one has any chance of being good?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Contrarians: Predator 2
True patricians: Predators
Alright: AvP
Dogshit: AvP 2
New one will either be abysmal or surprisingly good

2 and S are worth at least one watch, 2 for being kind of odd in that 90's way, and S for being a solid flick.

The new one has Shane Black, so it's got some chance of not ebbing awful. Despite everything that's comes out just making it seem worse and worse.

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Is AvP2 the one with the Predator/Alien hybrid?

Yes, and might actually have been on par at least with avp if it wasnt so poorly shot, edited, composed etc
The VFX and acting generally really werent bad at all but the people in charge of actually making it all come together just screwed the pooch

>the Predators memer is still around

Oh wow, I didn't know he was directing. So will it be like an action comedy, then?

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It's going to be a massive flop. Only the first one was any good.

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>Contrarians: Predator 2

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Predator 2 is watchable but beware the insane contrarians that insist it's a good movie, let alone the best Predator one.

>True patricians: Predators
kill you are self

Attached: planet.webm (1920x816, 1.91M)

Samefags can't deny your truth. Predator 2 fans will never cease to blow my mind.

you have to be the dumbest motherfucker ive seen here in a long time

How many fucking chromosomes do you have?

I hate to be that one guy but why did you post this image, OP?

What about it?

It's un-Christian.

I'm gonna need source on that image bro


>ywn have an angry yautja at your mercy

>You're still around

when you fapped to the uncropped pic a few days ago

>Contrarians: Predator 2
>True patricians: Predators
What does it make me if I say I liked both?

wew lad

You should watch number 2 just for the absurdity of their performances. So many over the top moments.

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