This pedo shit does seem extremely too good to be true.
Manstrem Meedier
I was thinking it could be more drug related, but even then these code words and the way they use them don't point towards drugs.
Funny thing. Yes, it was planted as disinfo to throw people away from the foundation. But no, it isn't false.
EVERYTHING they do is based off the playbook of alinsky. All their lies and attacks have basis in truth. Every. Single. One.
Breggs it
Yeah, I honestly think the pedo stuff was spiked into the online investigation to make it look ridiculous. I doubt sincerely that they'd discuss such matters in the context of work email - or even over email at all.
It's just a red herring to distract from other things and to paint the entire investigation as a wild goose chase.
"Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"
Sounds like drugs to me.
Paul snaggletooth is a low test cuck anyway
It could be real but we'll never find evidence. He's right.
>PJW caring about the truth
I wewladded irl
ctr pedo shills
This, there are encrypted messaging services which are easily available and make much more sense than using code words on their official government email accounts.
Bullshit, this assclown refuses to name the Jew and now he's claiming the pedo stuff isn't true. He's not full cuck but he's certainly partially a cuck. The leftists always project and they tried to claim Donald raped children first so you know it's something they've done. You can't name one thing that they've accused Trump for doing that in the end you find out they've done times ten. When the rape story came up I knew these assholes were kiddy rapers.
cheese is probably coke. pasta could be pot
He's right, it's just a distraction. It's analogous to how the people who think "the Twin Towers were destroyed by mini-nukes while holographic planes crashed into them" only fuck over the people who think "Bush knew something about 9/11". Poisoning the well and making people who have a reasonable skepticism about things look crazy by association.
Fuck off cracker
Sup Forums is a Hindu board of prayer and goodwill. Dirty crackers are not welcome here
>Trying to make us look away from the dark shit
/po/ in the lo
GO POO IN THE LOO PAJEET! You'll probably go swim in poo as usual.
yeah no shit
larpers are retarded
i don't know. i have a bad feeling it's true
Nobody wants to believe it.
I believe that FBI user was legit, and therefore, this is legit.
We'll see, won't we?
Hey user. I just wanted to say that I love India. The food is amazing and the women are gorgeous. I've been to New Delhi and Mumbai before and both were lovely. The Taj Mahal is amazing too, like holy shit, I can't think of a single thing on my continent that comes close.
Keep it real.
Why are you genuinely upset hehehe
Pathetic! Do you even go outside Walmart my fellow whyte friend?
I think it might be real but it's too hard to prove. A good substitution code like this is very difficult to crack. Could be anything. We need more evidence, like something that ties the clintons to child trafficking.
InfoWars is kinda going mainstream now. Isn't it already bigger than CNN and most of those other lying fuckups?
It means they can't delve too much into stuff normies would consider "conspiracy theories". And I'm not sure what it would take for the normies to believe in pedo stuff - probably nothing short of a videotape of Hillary Clinton and her rapist husband dismembering some loli and raping the shit out of her dead carcass shown on mainstream news.
Yeah, you know what you are right. India s amazing. They have the cleanest loos in the world. :D
it'll never get picked up by the MSM in time for the election, normies aren't going to believe it either, and despite what you may think you people don't have strong evidence
it's probably true. it doesn't contradict my current hypothesis on what this ordeal is about
I told you its 2 tweeters pushing the pedo shit.
>s-stop investigating this!
Everyone already knew the Clintons and Epstein went way back. Everyone already knew that the Clintons were involved in some shady shit and had dirt on everyone. We know now that Hillary herself personally made sure that Laura Silsby, who was trafficking children, got out of trouble in Haiti.
>something happened that made my candidate look bad
>i-it's probably not real... r-right guys?
I dunno, do you poo anywhere outside of the street?
For u :^)
I'm inclined to agree as well. No need to go full Alex Jones when a Ryan Dawson will do.
oh yeah fucking right
Maybe it's real but too much for the media/normies to handle - and too hard to prove
>Paper loo
>All poor pajeet can afford
Yeah, fuck InfoWars. They can follow our lead: we won't follow theirs.
have to agree. not getting much out of this pedo shit. i think they upped their diversion tactics. CTR noticed spam wasnt working and new that new leaks were coming. this is a great distraction on many levels.
you have to remember every day - every hour matters at this point. every email and lead not followed could be detrimental. if this pedo shit is our major focus and we get nothing out of it until election day they have won.
its probably CTR running all these threads honestly.
Oh yah there is nothing to these insinuations whatsoever....
O.k. you shill fucks are starting to creep my out now.
The more i watch the shills try to deflect this, the more I believe Sup Forums is uncovering the gnarliest scandal of our time
You should get out of your bubble and actually travel the world sometime, user. I bet USA has poverty too, and I bet it's not pretty. I wouldn't know because I've never been anywhere except Grand Forks. Who would want to visit the slums of America?
India has culture which is something I wouldn't expect you to understand or appreciate.
fbianon told us they were pedos like 6 months ago though
Normies don't want to believe. We need more than rumors and codes to convince them. Drawing too much attention to this now will make it harder for them to believe rock solid proofs. It's like the boy who cried wolf. We're diluting our future credibility.
Paul, was the occult dinner by the Podestas just "a red herring"?
Podesta arranging Occult dinner with uber rare occult book author. READ> wikileaks.org
the emails are very suspicious
wikileaks wouldn't make the link if it weren't true
the_donald wouldn't post it if it weren't true
and judging by the "flow" of things, it's the most likely conspiracy
>false trail
yeah right
i feel an "i told you so" incoming
Podesta was using gmail dumbass
Hardly an "official government email account"
That's where all of these pizzas are coming from
To those who doubt - look back to FBI user. he said the Foundation is what we need to focus on. It is the key. They are using the Foundation as a pedo ring cover.
There are too many connections between the Clintons and pedophiles/traffickers. Why would anyone think this is a "false trail".
He's right. This is a fucking CTR distraction, and autists are eating it up.
>India has culture
Yeah, cultured poo.
Investigate more after Trump wins.
PJW is the fucking fake news.
God damned controlled opposition MI5 faggot
Indian culture > Indian shit > American culture
If it's disinfo, why are Sup Forums mods autosaging the threads?
>pussy tape
>pedo case and more uncovered corruption
>s-stick to real shit
Thanks user
Tbf I don't like Memebai or Delhi. Goa, Kerala, Himachal are much better. But then again I'm Goan so maybe I'm biased.
t. indian living in canada.
That was very nice of you to post, Justin.
>TFW did you just make a good point
>the_donald wouldn't post it if it weren't true
He's talking about the pedo shit with the clinton foundation and the lolita express you dumbass.
this one kind of makes it look like they were a bunch of pedos driving around all day looking for a house to have a child rape party at, and podesta forgot a handkerchief with contact details for a "map" (sjw term for 'minor attracted person')
my travel agent recommended those cities which is why I visited them, are those places good with foreigners?
>pussy tape
PJW didn't say this. The pussy tape was nothing.
Wouldn't be the first time he was almost late to the party.
But what the fuck are dominos?
Maybe PJW is afraid his name might come up...
>german education
>O.k. you shill fucks
You're the one clearly standing out as the shill. The pedo angle has no concrete evidence and if it did, it would require far more time to clarify than the time between now and the election. This is not the angle that we should be pursuing right now. Pursue after Trump is elected.
ANONS LOOK AT THIS wikileaks.org
Spread it to everyone GO GO GO!!!!!!!
He's right.
Almost all of it is circumstantial it seems. To many loose connections. So far, that is.
Focus on the foundation. Focus on the election.
>listening to the media
Top Kek
The stuttering implles you think we are scared of you, thats comedy gold right there, now back to telemarketing you brown nigger
Stealing this user's pasta
You are all being scammed into tinfoil-tier bullshit. Yes, the Clintons are possibly involved in child trafficking, based on their long friendship with Epstein as well as Hillary's support of the Haiti child stealer. But these emails referring to "pizza" and "pasta" are NOT referring to children.
They are just talking about food. There is literally an innocent reading of all of them. You are getting way ahead of yourselves and are NOT BEING DILIGENT WITH THE EVIDENCE.
This is confirmation bias, pure and simple, and it makes you all look unhinged. Pull it together. This is a disappointment from this sub, to be easily believing the most conspiratard-tier shit without thinking it through.
Again, I think the Clintons are PROBABLY involved in this shady shit just based on their connections, but let's not invent for ourselves a Turin shroud-esque echo chamber of confirmation bias where we just instantly assume they're talking about child rape when they're probably just talking about food.
I mean, some of the leaps of logic are just ridiculous. Someone mentions a "hotdog stall in Hawaii", and then someone finds a reddit post of a weird compound in Hawaii......... therefore this is where Podesta and his ilk fuck the kids and dispose of them in acid! It's proven! Don't deny this, or you're a CTR shill!
Everyone of you needs to have a serious think about just what evidence you have for the claim that they're talking about raping children in those food related emails, and not simply talking about food.
I think CTR are the ones promoting this narrative because they know it discredits us and wastes our time looking into other things. And by "this narrative", I don't mean the larger issue of the Clintons and sex trafficking, I just mean these absurd Bible-code-tier code words that you're all strangely choosing to believe in.
You've all bought into this shit without being skeptical, and it is painful to watch.
Pfft. I know you're just a poo.
podesta probably couldn't spell tor ignominious dumbfuck
He's right.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
i heard the whole country smells like a public restroom
Fuck this guy. He probably has gigs of cheese pizza on his hard drive
if it's this serious, then what in the fuck...
why is it taking so long for something to be done
Goa seems based, how common is portuguese there?
What the fuck do waitresses have to do with pedo shit. You're either a shill or mentally incapacitated.
I concur. Uh oh I just became a holocaust denier.
India smells like curry which is delicious.
I didn't think about that.
>I doubt sincerely that they'd discuss such matters in the context of work email
unfortunately I'd have to agree. ISIS sandniggers can even use a better medium than that.
and why is this epstein faggot still running free
shouldn't there be some kind of skunkworks project to deal with him?
who is this relish dervish?
>le "muslims throwing gays off buildings is bad" man spoke, we have to listen to him
It's real imo. Especially the Laura Silsby connection that is all but bagged up. Finding definitive proof in the emails is something else though. We have blatant crimes in Wikileaks of Hillary perjuring herself and mishandling classified documents which is much easier to prove. I agree with Cernovich on this I think it's good the story got out and some of the MSM has been forced to respond and defend it. Maybe once Trump wins he'll take the leash off the FBI and allow them run all over this. Hopefully he does because we're never going to get anywhere with this satanic extortion racket in place. But for now our energy may be better spent building up the current FBI case with the low hanging fruit and making it easier to prove for them.
Cheese pizza is a known code word for child porn. I spent a day on the deep web and found that out quickly
I'd say so. But again depends. Most natives secretly hate anyone foreign but are always nice to you and won't do anything bad to you
My grandpa could talk fluent portguese. I think a few of my friends can talk it too
What's it with American autism whenever they see an Indian? Indians earn 2x more than white people in the US in their own land LMAO. We are a superior race. Get over it