You now remember this piece of crap

you now remember this piece of crap

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No I don't

My favorite rated PG kidkino.

I vaguely remember that it existed I guess

kys pedo

I'm not a pedo. I watched it as a kid and liked it and still do. Get off my balls.

if you watched this as a kid, you are underaged piece of shit and i'm reporting you as we speak. enjoy your ban, kid. do something with your life. nothing personnel.

fuck off this movie was comfy

Fuck you old man.

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It was so fucking boring
The 3D was pretty good though

>hurr durr old cinema is good
Who the fuck likes this piece of shit?

Everything in this movie sucked except for Kingsley's monologue. That one scene where he's describing his past, creating magic in movies and having fun doing it and loving it is the only scene worth watching, but that scene is definitely worth watching.

Do the people in this thread that hate this film have any valid criticisms other than 'boring'?

I liked the innocence in the film quite a bit, and actually liked the color scheme used.

SBC was terrible

Chloe needs to stop ruining movies by being in them.

I don't give a fuck about silent films. They are boring shit that only pretentious people pretend to enjoy.

it was fun. looks great in 3d

Disagree - I think the weakest actors in the film were Butterfield and Moretz, because child acting is usually hard to pull off.

SBC played his part well as he portrayed that authority can be incompetent.

she does a fucking great english accent

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You know there are a ton of people here who watched this movie at 13/14/15 and are old enough to be here right? Dumbass


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People who don't like this movie have no real passion for cinema