Harmon really is a terrible person

Harmon really is a terrible person.

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This is ironic, right? No rational human actually thinks like this.

I have no idea what he's saying. It's like talking to black people, I want to understand him but it sounds like gibberish.


I thought I was the only one.

I think he's saying that he wrote some bad shit about people with shit jobs and some "cool seeming kids" explained why he was wrong and he agreed with them.

>Harmon really is a terrible person
Yeah. But he's upfront about it.
>I have no idea what he's saying. It's like talking to black people, I want to understand him but it sounds like gibberish.
Not just me then.

same here

Why does he explain it in such a weirdly passive aggressive way? He sounds like every smug weird twitter account.

the original rant was blatantly classist to anyone with a brain, i don't know why he needed explaining. i thought this fucker quit twitter

Honestly people say Dan is ruining Rick and Morty but it's pretty amazing the show isn't 10x worse with this dude.

I wonder if he's simply sliding into insanity or there is an actual linguistic branch some have wandered into.

>unintended angle
That was the whole fucking angle.

>at least I'm not a slave!

I feel bad for the workers at McDonald's, they weren't to blame they were just doing their job. Its the executives or who ever planned the promotion who fucked up. And the gibbering idiot fans for acting the way they did.

So did they confirm that some places simply didn't have any?

Because he's the irl Jerry

I honestly wonder how Roiland can stand working with this cunt for any length of time.

>"so we're doing a limited release of this sauce at select restaurants? Won't that provide opportunity for negative customer behavior as we've seen numerous times when offering limited quantity items (Teeny Beanies) in the past?"
>'nah it's cool, it'll be fine'
My state didn't even get a participating location.

What was the original rant? I'm with these other anons, the OP tweets are pretty nonsensical

are we just missing the full context?

I don’t know who that is.

There's a reason season 3 took so long. Justin isn't trying to hide the fact cause I'm sure he'd like nothing more than to get Dan dropped.
Justin doing the voices pretty much gives him all the power

only some restraints even got them to begin with, shit was released in limited quantity at certain locations. I think they're trying to generate additional hype for a larger release, all this is cheaper than an ad-campaign on TV.

some mcdonalds workers complained that he wasn't taking responsibility for the sauce fiasco and he flipped out and told them they were corporate slaves and they were at fault for everything. he also tossed in an "i'm better than you because i'm free" bit

Restaurant, why do I even have autocorrect

Honestly, this redeems him a bit in my eyes. He seems to be apologizing for making fun of poor people during the McDonald's shit. While I certainly think he's done worse, the fact that he can apologize means he's not beyond hope.

I can understand how you smaller brained ignoramuses might think that but intelligent people knew full well he was talking about the evil greedy capitalist corporate pigs that run the great Satan that is McDonald's

He's only upfront about it because he thinks that "at least I admit it" gives him a free pass to continue to be a cunt to everyone.

Even just a quick glance at any behind the scenes material with him in it is teeming with this exact same bullshit,

>Why does he explain it in such a weirdly passive aggressive way?

Because he's a piece of shit that got called out on his dumbfuckery. He wants to "apologize" to save face, but still thinks he's right.

Ergo, he acts like a passive-aggressive twat.

Don't worry, he doesn't actually matter

They did a super uncomfortable interview where Justin revealed he was working on a new cartoon and hadn't told Dan, and Dan was all "Why didn't you come to me with this?" and Justin's response along the lines of "You just have so much on your plate." obviously meant "Because I don't want to work with you on it."

>He wants to "apologize" to save face, but still thinks he's right.
This happens far too often these days, all over.

Aw, I was looking forward to Rick and Summer beating up a McDonald's worker for being working poor.

The incomprehensible shit he says stinks of manic episode tbqh. It'd explain why he keeps being a cunt and antagonising everyone.

>Szechuan sauce is literally ketchup and teriyaki sauce mixed together with added sugar.

>Someone gets stabbed over it.

I weep for humanity

If you love arrogance, this is a thing of beauty.

How does a grown man think it's ok to act like this?


The way Dan treats service people when they fail to meet his expectations makes me think that the 3rd tweet is not true at all.

But, I feel like most people act like that to some extent. They just aren't as famous. And the original tweet joke, while it was framed as an order, was clearly poking fun at the shitty implementation of the deal not the workers at the front line.

Also the idea that any of that shit is Dan's fault is nuts.

Hey, you’d be surprised at all the internet nerds trying to defend McDonald’s honor.

Exactly what I was thinking. I'm trying to parse this shit out for my own sanity.

>Eye opening exchange with cool seeming kids
Harmon talked to some kids (teens? young adults maybe?)
>hoping to drag my fat ass
Threatening him
>cuz my angle in the nugget spat was classist
Losing me here. His "angle" meaning his part in it? Or his goal?
>I see that. Not good.
I'm glad this all makes sense to you, Dan.
>should've left that piece til morning - wasn't drunk, was half asleep
I hate reading fucking twitter, I can never tell when shit was posted. I'm guessing the first part of this post is from the previous night but the timestamp on the first one and the time lapsed on the following posts doesn't tell me how far apart they are.
>would've edited to use terms more personal, less..faction associable
Lost me again. Guessing he thinks his first post led people to assume (correctly guess?) that he was talking about black people.
>If you know my schtick, you know, hypocritically or not, I talk a game pretty left
We get it Dan, you're so progressive.
>of "you work at McDonalds so you suck." Unintended angle.
Is he talking about his first post here or is he talking about the "angle in the nugget spat" thing or what I feel like I'm in some kind of lefty gentle talk rat maze.
>A dude broke it down from the top
Guy explained to him, sure
>in a way that made me realize THAT was a perception and I see that now and it's mortifying.
THAT being, I assume, "you work at McDonalds so you suck", but could mean the whole classist thing or they could both be the same thing, who the fuck knows.

Am I on target here? This shit still doesn't make any sense, what was the point of this post?

>calls the workers slaves
>he was making a point about the company through abusing the workers
By Jove, Mitt Roney was right, corporations ARE people

The stabbing actually ended up completely unrelated to that.

I though Burger King would be the place you’d expect stabbings, though.

haha. yeah. is he ok? is he having a stroke? anyone check on him?

It's not your fault, I'm just as lost as you are. I think he said somewhere that working at McDonald's made you a slave, and he had no sympathy for that, and then some kids got mad at him

My god, he might try to pass himself as impartial but this guy is a total leftist

>It's like talking to black people


More like MORTY-fying, amirite?



Holy hell, what a cunt.

More like The McDonalds employee called him a hypocrite for not paying him and R&M for the "unlicensed" promo event when a) The original joke used a MD product by name and certainly didn't ask permission to do so and b) was more pissed about MD not paying them for the promo rather than his fans being total shitbags over this - botched promotion or not

I mean he's not wrong, it's just that he forgot to hide the fact he looks down on them.
I don't think he ever tried to come off as impartial.

>Also the idea that any of that shit is Dan's fault is nuts.
It’s not just Dan’s fault, it’s everyone involved in the show, particularly the writing team.

Not falling for your gags, Satan!

Anybody else honestly think this was an edited dril tweet before getting more context?


There's at least that

>dril tweet

Is it really that hard? It's basic english, jesus. "Drag[gin]" is slang that I'm sure you could look up but the rest isn't confusing at all. It doesn't mean threaten.

"Angle" means the point of view or focus of his comments as in "what's the angle of this story. Could also say thesis. Pretty standard word.

Oh, so a key part is that this is all drama from the fallout of an earlier joke he made, that's what he's referring to when he says "that piece." All of these tweets in the image were posted as a single block at pretty much the same time. I can see how it would be a little confusing not knowing there was an earlier thing, but the tweets clearly refer to an earlier thing.
>Yes can I get a McBlatantly Unlicensed Integration Meal done not well, hold the permission, extra awkward

"more personal, less faction associable" is admittedly a weird way to put it, specifically using "personal" to mean more specifically targeted at McDonalds as a corporation. But what he means is he didn't mean to target McDonalds workers as a group he meant to target McDonalds corporate for fucking up. I think he did a fine job in the original joke, (do people really think the workers were the ones who failed to get permission or a license?) but he's apologizing for it so whatever.

And the last two is saying he doesn't want to shit on cheap labourers and that's not his usual stance, but someone showed how his joke could be taken that way.

>Dan treats minimum wage fast food employees like complete garbage and has a pretty obvious superiority complex
>Justin repeatedly flirted with a 17 year old girl to the point of harassment
Why are the creators of a show that constantly references social inequality such awful people?

>what was the point of this post?

TL;DR version: "It's not MY fault everyone so obviously misinterpreted my words to make ME look like an asshole! And they called my fat so really, who's the REAL victim here?"

The worst part is, he KNOWS he's a cunt but thinks knowing somehow makes him even better than everyone else, because he's both callous enough to make "hard decisions" but smart enough to know he's an ass.

Because he's a baby

Harmon's not at fault for McDonald's doing or failing to do anything, but he is at fault for bitching about it. This whole shit started when he complained about the chain going forward without paying him liscensing, basically.


He did shit like this all the time when Community was still on, but less people watched Community so it didn't get to be so high profile. He's literally a bipolar autistic manchild. He does this shit all the time and always will because he's incapable of introspection and self-improvement.

I don't think he's referring to that joke so much as this little bit he said to a MD's employee who called the joke hypocritical afterwards here

>when you're so much of an asshole, you drive Chevy Chase off your show

A popular joke account famous for posting incoherent nonsense.

meant for whoops


>user couldn't understand him
So the other user is black too?

The first one reads like a fucking dril tweet.

Unless they're well-spoken urbanites (linguistically indistinguishable from their neighbors of varying race) black people are wholly incomprehensible at least half the time, and that's being generous. Some grasp this and enunciate better to be understood, but others don't and revel in the parallel language they've created over time, laughing about not being understood by 'wytee'.
Don't tell me to go back, that place has been shitposted to death and I like discussing cartoon shit here with you fun cunts

Leftists think everyone is a racist classist groper because they're trash themselves and can't imagine anyone being better than them.
That's why they're so afraid of people having guns. They know people operating on their level would use them for bad shit.

On Sup Forums, we're all niggers and faggots.

Isn't that all Twitter accounts?

>during pre production of season 3, michael saint wood, author of pick related, was hired as a writer
>dan harmon blocked the hire at the last second, just after Wood sold his house in ohklahoma, and hired a bunch of female writers instead

>Leftists don't want you to know about this congressional loophole which could change the game! Click now before its gone!

That's how I imagined your post was going to go.
I was somewhat disappointed.

Low-IQ people love slang because it gives them an opportunity to know something someone else doesn't, which is a rare thing for them.
That's why black people invent new slang every 5 seconds. They just want the rare thrill of having info dem ypipo don't have.

What a douchebag

Turned out that thing with Justin was just some lying cunt on tumblr fishing for attention. Screencaps showed she wasn't underage at the time as she claimed, and the "creepy harassment" she suffered was just Justin asking her out on dates or asking if she wanted to fuck.

Thank God someone said it. I was rereading incredulously.

Just learn some AAVE you ignoramus.

this is actually apology worthy, but I wouldn't say just because it's classist. More because that's a fucked up thing to say to any human being.

>leavened bread
>mfw I just laughed out loud at 8:00AM probably waking up my housemates
This is fucking gold. Your telling me Harmon stopped this goyim from writing and instead hired people based on their genitalia?! Nonsense!

I don't think he was complaining as much as he was stating literal facts. I don't even know if the sauce joke was expected to have such a following, it was probably a throwaway joke, although Justin did seem sort of happy to get the sauce iirc. But the joke working doesn't depend on the quality of the actual sauce, it just has to be a dumb thing that you can't get anymore. I'm sure it did sick a bunch or R&M fans on McDonalds clamouring for it, but I feel like that's the only thing the show did. I'm sure they have all sorts of lawyers at Adult Swim that made sure it was okay to reference, so they didn't do anything wrong by writing the joke legally.

McDonalds saw that demand and decided to do an extremely small release, probably just to test feasibility for a bigger comeback, but didn't really hook up with the show at all for it, like most integration deals like this do. Of course, usually a marketing deal doesn't have a show referencing a thing that existed and then having the restaurant bring it back, but still. And then they implemented it as a shitty low yield promotion to certain stores that didn't go well, instead of maybe just having a few stores with more than enough for a day's service to do the test. And it did end awkwardly. So he's right on pretty much all points.

And he wasn't saying "how dare McDonalds do this fucking thing, I'm gonna sue those shitheads!" He literally just made a joke about it and called it awkward.

Not like it matters. S4 wont come out for about 4 years. Justin Roiland very reluctantly did season 3 because he said he didn't want it to be political. I doubt he will come back.

I think you and half this board are just projecting because you've got a weirdo grudge against him.

This didn't seem that bad except for the "pretty left" part.

Do British people think EVERYONE is invading their shitty island? First the Pakis then the Muslims now the Israelis?

>they fired Smegma King in favor of progressiveness
Holy shit what, tell me you're just fucking with me
Season 3 could have been choke full of quality bants and puns, but instead we got "You're a racist sexist beta male"
God damn if there was still any doubt left in my mind somewhere that Harmon is an absolute shitter of the worst possible kind, then it's definitely gone for good now.

>that passive roundabout almost apology
>that stfu or get blocked
Fucking shit. Is Harmon an SJW? Has he always been?!

This 100%

Hollywood is full of rich, priviledged asdholes, pedophiles, molesters, sexists, racists and all manner of awful people who get away with everything and need to constantly campaign against the things they themselves do to alleviate the pressure of their guilt and paranoia.

Oh okay, yeah, I could see how that rant could be seen that way more than the original joke.

But Harmon tends to go full dickhead whenever he gets pushback so I wasn't thinking about that despite having seen it with the original tweet. But yeah, he's probably talking about the joke *and* the ensuing fallout. Basically anything in the thread the joke was in.

He accuses anyone who disagrees with him of being a nazi, and thinks anyone who says "I'm not a nazi" is a nazi.

So he very likely is.

Truth here.

It's called a dialect, smart guy. It's when language branches off into an almost seperate, but still technically sound language that follows its own rules contrary to the original language. It's usually caused by a separation of classes or an isolation that allow a certain vernacular to evolve independently from the root language.

But not all black people speak with the BEV (Black english Vernacular(I can speak from personal experience)) It's somewhat common, but in all honesty, even a lot of black people who do talk like that are capable of switching between the two dialects (as it is somewhat necessary in order to survive in the work force)

>Be Russian
>try to watch Luke Cage
It was like learning English all over again. I adapted only by episode 2.

>she suffered was just Justin asking her out on dates or asking if she wanted to fuck.
I can see people totally seeing that as harassment. Especially if she said "no" or "I'm not sure" because then they'd say "He's trying to pressure her into sex"
For "liberals" a lot of people get their nosed turned up at people seeking "casual sex" with someone.

English is our first language over here and we still only sort-of understand them when they speak.

What does that mean for Sup Forums and its assortment of slang/memes?