"N-no, I didn't copied Evangelion..."

"N-no, I didn't copied Evangelion..."

Mental connection with the Eva
LCL inside the cabin
Mysterious alien enemy
Throwing ship to damage an enemy
Walkway in the hangar, next to the face of the Eva
Shot of aerial vehicles attacking the enemy while a character observes from the ground

>Pacific Rim
Mental connection with the Jaeger
Orange liquid inside the suit
Mysterious alien enemy
Throwing ship to damage an enemy
Walkway in the hangar, next to the face of the Jaeger
Shot of aerial vehicles attacking the enemy while a character observes from the ground

Attached: 2lw3lmr.jpg (1600x576, 229K)

wow user you've figured it out, Pacific Rim is a westernized homage to evangelion



isn't this common knowledge? The guy behind this franchise was working on an eveangeleon movie and started this right after it failed.


not the word I would use.

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>worst protagonist in history
>pacific rimmed
>mediocre but manly protagonist

They're nothing alike.

>he hasn't watched Evangelion
what a massive pleb, no wonder his movies suck ass

>memorable human character
>pacific rim
>generic hollywood hero

>muh anime
please go outside

>huuuuuman character
He's just a pussy, a shit character.
Only numale yellow bellies like him.
>generic hero
You mean an actual hero, worthy of some sort of respect?

>10% of the US population has an IQ below 83

people with an iq that low cant even operate a pc

one would hope so

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Why does the West continue to steal art? Can't they think of something original?

holywood is too afraid to take risk and prefer copy existing flicks that they know will always have the minimum audience to be profitable.

>Japan has never taken anything from the US

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You cracked the case user

that's fucking pathetic, glad I had no intention of giving my money to those hacks from pacific rim

The whole “i didn’t know this existed, i just happened to come up with the exact same idea on my own” deal is starting to become a bit too common with this guy.

You didn't highlight it all. He said he's seen scenes from it. Hence .

I don't even give a fuck. Pacific Rim 1 was good. The second one looks like a Transformers sequel. I have no plans to watch it.

Its a good thing EVA was the first series/film to introduce the concept of using boats to move large things across bodies of water. Also the first to establish the idea of hostile alien entities, of course.

I didn’t even pay to see PR and I still left feeling ripped off. Even the NGE Rebuilds were better.

eva is a deconstruction of the genre, pacific rim is a jumbled mess of ideas trying to make money.

>deconstruction of the genre
Develop this. I've seen it before.

it shows what happens when you put kids with baggage into "robots".

>Toro likes Ito
How likely would an adaptation of Ito story be now? Which one would you like to see?

eva is shit and people only enjoy it because it's muh first mecha anime and muh first symbolism I understood (which was very obvious and in times hamfisted down viewers' necks, so not much of an achievement). The aliens/angels/whatever were nicely designed though and they deserved to be expanded upon and in better anime.

t. dumb evafag who's never seen a single 70s/80s mecha anime or any kaiju movies

>it was good

>"love anime and manga"
>hasn't seen Eva
Unironically what a pleb, Christ

>don't see most overrated anime of all times
sure thing weeb


>bad protagonist

Yeah but its not shitty ass weeby anime so its better.

get fucked nerd

name one episode where he doesn't whine or cry about something

The symbolism in eva is meaningless and people enjoy it for the psychodrama it is

Yes, we know Del Taco was "inspired" by Evangelion, user.

He got away with it. He's going to keep getting away with it, and there's nothing you or I can do about it. This is nothing new.

>14 year old child soldier literally manipulated by the illuminati
>mentally stable

>lying spic


and all of that makes a good protagonist I guess

He's a 14 year old with a dead mum, a dad who mentally abuses him and was raised by his teacher for the past few years.

How dare he. HOW DARE HE!

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Can you fucking read you dumb fuck.

Anno never hid his inspirations.

tfw was gonna try making a webcomic about people developing powers and fighting factions including rebels, the world government and regular folk and adventurers
>start describing it to a friend who offered to help edit
>"Isn't that just one piece?"

Attached: ichi_v10_201.jpg (763x1100, 112K)

IT sure is a direct inspiration...
>Fast described the stories as "about the general childishness of man, the only form of life that refuses to grow up."
Couldn't Anno be a little more creative when he was writing his "homages"

No shit user, Del Toro even sites mecha anime and Godzilla movies as his inspiration

>the most entry level of all anime
Ftfy. Eva is a must watch, I think and it's also a fantastic series.

by that measure hungry caterpillar is an entry level book but I wouldn't call people who never read it plebs

They had him working on Silent Hills before it got canned

yeah, just like i'm sure he never saw that movie he ripped off for shape of water

More like Eva is star wars, forever changing the anime landscape and spawning a myriad of copies. Only to get rebooted and have it totally suck, and also have a large defense force of fags defending it.

>Jiro Taniguchi
10/10 taste in manga

>pay homage to EVA
>bad grug hate del taco

>rip off the themes and plot of obscure 1970s sci fi novel and add a bunch of cool greek and christian words
>wow Anno is so based, EVa is the height of achievement and culture

star wars sucked from the get go and so did eva, why the fuck do you keep praising this garbage is beyond me.

For the ignorant, is there a single person that a lot of anime tropes can be linked to?
Referring to shit like the sound of a water drop used to transition scenes, women/girls always have one of the 4 or 5 personalities, ridiculously convoluted plots, references to some sort of god/demon, etc.

I haven't watched a ton but it's hard not to notice how dertivative this shit can be.

One piece dosnt have a fucking plot, go for it.
Sure One piece has a setting, but does nothing with it, any plot development is rare if exists at all, and the world building is so slow it only exist since manga is running for 20 years straight.
We didnt know shit about how the seas look until like 10 years in.

Nobody watches the original anime anymore, they just follow the rebuild movies

go nagai

Evangelion LITERALLY invented scaffolding.

Liar. Shape of water is almost the same as shape of voice anime

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I'm sure you can articulate exactly why you think both landmark franchises "suck." I'll wait.

A lot of series from the seventies were the ones the big anime directors in the nineties grew up with. Rose of Versailles, Kamen Rider, Black Jack, Golgo 13, the original Mobile Suit Gundam, Devilman & Mazinger Z etc

Nobody cares if you copy something as long as your copy is better than the original

rehashing old ideas and rebranding them as own whilst simplifying them to make them easily digestible by wide masses thus getting wide support of literal brainlets who now feel superior for watching something "intellectual"
>durr god and christianity simbolysm
>generic fantasy but in SPAAACE

"N-no, I didn't copied Mass Effect..."

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Hellstar Remina would be great

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More importantly, do you think Abe Sapien got dat Liz pussy?

The Hellboy comic existed before Mass Effect dummy.

Hey kid, Evangelion just copied anime before it.

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