Will this ever go anywhere?
Probably not. The fanbase is too pretentious over the fucking Cloverfield 'franchise' so they'll hate anything new.
I hope it dies after how terrible Paradox was tbqh
It has sex with the spaceship from 10CL in C4 while the surviving crew from Paradox watch and jerk off to it.
>The entire fanbase are only the creators
>Not even people who worked on it
Cloverfield is the offspring of the whole "dude, the mystery is the answer" wave that LOST spawned.
Monster screentime in the Cloverfield """trilogy"""
>Cloverfield: ~5 minutes
>Cloverfield Lane: 0 seconds
>Paradox: ~5 seconds
How much do you think we'll see in the next one?
After the first one, they slap "Cloverfield" on terrible movies to get more profit and ads a monster or a few and suddenly it's part of the series.
negative 9 hours.
Don't get your post because there are people on Sup Forums that take Cloverfield very very seriously as a franchise.
I mean they hate The Cloverfield Paradox because uh, why the fuck do they hate it?
this /thread
that last film could have been called event horizon 2 and it would have suited more.
Actually, yeah. I don't get why people are acting like this is TLJ or something. It was just a dumb Alien knock off.
It doesn't matter though. The franchise isn't even a franchise, it's three barely connected movies.
just like anything they are trying to make cinematic universes out of everything.
It is pathetic.
Cloverfield was a 6.5-7/10
10 Cloverfield Lane was a 8/10 even without the dumb alien stuff
The Cloverfield Paradox was a 4.5/10
Debate me
Debate this: Lane and Paradox would've been better movies without the Cloverfield part.
Imho, Lane could've been a 9/10 if the aliens weren't just tacked on
Nobody would have given a shit about Cloverfield Paradox without the 5 seconds of clovie
I've never bothered to watch Paradox. Is it actually comparable to Event Horizon?
Cloverfield 2 jump the shark, never explained what happened to the monster, and became a movie about an alien invasion.
To explain this shit they made paradox which was basically 'dude, we ain't got to explain shit' 'different dimensions, lmao'
Cloverfield is kill. It started off great and got ruined by JJ cancer.
didn't they confirm there's another movie in the series due to release later this year?
>Cloverfield 2
>they made Paradox to explain shit
I've never seen anyone so clueless.
nah its just a jewish scam attached to premade sci fi movies to get a few more shekels
i dunno, i think the aliens are part of the reason it's so good. it's a hard left turn for a film that, while excellent, isn't all that original. Having the aliens for most of the movie would've been weak, and having none at all would be kinda blasé.
I don't think they should've been in the entire movie, but they definitely should've been forshadowed more
Cloverfield is Cloverfield retardo. Did you even watch Paradox? The explosion on the satellite caused different dimensions to merege and this is where the monster in one came from and the aliens in Cloverfield Lane.
Yeah, Overlord comes out in October - a horror set during WWII. Allegedly test screenings have gone well.
I expect that one to be a lot more like 10CL - no overt Cloverfield references. The studio knew Paradox was weak and clearly filmed the monster stuff long after initial production to make up for it. 10CL didn't need it, it was good enough on its own.
Godzilla vs Cloverfield (2031)
Its event horizon done bad, no horror, tonal mess, quips, bright colors and shit sfx and most importantly, no plot
Did Lost ever go anywhere?
Paradox and Lane are not Cloverfield movies and they would've been better without trying to leech from the original movie. Lane would've even been good if they stuck with the original ending.
to trash
Cloverfield was one of the best horror movies ever made.