Matt Damon moving family to Australia because of Trump

Matt Damon moving family to Australia because of Trump

>Matt Damon is moving his family to Australia — in part because the liberal star’s fed up with President Trump.

>Damon, 47, reportedly has purchased a property in Byron Bay, New South Wales, according to Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph. The home’s next door to a place owned by Chris Hemsworth — with whom Damon recently appeared in “Thor: Ragnarok.”

>A source exclusively tells Page Six: “Matt’s telling friends and colleagues in Hollywood that he’s moving the family to Australia” because the activist actor disagrees with Trump’s policies. The president’s frequently butted heads with liberal Hollywood A-listers including Meryl Streep.


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America: love it or leave it, BITCH

>A source exclusively tells Page Six
Sounds legit. I think you just reposted clickbait you dumb faggot.

Moving, more like fleeing

Q predicted this

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>The president’s [of the United States of America] frequently butted heads with liberal Hollywood A-listers including Meryl Streep.
That is the ridiculous reality in which we live.

Be sure to renounce your citizenship too, faggot.

Best of luck to the man

>Liberal threatens to move

>Cuckservative threatens to secede
>triples down on whining online instead


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His kids better fucking know how to banter

>Matt Damon is moving his family to Australia — in part because the liberal star’s fed up with President Trump

He does know that the attitude of most Aussies to non-white immigrants make Trump look like a liberal, right?
Apart from the cunts in Melbourne