Religious themed dark fantasy/gothic/horror films

Religious themed dark fantasy/gothic/horror films

Priest, Constantine, black death, Legion, devils advocate etc

Suggestions? In the mood for this atm but can't think of anything worthwhile I haven't seen.

Attached: priest.jpg (954x1167, 675K)

There was a Gabriel
And one in which Christopher Walken and Vigo Morten were the fallen angels.

Besides the obvious Buffy and Supernatural
I can't think of any

If you liked Priest (or Demon Knight!) check out Legion for essential Religious Horror Bettany Kino

Solomon Kane

That was a very poor post user, but you'll get points for participation.

I was trying to think of a movie to add to the OP list, that was it. Couldn't remember it's name.

There's also Season of the Witch, has a similar vibe to Solomon Kane and Black death.

The Ninth Gate. Obviously.

Angel Heart.

Event horizon
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
The rite (2011)

>And one in which Christopher Walken and Vigo Morten were the fallen angels.

The Prophecy

as above so below
the exorcist
Death note

>Religious themed dark fantasy/gothic/horror films
Do Korean movies have this???
By religion I mean Christianity.
And no the wailing. I don't think The Wailing are in the same genre with Priest

As Anon1 suggest Gabriel is what you want, Got pre Spartacus Andy Whitfield as Gabriel in Purgatory.

Attached: gabriel_2007_andy_whitman_4_by_lord_iluvatar-d49mkp7.jpg (900x685, 100K)

The opening of Priest was kino, shame about the rest.

The Minion

End of Days
Gods Army


southern gothic I guess. Excellent movie though.

The VVitch
The Blackcoat's Daughter
Let Us Prey

>southern gothic
wew lad

>hey this mystery movie is pretty great
>sudden demons and superpowers

Attached: Let-Us-Prey-poster[1].jpg (2048x1535, 600K)

Tits or gtfo

I liked it except for the forced Far West aesthetics, I hate when the do that shit for apocalyptic future settings. Teen Lily was qt.

Attached: lily collins 1431709557885.jpg (2434x3462, 1.4M)

I Frankenstein