What's the best live-action anime or manga adaptation?
What's the best live-action anime or manga adaptation?
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why is shin godzilla there?
It's Speed Racer, btw
There was a Hong Kong adaption of Wicked City that was kino. There was a scene were a guy fucked his living pinball machine gf.
Speed Racer is pretty good, but it doesn't look like the original source, I'd say Netflix Death Note and GitS are the best adapatations that mildly respect the source material and don't suck so bad.
Sion Sono's "Himizu" is good.
Jun'ichi Mori's "Little Forest" is a masterpiece.
Does Battle Royal count? It was originally a manga.
Kenshin, the first one, by far. The second and third one is a terrible adaptation of a great arc so it loses some points.
GitS is the best of those movies(Shin Godzilla doesn't count), but that's not saying much.
No, Battle Royale was a novel, not a manga, neither visual novel.
Old boy obviously
no question about it
Learn something new everyday.
which one?
The original. Spike Lee's remake is awful.
>why is shin godzilla there?
Because it's probably the closest and best thing to a live-action Evangelion the world will ever see.
Rurouni Kenshin was very good.
Let me guess: you only saw 2 anime live actions and those were those
Casshern is one of my all time favourite films.
They are the most recent. and GitS is the closest of those film (besides SG) to being okay.
But the manga and movie were almost irrelevant except the title and basic concept of being imprisoned for years.
More like reinvention than adaptation.
I watched all of them except Pong something, also I never read Attack on Titan manga, so I don't know how it compares.
What anime/manga, that hasn't already been adapted, do you think would be hard to screw up if it were to be? Or an anime/manga that you wish to see adapted?
Blue Blazes, but it's a TV show.
Himizu and the Korean version of Antique Bakery are my favorite live action movies
Detroit Metal City also wasn’t bad
Usagi Drop desu
You bring up a good point. They're all bad, but GITS is decent in comparison.
I'd say RK is the only one that is good.
Actually, I don't think I saw Speed Racer.
prove me wrong
One of my favorite manga just got a live-action movie but I haven’t heard anything if it was good or not. It’s called River’s Edge like the eighties movie with Keanu.
Speed Racer is good for getting high to. That's it.
>an anime/manga that you wish to see adapted?
Homunculus would make an awesome thriller series. I could see Soil getting remade if it ever gets any attention outside of Japan.
Old Boy > Cutie Honey > Blue Blazes > Shirayuki Hime > Lone Wolf and Cub > Speed Racer > Kenshin > Ghost in the Shell
These are the only ones I've seen.
I don't really see how Shin Godzilla is considered one. It has nothing to do with anime or manga.
I've only seen GitS of those, but I thought it was pretty good. I liked it.
Ichi the killer
Dark water
Prison school live action (funny as hell)
Boku no el palacio j-drama
ace attorney was fun, except for Redd White not being a pink/purple flamboyant man
hajime no ippo
FMA was pure raw sewage water.
Is it that bad? I was planning on checking it out tonight.
Death note was way better than everyone says it is. It's like people don't want to have fun while watching movies anymore.
they already made 3 live action death note movies that are decent. the "fun" one already exists, way to make an abortion, call it birth, then demand everybody treat your abomination as a baby
This one, right?
>Prison school live action (funny as hell)
Didn't know that was a thing
Not as good as the anime, Meiko even wears a bra.
Do people unironically think Speed Racer is a good movie?
Arin Hanson from Egoraptor and Game Grumps says that Speed Racer is his favorite movie of all time.
Edge of Tomorrow. Its not even close to be honest because thats arguably the only adaptation that actually turned out to be a good movie.
I am the only person who watched this. This biking anime is comfy.
> Rurouni kenshin
> Speed Racer
> Rurouni Kenshin
Rurouni Kenshi is just a solid adaption
Speed Racer is an interesting adaption that is unique and experimental in style to capture the feels of animation onto live action.
Edge of Tomorrow is not a faithful adaption but turns out to be good movie using the concept of the manga/LN anyway. Even the manga was different from the original LN so I'm fine with that.
Haven't seen the other ones
Probably Tokyo Ghoul. I also really liked the live-action Death Note show.
It's the one movie that would turn me to drug use, it looks like it would be good on a trip.
I've watched all that in the pic and every thing on the left column is 3/10.
Pic related is the best recently.
feels bad
Who will play them in the inevitable live action movie?
Monster in all honesty if it was done as an amc series.
20th Century Boys is actually better than the manga.
I think Kaiji would also make a great live action series on something like AMC as well.
don't know him but just watched this here: youtube.com
That ice caves shot is so amazing.
This is based on a manga?
nodame cantabile live action is better than the anime
Yes. This one is also good.
Wait is the Casshern movie based off the 70s anime or Sins?
Kaiji got two Japanese live action movies. Were those any good?
A loose adaptation of the 70s series.
That movie was pretty damn sad. Especially the home movie things they show at the end.
Do you know what ADAPTION means?
When the fuck did this happen?
Is this a JAV?
Ricky Oh - The Story of Ricky.
A completely untopped film. Best anime adaptation hands down.
not counting oldboy.
I'd say deathnote (netflix)
>I'd say deathnote (netflix)
>not the original
Lady Snowblood
Lone Wolf and Cub
Our Little Sister
All the new shit is garbage.
Laughably bad opinion.
the last 2 minutes of the netflix shit mess was better than anything in the original live action adaptation. It was just failed mimicry.
If you're looking for a "Best of" clip show of scenes from Full Metal Alchemist in live action, it's a pretty alright action movie.
If you're looking for coherent plot and emotional impact, it's pretty bad.
The first and last few minutes are legitimately good. Probably more because of the soundtrack choices than anything. Otherwise, the Netflix version is terrible. What problems did you have with the Japanese version?
Trips don't lie
Why the fuck do people not talk about the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Live Action adaptation? It was actually fucking entertaining and was probably the best possible adaptation.
Also Yukako was a cutie
I know this is bait, but fuck. That DN Netflix movie was white hot garbage.
>Posts anime/manga live-action movies
>Forgets the most successful one in the last decade
Most successful adaption coming through.
When the movie is so good that most of the audience don't even realize this was a anime/manga adaption, then you KNOW you have done your job as the director well.
surprisingly good
now that i think about it the first is probably what this thread is looking for
Train to busan
this movie was great. when is the 2nd one coming out?
Best anime manga movie by a long stretch.
The exo-armor action scenes were badass. I think the director really did a great job there, but I was surprised Tom Cruise how little air combat there was. It was mostly drop-ships, and ground troops. I wanted to see fighters dog fighting, and Tom learning to fly.
>ctrl f
>0 reults
Fucking plebs.
the acting was awful in this. way too over the top. it is like they copied the anime versions did not even try to act normal.
get on my level
Battlestar Galactica (2004) did this concept way better.
this x10
it's essentially barely an adaptation in the inverse.
Excuse me where is blade of the immortal
This is the only correct answer by a long shot
Ping Pong wasn't as good as the anime, but it was pretty damn good movie, although I definitely would recommend it if you don't like the animation of the series.
great movie but whats up with their power armor having no actual "armor" to protect them? It offers zero protection. a regular pistol could still kill them.