Will there ever be anyone like him again?

Will there ever be anyone like him again?

Attached: Bill Hicks.jpg (620x620, 32K)

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Yeah user unfunny hacks are a dime a dozen
>ohhhhhhh! agagagga!


More like
>Bill HACKs
Amirite lmao

I've never seen anything he did

His edgy, cynical point of view is common place now. There’s no way to ever get back to that

Yeah, just look at this board for an example of that.
>muh sneed and feed

He's selling water filters and vitamin supplements now.

Sure, user, humorless faggot hacks are literally everywhere these days.

>talking about some edgy comedian from decades ago
they're literally not relevant to anything

why do r*dditors do this

>wow I bet this guy was really edgy and cool in 1990

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Hey y'all, what's up with that internet thing you're all just goin' fuckin' CRAZY about, huh?

"Hey Bill, you on the Facebook?" NO! NO I'm not on the Facebook, ya fuckin RETARD. Hey, government spies, ya don't need to dig through trash anymore, WE'LL JUST PUT OUR ENTIRE LIVES! RIGHT UP THERE ON YOUR WEBSITE FOR YA!

Isn't it amazing? You spend DECADES, spying on your citizens, parked across the street with telephoto lenses, just -snap- -snap- "Oh ah got a gud wun there Jim ah think he's in the tub ahuh huh..." And all you needed was to say "HEY! ASSHOLES! SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE INFORMATION EXCHANGE! IT'S FREE! That's it you fuckers, get all your pictures of the kids up there, all your bikini holiday pics, get everyone you EVER talked to in a nice orderly list, it's okay, WE WON'T USE IT TO CHECK FOR DISSIDENTS! WE WON'T USE IT TO MOULD SOCIETY, INTO AN ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE..."

Attached: Bill-Hicks.jpg (1920x1080, 47K)

Holy fuck he does look like a young Alex Jones.


He was a good guy that called out the bullshit he saw and didn't care if anyone didn't like it. Yeah, the internet has spawned a lot of similar people, but at least he tried to speak up for what he believed at a time when it wasn't welcome and there was no significant internet to hide out on. He meant well, and I suspect if he'd stuck around he'd have been the next George Carlin figure. And none of us fuckers here, even the Internet Famous fuckers, will be remembered. Internet fuckers will just by cynical assholes who only care about the next disposable meme.

reminder, he did nothing wrong

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He IS alex jones. I'm serious pal look it up.

Already did familia

Attached: Sam Hyde shooter.jpg (384x384, 24K)

Hey y'all, what's up with that internet thing you're all just goin' fuckin' CRAZY about, huh?

"Hey Leary, you on the Facebook?" NO! NO I'm not on the Facebook, ya fuckin RETARD. Hey, government spies, ya don't need to dig through trash anymore, WE'LL JUST PUT OUR ENTIRE LIVES! RIGHT UP THERE ON YOUR WEBSITE FOR YA!

Isn't it amazing? You spend DECADES, spying on your citizens, parked across the street with telephoto lenses, just -snap- -snap- "Oh ah got a gud wun there Jim ah think he's in the tub ahuh huh..." And all you needed was to say "HEY! ASSHOLES! SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE INFORMATION EXCHANGE! IT'S FREE! That's it you fuckers, get all your pictures of the kids up there, all your bikini holiday pics, get everyone you EVER talked to in a nice orderly list, it's okay, WE WON'T USE IT TO CHECK FOR DISSIDENTS! WE WON'T USE IT TO MOULD SOCIETY, INTO AN ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE..."

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Hicks wasn't bad himself but he just had a bad influence. So many people tried to be like him that it just ruined him and turned him into a hollow meme.

Does anyone else remember that this meme started here on Sup Forums on the /n/ board and propagated to other sites once it resurfaced on /new/?


His arrogance in regard to smoking got him a painful death. I wonder what his arrogance towards life brought him.

Also he wasn't even funny when I was 16, I just thought I had to like him cause he's cynical and cool.

he was a liberal faggot

to die at 32 from pancreatic cancer, that must fucking suck to be so young and die that early, while other people smoke cigarettes their whole lives and don’t.

>get thread disguised as real thread

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He was so influential that it made everything he say look obvious. Now his routine just sounds like a conversation with any preachy teenager who's ever smoked pot and listened to heavy metal.

Maybe pot smoking teenagers were the same 25 years ago, I'm not old enough to know.

Alex Jones

I'd imagine that he'd shred the IG attention whore culture

>So we got these idiotic bimbos flying around the world. They call it wanderlust, alright? It's this fancy word for "I like to take fucking selfies all around the world BECAUSE I'M A VAPID FUCKING CUNT!"

>So they see all these fancy sites, go to these big cities, ride the elephants and have a lot of sex with guys that just see them as dumbassed tourists. Whatever, you do what in bed, just don't tell me. But here's the catch. Ask them what changed about them. How the places they went actually impacted them. Because you go to like... fuckin MACHU PICHU right? Big ancient city, loads of history that went down there. Beautiful site. This is the sort of shit we learned about in textbooks, the sort of shit we looked up in the early days of the internet. Between that, game cheats, and porn.

>So these fucking bimbos go to Machu Pichu and you ask them, "Hey, how did it affect you?" You get this screechy fried voice going, "Like, it was AMAZING and LIFE CHANGING." Life changing. That used to mean something. Now it's just another word to positively describe something. It's just a backdrop to them. So you ask how it changed their lives. You get "Well, like, it expanded my perspective and uh..." with some new age garbage about how it re-invigorated her soul and connected her to the fucking world. Because she was stuck in the ivory tower of being a gigantic spoiled fuckin brat or something.

>You wanna re-invigorate your soul? You go to the homeless dude on the corner, you buy him a burger and a gallon jug of water. You get him some deodorant, some soap, toothpaste and toothbrush. Just give him some BASIC FUCKING ESSENTIALS. You don't need to take selfies, or have Machu fucking Pichu be some background to your ugly overly tanned, overly made up overly eyebrow threaded VAPID CUNT FACE.


he's awesome when you're an edgy teen but then you grow up and realize...


>And you know, it doesn't stop there. They'll take these selfies at Stonehenge, at Dubai, Bali, Ibiza, wherever. They'll see the goddamn world, and to places I've never dreamed about. Who ever heard of Bali, right? And they won't learn a goddamn thing. They'll even get their boytoy to do that obnoxious "Follow Me To" crap. "Follow me to Madrid" right? Fuck.

>What are they going to do there? Are they going to learn the culture? Did they at least try to speak the native tongue? No. Let's not even pretend these bimbos even give a shit about learning Indonesian. They're there to fuck and take selfies. And get ripped on drugs. But they won't learn off the drugs. Nope, they want to get torn up on drugs and rave. That's it. No higher intellectual capabilities, no understanding of the human condition

>Just [makes bassline noises]
*Bill proceeds to just hump the air for a bit*


Bill Hicks is not funny except for his bit on Jay Leno being a corporate hack.

The Amazing Atheist

Was he right, Sup Forums?


Attached: bill hicks jfk.gif (320x240, 1.95M)

but he's still alive, and hosts a right wing, conspiracy talk radio show

Yeah Alex Jones

i didn't put much credit in this theory but alex jones changed a shitload, all of a sudden, in 1997. weirdly so. you can see a pretty clear before and after. makes me wonder.

This is terrible tho

>implying he's gone

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bill hicks died in 1994 of pancretic cancer. he is not alex jones. it's just a Sup Forums meme like mr garrison.

Not bad, rings true. His comedic appeal was limited.

I like his radio show

Attached: is-alex-jones-bill-hicks.png (680x384, 401K)

His type of edgy style is overshadowed by better edgier comedy today. He was more of a pioneer of the edge during his time.

Today if someone comes on doing a similar style they usually don't get many laughs.

Bill Hicks is for edgy adolescent 20-somethings who think the world is like, totally evil, man. Fucking Reddit-tier shit. Fuck off back to telling people you logged in to upvote, you colossal faggot

Who's that? Definitely some faggot nobody.

Yeah Leary's act was a total ripoff of Hicks

I would put Stanhope and Burr under the Hicks School of Philosofunny. Maybe Patrice O Neal

Carlin is really just boomer trash

shut up fag


It was a sad day when I realized this

I saw Revelations recently and his critique of society and government was so surface level that it hurts to watch. All the shit he talked about seems really obvious now. He gets a bit preachy, too. He uses the "sucking Satan's cock" too much.

Same here bro

They look a lot alike, had similar political roots in texas-libertarianism, same manager, its all very strange.

There are millions of angry teenagers that would say the same things he said if they got up on a stage and talked into a microphone.

There will always be people like him.

He's funny but only white people say he's as funny as Pryor

What? That you became one of the drone materialistic status quo protectors that he shat on so you have to pretend what he said was childish and for edgy teens? Good luck in your denial that you sold out, drone.

This feels like Kinison

He was someone genuinely disappointed in how pathetic his own species was. He was a crushed optimist that always hoped it would get better but it only got worse so he got genuinely angrier and angrier. People like Carlin aren't celebrated for laughs per minute. They're celebrated because they give a voice to the legitimate frustrations a lot of people have with how dumb the world around them works. Hicks was the same. Get a few laughs, sure, but he was using stand up as the only real way left to directly delivery philosophy to people. If you don't agree with him or Carlin, that's fair enough. Everyone gets opinions. But don't doubt that they were earnest and believed what they spoke. They weren't edge-lords just looking to shock people. They were saying what they really felt. You have to give some credit for that.

But those edgy nowadays comedians just circlejerk in the same direction as their audiences, hicks was out there doing shit when basically nobody agreed with him.


nice one, user

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That's a big part of what I admire. He was doing this shit uphill. Now, in the age of endless edge-lord fucktards wanking each other, it's easy to say controversial shit. There's no real push-back from your audience. Hicks was willing to be booed if it meant sticking to his guns on what he thought.

There are a ton of celebrities enjoyed by 15 year olds still living today

The other way around, user.

then write a fucking book. i dont watch stand up for a philosophy lesson


Alex Jones cannot be Bill Hicks, because Jones has said he appreciates Jay Leno (he said this on Joe Rogan iirc).

yes, better even.

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There are plenty of comics willing to deliver shallow chuckles and that's cool. But there should be room for those that use it to critique the world around them. If you write a book only a handful will read it. Think of these guys as the court jesters, the ones allowed to point out the warts on the king's nose. That's the place they occupy in society now and it's needed. They're certainly trying to shut everyone else up with a stray opinion.

god you sound like an insufferable faggot

>yfw 25 years on people still talk about Hicks but not about you.

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you clearly do not pay attention to stand up comedy in the United States.

No, you sound like you can't stand anything anyone else enjoys. "Comedy must adhere to my definition..." If you don't like the guy, fine. No one is making you like him. All I'm saying is some people appreciate it and he was genuine. Shouldn't shit on the guy just because it wasn't your cup of tea. Don't get mad, bro

I said it was needed and today that's the only place it could exist. Not that it actually still existed.

I retract my comment sir. Please accept this /his/ meme as an apology. Good day.

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