Why did Lena need to get BLACKED?
Did the storyline really need to show us how Oscar Isaac was made a cuck by a nerdy black man?
Why did Lena need to get BLACKED?
Did the storyline really need to show us how Oscar Isaac was made a cuck by a nerdy black man?
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It was definitely one of the most powerful scenes in the entire movie. It showed her inner struggle and humanity. It literally paints a beautiful picture of self destruction, which is one of the main themes of this masterpiece.
Why should I care about her? I can't imagine dating Portman/Hershlog. She's prob been blacked irl in a synagogue shaped like a black triangle. Her vag is annihilated, replicate a new one, then ask me.
the affair was what started the whole thing. It's why he volunteered to go in and why she felt that she "owed him" enough to volunteer herself once she found out where he went
webm related
But why did it need to be a black man?
who cares, it's not seen as anything remotely positive in the movie
Who cares? Imagine being this obssesed with race. Seriously consider getting out of the house and meet some people
The point of the movie was that in the end the copy of Kane ain't himself anymore and probably is apathetic towards everything, even towards the information that Lena got BLACKED and cheated with him. This is the type of person Lena deserves since she is such a bitch.
But she was a copy too.
highly debatable
>Why did Lena need to get BLACKED?
Unironically to make her regret it
They go over it in the movie several times and it was already in her blood. She was also a month in the shimmer and she only remembered days. She also had no recollection of eating anything.
Real Lena's corpse is still rotting there somewhere. Glowy eyes isn't the original.
Seriously, that's just poor writing. Who would ever cheat on Oscar Isaac, come on.
Women, that's who.
As would men, gay/bi men are very unfaithful.
It's more depraved
I wouldn't. I would make sweet, sweet love to him every day and every night, then cuddle him and play with his hair until he fell asleep.
because ((they)) live in your head rent free
the black man is the crux of the story user. annihilation refers to the annihilation of the white race. its all there.
>What did you think of Natalie Portman's character in Annihilation?
looked like a disgusting old jew hag
>But why did it need to be a black man?
Pushing the jew agenda.
>another technology production
I didn't like altered carbon, and this one is the same, it feels pedant.
Considering dropping netflix now, I'm done with this almighty technology vibe.
>Why did Lena need to get BLACKED?
jews pushing their anti-whie agenda
par for the course now
Neta-Lee Hershlag isn't white, who cares if she does BLACKED?
99.9% of the audience considers Portman White, and that's all that matters
>Imagine being this obssesed with race.
I'm gonna need sauce on that, man.
She is White. In fact she is Queen of the White women.
>why did she need to get BLACKED?
Idk why did she need to get BROWNED
No country for white men.
This movie was about the power of the BBC. Lena's "self-destructive" behavior, which is what the shimmer is a metaphor for, is that she can't control her natural desire for the BBC. Even at the very end of the movie, she is shown to be glad that it's not the real Kane because that means he doesn't know about her BBC addiction so she can keep taking her daily doses.
Well if that's the case then the whole cheating part doesn't matter at all since it wasn't the same Lena who did it. They have nothing to do with their previous lives, copy of Lena got together with a copy of Kane. So what was the point of the movie again? Seems like Lena's ark didn't go anywhere in the end.
It wasn’t progressive and inclusive enough to have the movie star a WHITE woman so they had to show her fucking a nigger in order make up for that.
>nature hates you
>muh genetic cancer
>yay gore
>empowered feminism
>black man cuckold
this movie was massively soulless
still wondering about things when I watch it
should I still support the same people? feels like they develop the exact opposite of what I like
I always found ridiculous the pointless "muh dishonest" crittics made on this boards, but I think I understand what dishonest means know
Annihilation is just a poor man S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
the writting was Star Wars VIII tier, especially for the characters.
It really a shame because I thnk it had potential, and it treated well the subject of self-destruction.
I guess it got 87% on RT just because of the female cast wich is way too high, placing it at the same score as BR2049
>inb4 BR2049 is dishonest
it isn't
It’s disgusting when any non-nigger lets a nigger touch them.
The genes of niggers which cause them to have an average IQ of 80-85 drag down the rest of humanity whether they’re white, Asian, Jewish or Hispanic.
Besides Jews are seen as white by most white people so they still serve as subconscious role models.
It was a mistake that she regretted and was part of her ark. You wanted him to be a white man because you didn't want to get bothered by it? Well I think you were supposed to get bothered by it, it wasnt meant as a good thing for fucks sake. She knew she fucked up. So what the fuck is the problem? God damn you are sensitive jesus christ.
>israeli jew
>cheats with a n*gger
>husband is a beaner of some kind to start with
"White" should really only refer to Anglo master-race, anyone else claiming to be white is cultural appropriation And This Is Not OK
I can't decide if this kino is redpilled or bluepilled
Why does the mimic have a labia? i'm looking for answers.
All the better to take BBC with my dear.
Why would it not?
>interracial couples
Great way to get me to not watch something. Whats the excuse they have for sending a bunch of women to contain an alien threat?
It's all about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's Ipopulation, yet look at all they control from inly the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us. The first place
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditionalists I western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
But what happens once they're on top and succeed with this plan?
I remember the 90s when people only cared about fun
now cancer is spreading
You're witnessing it.
I will decide for you
You are just mentally ill user
as soon as i saw that first blacked scene i turned it off
its like you cant even enjoy a movie anymore without these jewish cunts ruining it
So you don't enjoy the food you eat? The water you drink? The clothes you wear?
Everything I menationed has jewish hands behind it
>he doesn't cook his own food, purify his own water, and sew his own clothing to get away from Jewish influence
Imagine being this bluepilled
You got triggered by a scene which was supposed to make you unease? The movie succeeded so much that you had to turn it off. I would call you retarded but honestly the movie wasnt even that good so whatever.
The very computer you are using right now made jews richer
>what happens when elites succeed?
Research Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, as others have noted it's very similar to Annihilation without the ayyys.
>but user how can 1% rule everything in the future?
Same way they do now, but major differences
>automated transport and manual labor
>global surveillance state
>Chinese Communist global police force (US vs Russia weakens both white nations, allowing Israel and China to rule MENA hardcore)
>socialized education completely washes out any fair views of white history, it's all bad except the "rebels" who are like Portman
>human/animal hybrids will transform human rights debate, and lessen rights for goyim class in the end, these hybrids will be protected by also a slave class, like exalted maids. Crazy? Look up chimp/human hybrids, read the news sometime
Annihilation is like a fairy tale scifi version of the plan being implemented by elites. Submit.
>the jooos are opressing me! reeeeeee!