It's over. It's done. Without Florida Trump is NOT going to win. I wanted him to win but those chances are slim now. RIP America
Trump lost Florida
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Daily reminder your opinion is not an argument.
Cry a little more
It's too early, OP.
Have faith in the best state.
i wanted him to win too. But every single one of these "happenings" has been literally nothing. I wake up every day excited that "today is the day!" but it never is. It's too late now. We lost.
>lost Florida
Election day isn't here yet. I'm really get sick of these "well that poll shows this!" threads. I've seen every fucking possible outcome shown on this board, and it's all pointless.
Exactly how I feel. All this time. All this effort looking at polls day in and day out all for nothing. The fucking niggers and spics are going to run this goddamn country into the ground. All of them are fucking needy, greedy, and a waste of space. Trump was the only way to save this country and now it's OVER. FUCK THIS COUNTRY. I'm so sick of libfags thinking no one should offend them and only they're right.
Shut up, faggot. Early voting counts for less than a quarter of the vote, and we don't know what turnout will be like on election day. White people vote in person, while fatties and minorities vote via absentee ballot.
If there's overwhelming turnout at the polls, or the early voters are a large portion of what either side's getting, early votes don't even end up mattering.
Election day decides the election, and a tidal wave of white people is going to crush Clinton.
Fuck I hope so. Fuck that pedo murderous cunt.
Trump doesn't even need Florida. The rust belt and great lakes will be solid red on election day.
It's weird that all these concern "Aw shucks" posts are almost exactly 2 minutes apart. Is that the agreed upon setting for your iPhone timer?
Quads confirm.
>We lost.
We cannot lose as we have the only legal candidate. The election can be rigged and a treasonous dictator put in, but that only pushes the pendulum. Trump is the rightful heir to the white house given that his opponent couldn't even get a security clearance if we were within the law as a country.
Nah. It's just coincidence. I have a life surprisingly
>2 minutes
>22 22
realistically what are his chances of actually winning?
Your nasty ass thumb says all
Go to the US State Department Virtual Reading Room, linked below. Search "Re: Question". Hillary's email should be the second one down. Give it a good read, fully through. >THAT IS CAUSE FOR INDICTMENT.
If Hillary wins, you'll know it was rigged. Bernie supporters are staying home (Washington might flip red). Blacks are staying home (good bye Pennsylvania and Virginia). Hillary has no legitimate path to 270. She's finished.
Florida is basically a tie right now according to most polls.
>bad opinion
>mfw CTR think Hillary won't be formally arrested on the 6th
>mfw CTR think all her early votes won't be dumped because a criminal can't run
>mfw CTR think Trump won't win by a bigly landslide
>mfw CTR think they aren't going to be on the scaffold along with Hillary and the entire Clinton Foundation
Stop biting your nails.
I don't follow any polls and shit because I'm not that ameriboo to follow everything that happens there.
But wasn't Florida already lost territory? I mean its full of cubans, puerto ricans and mexicans, were you seriously expecting they would give him their approval??
Calm down bitch. Here:
I'd wager at this point it's about 10%. With rigging and the fact New Hampshire and Colorado are cucked beyond belief, it feels fucking hopeless. I just hope Clinton and Kaine get assassinated or something. Ryan sucks but he's at least not fucking Rodcunt.
Shills acting like worried supporters, fuck off
Kek has confirmed CTR is at work here.
>Oct 31
>Guy notorious for being Trump biased
Looks shopped
Numbers. Legit data = biased
Me to, go..uh, I mean guys. I was voting for Drumpf at first but #ImWithHer now.
HOW IS SHE STILL WINNING? I THOUGHT THE NYPD ARRESTED HER?! Doesn't it suck she's going to win? It's hopeless. The votes the whole election none of it matters. She can murder children and rape them and nothing would be done about it. This whole jail meme is never going to happen. She is going to win and there's nothing we can do. No matter what happens or what is proven she is still going to win no matter what and it sucks..
>Clinton +1.3
Hillary voters are raging so much over trump that they vote as soon as they can, election day will turn many states red
That is a grubby thumb, good God. That must be one disgusting dude. It's no wonder he's trolling on Sup Forums.
cry more
>CTR being this bad at being subtle
Looking at the width of the thumb and depth of the wrinkles you can tell he's a porker
I'm not even ctr I'm a trumpkin I voted today in NC and it bums me out knowing its practically pointless cause she's never going to jail and no matter what happen she is still going to win.
Even if Trump wins Florida, it will be such a tight margin that the Democrats will fudge the numbers and nobody will argue.
Trumptards should start receiving Olympic gold medals in Mental Gymnastics. Fucking get over yourself man, this shit is gonna rock your world in less than a week, so i suggest you at least start considering the realities
imbred confirmed
The only places in Florida where Hillary is winning is in the liberal shit holes like the Miami area. The rest of the state is all Trump's, and we will overwhelm those metro area scum.
The Rapening will be glorious
Rudy fucked up big time and didn't cover his footprints, so now the media is spinning the FBI revelations as Rudy being a corrupt motherfucker and most FBI agents being bitter white faggots.
There will be a FBI Purge until they go from 80% white men to 90% minorities and wymens
also Megyn Kelly just wrote in her book about how Alies forced her to submit to Trump.
worst state you mean
she's not winning Florida and she's not going to win
Trump is +1 or +5 in latest New Hampshire polls. Tied in Pennsylvania.
you are disgusting no wonder you dont troll on Sup Forums
>living delusions
Admit it, you Drumpf fags are about to get btfo by a woman. Sucks to know your "god" wont be making America "great again".
Just so you know, even if Trump wins, non-whites becoming a majority is already a demographic certainty and democrats will win every election.
HAHAHA 4 fucking trump polls? OH NO TRUMP LOOKS LIKE HES WINNING BETTER FUCKING MAKE SHIT UP AGAIN! make sure it looks legit tho
This is a CTR thread moron
this is all CTR does. They show pictures of polls
And that would be fine. I'm just saying, this is a Jew run world, and we're talking about the fucking president of the United States. I see him getting shut down one way or another.
i laugh at you scum
North Carolina is going to go blue as well.
Fuck off shill sage
Plot twist: he gains New York
I laugh at you ya moose humping maple leaf
>plot twist
go back to Redd,it, fag
This is like, the third time this has been posted. Begone, pasta.
(You) are right
now I don't gotta worry about getting out to vote for Hillary since she's already won
You're fucking thumb, no wonder you voted Hillary, that or you're really bad at photoshop.
Either way; you should probably feed yourself to an alligator or something constructive like that.
oy vey goyim, focus on bipartisan politics and don't let another shoah happen.
Also support Isreal
>you know who has a cool flag? alabama. but it's just a lousy red x. we should steal it and slap something really neat like a seal on it!
>Still a million Floridians who haven't voted
Get some balls or fuck off, faggot. He hasn't lost shit.
>Blacks are staying home
Blacks already voted, actually. Turnout is up. Hillary already won.
I'm not worried to be honest.
t. Floridian
Trump wins in the MOE of all his + polls. Clinton does not. It's not going to get any better. The bulk of dem voters will just early vote desu.
I've always wondered.
Will all those people answering "Hillary" to the polls go to vote on tuesday ?
How much of these 46% will actually go to vote for her ?
I think the problem with Trump supporters is that they seem to believe there is some silent majority that is going to come out of nowhere and shock the world by voting for Trump. That couldn't be farther from the truth. If anything, Trump supporters are fucking loud and annoying as shit. It is the Clinton supporters, who actually want a competent person to win the election, that will push HER over the edge to victory.
>But every single one of these "happenings" has been literally nothing. I wake up every day excited that "today is the day!" but it never is.
This is not just how this election is. This is how almost all of life is. How do you guys cope with the constant disappointment and realizing we are going to live out our whole lives with things pretty much how they are going now?
They don't cope with anything because they lie to themselves and tell themselves they're stupid god emperor is going to somehow win. He won't.
The guy I replied to said the very opposite. I was asking people like him who see the reality.
I agree with this leaf
wtf imwithher now
You know, I never told anybody about this before but;
>Be a huge straight Trump supporter
>Know a gay pretty boy who says he is gonna vote Hillary
>Try talking him out of it with no result
>Trump is getting terrible coverage in the media
>Pussygate shills are out in full force
>Decide I will do anything in my power to ensure votes for Trump
>Try to seduce my gay friend into voting for Trump
>He is very bluepilled
>When confronted with Clinton's trips on the Lolita express he goes: I would also travel to the Bahamas if I had such a stressful job.
>I invite myself over to his place
>His threat to vote Hillary enrages me so I get rapey
>He takes it pretty well, surely he has had worse at gay clubs and bath houses
>I rip his clothes off and toss them around his apartment.
>His cat knows whats up and goes into hiding under a chair.
>I drag out another Trump hat
>"But it will mess up my hair"
>"Put on the damn cap bitch!"
>I proceed to pound his ass in a gay occult ritual
>I picture the raw masculine sexual energy runningout out of us like a stream into the world, powering Trumps campaign, no matter where he is!
>He tells me he is about to cum
>I put my arm around his neck, my biceps pushes against his jugular in a choking fashion
>"We're gonna say"
>"Yes I will say it"
>We cum with the force of a thousand suns
>His load darts out like a rocket across the room
After that day Trump started leading in the polls, FBI re-opened the investigation of Hillary Clinton and I knew deep in my heart that I had done the right thing.
Kill yourself
Black turnout is down by 15-16%
>Dicking people even though they can't vote in this election
That's gay af unless it was a trap my man
Obvious troll when you capitalize "her"
Also I told a random girl that I liked trump today in a suburban Kentucky town and she acted disgusted with me and calling me a sexist and a racist. My teacher at a community college literally begged us not to vote for him. I think their is a silent group of trump supporters
Source or shill
>best state
>not texas
cheeky bantz
The vote will have been decided before they leave the Eastern time zones you delusional tardbabbys....
Wow. Finally a realistic pol tard. Congratulations!
>Trump is the rightful heir
trump will be bankrupt and in prison within 6 months, and you lackeys and toadies will be getting surprise SS visits in your mothers basements for the next 8 years!
>Florida is basically a tie
Clinton up between 1.7% and 4.5%.
It's ogre, loooooooosers.
That thumb has seen most fap miles than a 1992 Civic with nig rims on it.
more* fag