I miss the 90s. It was a simpler time...
I miss the 90s. It was a simpler time
that is one black ass motherfucker
>'member Bill?
Someone got cucked by Bill
No it wasn't. It's all over-romanticized. We were just a lot stupider back then. Ignorance is bliss, after all.
We all do, Bill.
Sure OP
So simple
wonder if Al and Bill had swing parties with their wives together
And no OP, the 90s were not incredible. Crack epidemic, mass killings, government killing patriots like in Waco and the militia movement taking revenge
Yeah, I miss all those churches burned during Bill's election campaigns!
Plays an instrument that's been around for millions of years, nigger think he's black. niggers should not vote ever.
>mainstream media trusted
>Bill Clinton beloved/respected/feared internationally
>Hillary Clinton respected by most
>internet was still in its infancy
>blue pilled world
>populace generally happy except for laborers working for manufacturing companies
Never forget
Rocky Dennis
Really, the 1990's sucked. There was constant kowtowing to niggers. I was terrible.
Why can't those negroes just accept that they are just meant to harvest crops and provide entertainment? It's really not that hard to be a nigger.
Why do so many people like Bill but hate Hillary?
Even a lot of right wingers like him
Mr. Popo
damn it'd suck to be this hate filled
Very centrist politician, sharply took the Dems to the right, balanced the budget (with help from Gingrich), the first of the new generation of politicians in the rock and roll era, personally a likable man.
The big thing is his era was after the Cold War was resolved, so he was pretty much the first President to live in a unipolar wold with America being the only power by far worth a damn
One of my father's friends tried to jog with Bill Clinton. He got clotheslined by secret service.
he's still alive
>mfw you will never be an 11-year-old hooligan fucking with people in AOL chat rooms
Bill Clinton was one of the few good things about the 90s.
Oppositely Ronald Reagan was one of the worst things about an otherwise great 80s.
Then the 2000s, lol, George Bush was shit and the 2000s were shit, and it's been downhill from there.
What? Prove Reagan was a good president. Because I can prove he was one of the most corrupt just as easily and you know it.