That was a great piece of cinéma, thanks Sup Forums
That was a great piece of cinéma, thanks Sup Forums
>typing shit we can read ourselves in capslock
Go back to your youtube comment section, you humongous faggot
historically inaccurate
then go watch a documentary or read a book, faggot
it's an hommage, plebe
>Field Marshal Zhukov
I guarantee OP hasnt even watched it, just saw one of the last threads and wanted to fit by posting this ebin webm.
>muh muh muh films must be historically accurate to fuel my autism!
fuck off nerd
I like how his entire fucking chest is adorned with medals
he meant that at time, the movie takes place, zhukov was not the head of military since he fell into disgrace of stalin, for being too beloved by the people.
Such a great vatnik killed disgusting pagan krauts.
>I guarantee
Great, what do you give?
You mean pillaging Germany for personal gains?
>t. Stalin
better than pillaging your own country
>fell into disgrace
Then what happened?
then he was sent to take care of a criminality problem in Odessa
Reduced criminality rate by 74% in a few months, by sending his men in civilian in town to just execute any members of the mob they could find.
What a fucking champ.
One of the most dishonest films ever made and made in poor taste. Complete tripe.
>Sup Forums is obsessed with Nazis
>Also obsessed with commies
I don't get you sometimes
so is this a good movie or crap for the capeshit generation (if the webm is any indication)?
the typical mind of which this film is aimed at. Avoid if you are to the right of the bell curve
It was kino
So is this your typical Western propaganda thinking they have Slavs all figured out?
If you don't hate commies then you're uneducated, if you hate Nazis then you're a cuck.
It's dark humour tragicomedy. Really liked it to be honest.
And no, it's not a film about Soviet heads doing WWF poses.
The movie makes fun of commies, though. They're all incompetent fucks and Stalin was pathetic. Sure, Zhukov appearance was nice, but he acted like a degenerate bydlo.
There's a great series about that, btw. Ликвидaция. True kino.
Jesus Christ the SIDF is in full force today.
No wonder the film was banned in Russia.
replace one criminal organization with another more violent one
"Liquidation", then.
Looks good, thanks.
I'm Polish you dumb fuck. I have yet to figure out what's worse. Russian bydło or Western mutts and goblins offending us as they become caliphates.
>was it 30 seconds or a minute?
Is that Lucius Malfoy?
If I could watch it I would but I don't even think it played in my state. Why the hell did it get such a limited release?
Seen it twice, thinking about watching it again. Great movie.
>I'm just saying, I'm not the one who got the call
listen, polack. you're a literal nigger tier country that wouldn't exist without the eu. why do poolish "people" always have an undeserved sense of pride? it's delusional especially since your entire history is getting BTFO. even now the only reason pooland exists is as a buffer between russia and western yurop. if a war takes place you're all dead anyway. you're like the koreans of yurop without being smart. you're simply the road which actual civilizations march down
It's a comedy movie dipshit. You make tumblerinas look calm and collected.
No it's Captain Steele
Yeah it's weird, especially considering all the high profile actors in there.
It oscillates rather well because laugh out loud comedy and shockingly disturbing drama. It's a very engaging movie if nothing else. Great plot and great characters.
Poland absolutely BTFO
If you witnessed the true horror of Stalinism you'd realise how disgusting this movie is. It's childish trash to boot and the enemy of cinema
I'd rather have a false or inflated sense of national pride than no fucking pride at all you pathetic apologetic cuck, you're literally being replaced by subhumans crossing your borders and outbreeding your weak numale genes as we speak. AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. Leave Slavs alone you fucking degenerate animals.
t. hans
>don't joke about this it hurts my feelings, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Well gee grampa, I'm sorry you had to survive the gulag only to end up on a anime imageboard arguing against us youngsters.
> true horror of Stalinism
Fuck off Trotsky
Are you saying the movie trivialized the horror of Stalin's Russia? Because if that's what you're saying then I don't think you've seen this movie.
>pillaging Germany for personal gains?
No pillaging just for fun. Are you retarded?
Jeffrey Tambor's rendition of a Malenko who's a bit weak and confused but at the same time aware he has to display toughness was just great, very subtle acting.
no, you ignorant subhuman. slavs are the niggers in the western world. you think you're above them, but you're not. you want them to leave you alone yet you take their money and act like your countries survive because you're great. you're not. you're the subhumans who are crossing borders by the way
The only good thing in this movie
>Georgy "I Must Unite the Russian Peoples Under One Grave" Zhukov
>You keep saying that...
Well they didn't lose the eternal racial struggle
Great non-argument of an uneducated Sup Forumstard user. I'm sure you gonna show me by making another anonymous thread about subhuman Slavs as your third world police state sentences another cuck for wrong thinking and leaving a mean comment about Muslims or blacks on Facebook. Keep larping while actual nationalistic white countries do what's in their best interest. European unity my ass.
Shouldn't you go back to Turkey, Ahmed?
Is there a torrent for this? I love Ianucci kino
This. One of the darkest comedies in recent memory, especially Beria, they make no attempt to sanitize his evil. Some of the jokes are very disturbing.
Yeah, on rarbg
jesus christ since when have butthurt ivans infested this board?
dont you have any playgrounds to pose in wearing an adidas tracksuit?
I would pay good money to see a movie about Zhukov
He was too good of a character to get so little screen time
>Georgy "I ask not for fewer medals, but for broader chest to display them" Zhukov
See this is what I don't understand. You natsoc LARPing faggots cry about white man's duty and yet defend European Union at the same time. EU is the exact opposite of nationalism abolishing borders, homogenizing language, culture and laws. If Slavs steal the money while refusing to follow the full blown globalist agenda more power to them, it only means you guys are weak enough to allow them to do so. EU is cancer and should be abolished.
>all these posts and nobodies mentioned the name of the movie
I imagine it's mostly others being offended on their behalf, which is even more pathetic.
The Dark Knight Rises
Fifty Shades Greyer.
>Is this why everyone's been talking to me like they want to fuck my sister?
Yay I can't wait for another wave of Western degenerate "men" telling me that socialism and communism weren't so bad and we could make it work again after a watching some dumb flick which at best is surface deep Western mockery.
The Death of Stalin
>telling me that socialism and communism weren't so bad
>this film
you haven't seen it
I haven't and I have no intend to do so.
Then why the fuck do you post something so retarded when you haven't even watched the movie? It's the complete opposite, you dumb autist.
It's "election" season, they're working overtime.
>if you don't hate communist larpers on a basket weaving forum, you're uneducated
>you gotta be smart like me, and like Nazism
>insert: brainless wojak
That looks like some of that crazy "art" they have at DIA...
Because I don't want this movie to exist and my Russian bots will assassinate you if you ever mention it again.
>I haven't seen this movie, but here's my opinion on what it's about anyway.
Hello to Jason Issacs
Quite the strawman you got there, friendo.
This is what the vatniks will do to the subhuman decadent cosmopolitan west
t. Western white spoiled gender studies graduates with Che Guevara tshirt.
This movie is redpilled as fuck by today's cinema standarts.
Give it a try.
you just described government
>wahhh wahhh wahhh da West is so ebul
>please ignore the Western gibs
>the Mcdonalds
>the internet
>free trade
>fashion literally copied from the US
>every video game console
>a post-wall industry renaissance chiefly due to Western powers propping up your economy only to have some bald crypto-fascist/pretend communist win indefinite "elections" and cuck your country
germany is so pathetic that the east will defect back the russians and slaughter the western ones.
Doesn't russia have the highest HIV, homicide and abortion rates in europe?
Why is that image mirrored?
I don't have a problem with satire as such.
I have a problem with Western Millennials watching and not understanding satire while accepting it as a reliable news source (e.g. Colbert Report etc.)
You sound very upset.
Kill yourself, nigger.
>I have a problem with Western Millennials watching and not understanding satire while accepting it as a reliable news source (e.g. Colbert Report etc.)
You realize that outside of your echochamber on here, no actual demographic fits this goofy strawman? Most Americans (conservative to liberal) are moderately informed about current events.
Lots of commies died in the movie. That's what made it hilarious