Just marathonned almost this whole flick, holy fuck it was bad. does anyone actually like it or were they just memeing?

just marathonned almost this whole flick, holy fuck it was bad. does anyone actually like it or were they just memeing?

Attached: tumblr_static_1tbqmq75pmo00000ks0og8s80.jpg (1920x1195, 664K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What didn't you like about it?

leftist garbage

Some bait just smells too bad.

too long, very boring. acting was utter shite too

Why do people make threads saying a movie was shit without saying why? Do you want to be called a retard?

get out of here kid

Attached: pinky.png (349x491, 203K)

here's a tip. please pass this into your mother before she takes you to another grown-up film.

Attached: 221435.jpg (978x1252, 286K)


i'm 38 you fucking idiot

Nice one.

Even though 38 months old isn't a child yet, I think the picture still hold true in your case.

That's even more embarrassing

So a literal manchild eh?

Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.

What you find boring others can find riveting and vice versa. Some people are immensely bored by Marvel flicks, some of them think they are just pure fun.
Get better arguments

It's just redditors

I love it just as much as the original.

Go back to capeshit

not op
hillarious to me that people watch this shit and think it's good, the experience is so vapid, ugly and convey literaly ZERO emotion to the viewer.

do i really have to explain to you why the movie you just watched is forgetable gargabe ?

it's like giving out argument about why i dont enjoy eating my own vomit.
because it's terrible in all of it's basic aspect.

now if you can convince your unmature brain that vomit is a delicacy i can just laugh at you and that's it.

the only people that i know around me that liked this movie are utter pleb with no knowledge about cinema.

it's not because it looks good and it's pretending to be deep that it is ? use your fucking brain for a minute and judge something for what it is.

even gosling is terrible in it.

You only proved that user right with your embarassing word vomit post. Your entire post is "it's bad because it's bad", not a single actual argument.
And the reddit spacing and middle school sentence forming is just extra brainlet points.

Have blade redditors seen the women who left yet?

Or is lav diaz still an obscure nobody for their neocinphile facebook sensibilities?

>Too long
>too boring
>The acting was shite
Sooo do you have any actual criticisms?

What the FUCK is this spelling and grammar? What are you even saying?

>Writing a lot, but saying nothing
You must be a professional film critic

>this post
the absolute state of anti 2049 fags

iv always typed this way, never been on reddit have no idea what reddit spacing mean, but everytime some retard tell me that it just means he is actualy from reddit so go choke on a hard one.

you faggot should just watch more movie, use your brain for critical thinking and maybe you will understand why this movie is trash.

but you need half a brain.

if you think the acting were good you are retarded, if you think the lenght and pacing were good, you are retarded.

you are all retarded redditor or underage who have seen like 50 movie in their life, you have no taste, no brain, no critical thinking, you just eat what you've been told to.

tldr. the movie is uttershit and you want argument about why it's shit ? just open your eyes you braindead faggot.

what is it about liking blade runner 2 that makes you such an insufferable autistic redditor?

What did I just read?

Now show vegana
Or at least bobs

its just memeing from a viral marketing campaign. nobody actually watches movies on this board.

>If you disagree with me, you're retarded

Okay now this is definitely bait. Here's my (You), enjoy it


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Why are anti-blade Runner 2049 Sup Forumsedditors so dishonest with themselves? Why do they pretend they have the slightest insight into what makes good film?

Hey sage tourist! Have you found Gyvieji Didvyriai by Balys Bratkauskas on reddit.com yet?


are you from india, friend?

How do you marathon a fucking movie?

Why haven't you seen it yet? Is Diaz too high brow for your neocinphile facebook sensibilities or is it the other thing?

jeez i didn't think i'd get so many replies
i actually love the movie you poor sods

Attached: 283472dbd43e265a30c12e869f5a095e5642081fd25fa9572848eedf87d3caa5.png (612x577, 76K)

Why is every single BR thread a /mentally ill/ general these days?

>this faggot still namedropping in a desperate attempt to prove something
lmaoing @ ur life

Not this one but everytime you see a 2049 thread with soy, dishonest, or video games in OPs post it's ReviewScrew. He spams them 10+ times a day

The redditor who makes this thread got exposed by a Blade Runner fan. Now is something personal for Review Screw

i know you prob won't believe me but i don't even know who this guy is. i actually typed up the OP before even picking which movie to use as the pic

>This whole fucking thread
Thanks for the giggs

Attached: SBZXr7z[1].gif (300x225, 1.43M)

How does it feel to be a retard OP? Cells

read the thread mate

I have to agree, it's the first D.Villeneuve I haven't finished and I have tried 3 times by now.
Cinematography is fantastic, but I can't get into the story, it's slow and I don't give a shit about what's happening. Never liked original Blade Runner too..

you don't. op is just a hyperactive child.

>marvelpajeets on their lunch break


Sup Forumseddit loves Blade Runner 2049.

The failed proto-soy project of conflating my voice with this infant is dull, and intellectually offensive. Reviewscrew makes no comment on the failed aesthetic of Blade Runner and its kinects as ghastly video game voyeurism. As expected a comic book and reddit fan.Next time you attempt debate do it honestly.

>veddit is still here defending the latest Villenueve project pile of trash

Exquisite copy pasting my friend, riveting stuff

damn the entire board isn't unsalvagable. Keep BTFOing the plebs, bro

>veddit is still here crying against the latest Villenueve critically acclaimed passion project

>relating to a literal designated shitting pajeet third worlder


>Samefagging this hard