Is this man the reason so many leafs shamelessly shitpost now?
Is this man the reason so many leafs shamelessly shitpost now?
This is what happened pay attention.
Canada didn't get shit on as a whole until this faggy twat got elected.
Its a cry for help. Just ignore our pleas user. You're better off that way.
>"a fucking leaf" post in a thread asking a question about Leaves.
I always wonder how many canadians just post provocative things knowing they'll get (you's) no matter what
Yes. It still hurts, and the wound deepens everyday. Shitposting is how we cope with it. Fuck his ass for real. He's so shit that even Mulcair would have been better, and Mulcair was LITERALLY the leader of the official cuck party of Canada: the basically socialist NDP.
Leafs will always shamelessly shitpost because we live in the Tundra and there's literally nothing interesting up here.
Same reason Aussies shitpost but they have Abbos that make them seem stupider and drunker.
Mulcair has been a member of every canadian party at one point. He is the ultimate political cuck.
>burgers thinking they're not the most cucked country on the planet
Even CBC's turning on him, everyone's tired of his shit now
go suck off a poodle faggot i googled 'moose in the wild' & found your mother sucking two dicks at once last time i asked about maple candy it turned out to be your sisters stripper name are you chinese too or just the guy fucking your girlfriend were you born a faggot or was it being buttfucked by your PM that turned you are you learning chinese at school or from the guys at the gay bar do you all use maple syrup as lube or just when your dad was fucking you is it time for ramadan or to put your dick in some poutine bitch
what are doing first after this, apologizing to people you dont know or pretending hockey is an actual fucking sport
whats the difference between my uncle & the average canadian my uncle stopped fucking dogs when the meth wore off
everyone knows that title belongs to sweden faggot
I think there is an element of that, yes. Honestly there's just a certain magnetism to us leafs that people can't help but love us. That's why there's an increasing number of Canadian movie stars and pop stars every year. America is crumbling as you can plainly see and we're on the come up. This will be our century.
that is not a man.
thats a nu-male femboi
with a glass jaw
remember glass joe from punch out ? same cuck, different hair color.
leafs have always been garbage sub-humans. they are just emboldened now a days like all the rest of the trash, like gays and niggers women. they think they are the ruling class they have been for many years and its getting worse. but they dont see whats on the horizon.
they talk about horizons being broadened with there phony intellectual double talk, but they are blind as shit. let them create the beast they fear the most. that's all they are accomplishing.
Listen here asshole, you might think you're hot shit, hell you might even BE hot shit, but you're shit nonetheless. You have contributed NOTHING to society, unlike me. I have done so much you can't even begin to imagine how much this world owes me. I have taken my dick out for Harambe, I have participated in every Facebook challenge you could imagine. You are a pathetic piece of disapointment that spends all day jacking off to japanese cartoons. Your futile attempts at becoming a better person is the reason you have no friends. You probably don't even know what personal hygiene is. Face it, you are the result of billions of years of evolution, so maybe you should start fucking ACTING like it. You might think that having so many friends of the internet makes you cool, but it doesn't. While you were busy playing dumb ass computer games, I was actually studying and preparing for my future. I'm could have a PhD in quantum physics if I felt like it, you are probably gonna end up in some run-down, decrepit apartment eating canned food, because your retail job can't provide you with your actual needs. Honestly, you're not even worth my time, you fucking degenerate scum.
I still think that Trudeau surpasses Master Cuck Mulcair. At least Tommy the Commie doesn't take endless selfies and holidays.
>hurrr Islamic takeover of Swedistan
Since when have we shitpost you fucking burger
who ruled canada before this prancing faggot?
Valid point. I'll give you that. Guy grows a decent beard too, at least.
Egxactly. Its called feminist empowerment.
I hope Asssange will start dropping shit on him once the Donald is in the office. He can't be clean, there's no way.
I am glad he was elected. It makes me feel okay about my hatred for Normies now.
He's also slowly redpilling everyone. The only people I know who voted for him was because of DUDE WEED but he hasn't done that, and the only things he has done is be the most transparent puppet, spent us into a whole, brought in more immigrants, and is slowly redpilling the nation.
I still think the best part of this year was when he brought in the south African fire fighters to help with the forest fire. These fire fighters dealt with fires back home by beating them with sticks.
Anyway, as soon as they got here, they refused to work and demanded more money.
Fun times.
it almost seemed like they elected him specifically because he is a fag puppet
kys namefag
trudeau is to blame for everything
Harper, he was completely right about his deficits
DAMN. Kek is with us in this thread. He obviously agrees Canada has reached cuck-transcendence
well thats outside the russian embassy so go figure they have a few trolls.
Stephen Harper. You can almost think of him like Jeb Bush, but he's a bit more alpha than him. Unfortunately he sucked jew and gook cock.
The sad reality is that canadians on Sup Forums act a lot like that kid in school who desperately tries to emulate the coolest kids in the class (in our case: 'strayan shitposters) in order to get attention, failing hard at it and achieving only pity and derision.
It's more like 3 had a choice of three complete fucking clowns coupled with the fact we have a majority population of absolute retards just like every other country.
Go buy a car you can't afford, Mario.
Trudeau is just representative of the average Canadian. Sheltered and naive about the world.
Strong men are forged in conflict and Canada has not had any conflict in many generations, ergo the men are soft and weak.
Donald Trump is a job creator if you count being a grand wizard as employment
>Strong men are forged in conflict and Canada has not had any conflict in many generations, ergo the men are soft and weak.
Holy shit, I actually typed out 3 instead of we. Gotta lay off that Trudeau weed.
>You can almost think of him like Jeb Bush, but he's a bit more alpha than him
That's a surprisingly accurate description.
>Trump before running for president
>Created jobs with his company
>Trump runs for president
>Creates jobs through the initiation of CTR
Damn, imagine when he actually becomes president.
hes such a hunk. you fatasses are just jealous
You mean the weed he never legalized and never will because idiot fucking potheads don't understand how much government regulation that would take in our cucked socialist country?
Thank you for proving the point within less than a minute.
No, syrup scum are naturally inclined to act arrogant and ignore their own stupidity! Canadians are like white niggers, only their polite so I guess their ok.
Don't you have some pasta to strain?
>tfw our fascist state police executed him for being pro-ISIS on twitter
>remember glass joe from punch out ? same cuck, different hair color.
You mean... all 0 grams of it?
>Harper could have prevented the refugees floodgate
Plus, they are super sensitive to criticism and deodorant.
This family. Everyone started the AYY WEED LMAO
That's when we decided no more Mr. Nice Leaf. Sup Forums is reaping what they sowed
Hope you guys didn't actually expect him to deliver, and I really hope you don't want to pay an extra $10 for a gram.
He could have slown it down a notch. Pretty sure he promised to accept some, and keeped whoring our country to globalists.
>10000 refugee limit
>taking time to get them in instead of rushing them all in within a couple months
Harper LITERALLY almost got akbar'd on Parliament Hill. He knew from first-hand experience what it's like for mudslimes to try their hand at obtaining 72 virgins.
Meanwhile, Trudeau is using himself to help relieve sandniggers during their sexual emergencies.
its gonna take too long for these boomers to die off and hand over power
the country will be unrecognizable in 20 years
Voted for him because he would legalize weed, 100000 Syrians later still no legal weed
The truth is us Leafs are seriously depressed after Weedman won. Now we take it out on this board.
Someone save us.
You hate on us no matter what we do, might as well shitpost once in a while
Boomers have their faults but I doubt the younger generation vote further right.
we'll see which way the economy heads...
>There is no self, no soul in Canadians. Those qualities are what makes us the first skeletal state.
at least we get (for whatever reason) such a good international reputation
and our only geographic neighbour is the only global superpower
Ontario is becoming Turkey-lite, our universities are packed full of retarded transmission fluid cuckolds and the fucking peso is looking better then our dollar now
just end it man
It's because we're already dead and have nothing left to lose.
Please save us...
This is my favorite shoop that I've ever done, and it sums it all up my feels on this...
>Australia, Israel, Mexico, the Palestinian Authority, Russia, the Republic of China, and the United States offered international assistance in battling the fire, though the offers were turned down by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trudeau said that while the offers were appreciated, they were unnecessary as firefighters from other Canadian provinces were gaining control of the situation.[48][49] South Africa sent 301 firefighters at the request of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre at the end of May.[50] The firefighters were trained during the month of April at a boot camp, in order how to learn to use special hoses instead of the leather padded wooden sticks known as "firebeaters" they typically use in their home country due to a lack of water.[51] Less than a week after being deployed the South Africans went on strike over a wage dispute and were demobilized. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley vowed to address the issue and ensure that the firefighters were paid a minimum of CA$11.20 per hour as required by the province's labour laws, rather than the CA$15 per day allowance specified in their contract with their South African employer.[52]
Yep, that's when I realized for sure we're fucking doomed, which also inspired this pic
My saying has always been Trudeau Sr burnt this country down and now his son is pissing on its ashes
How is this Sup Forums's fault?
I thought u Canucks liked your leader
I know know that's not Trudeau
it was the obama leaf that sealed your fate