Was Batman v Superman simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?

Was Batman v Superman simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?

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No. The batman vs superman part was okay. The resolution of the fight was iffy, but it was okay. The problem came afterwards - a villain basically out of nowhere. We knew nothing about the guy from the movie.

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No, fuck off

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pretty much, its also a pleb filter. For example it worked with

Its simply the best superhero film ever made

Give it a rest already. BvS was a misshapen mess of a movie. There was a good movie hidden somewhere under the mess, but Snyder had too big of a hard on for his vision for modern day gods.

It actually could have worked had he done one Batman movie, one Superman movie and one movie with Batman and Superman. Wonder Woman could have been a supporting character in both the the third lead in BvS, being responsible for making Bat and Supes to stop fighting.



Jesus Christ it's a fucking Batman movie. There's nothing deep about it.

I only saw the directors cut. it was a decent flick. was theatrical really that bad?

The main theme of Snyder's "Batman v Superman" on spiritual dematerialism is not eschatological, but a phenomenological ontology. Thus he implies that we have to choose between predialectic construction and deconstructivist neodialectic theory, essentially Heideggerian as seen in the concept of Dasein. The subject is interpolated then into a cinematic dematerialism that includes spirituality as a whole. But if the Kierkegaardian worldview holds, we have to choose between the cultural paradigm of expression and atomism. In Snyder's own "Man of Steel" he has a character say that "the world's too big”. Inherent in this is how the function of Lebenswelt (cinematically translated by Snyder as "world of life") operates in all his films, chiefly in "Sucker Punch" and "300". We see a phenomenological approach to the world showing a cinematic logic that presupposes a structural constraint in rootedness, another intentionality central to his filmography and philosophy. Because "metaphysical comfort" is not an object of temporality per se, but rather an aspect of automatic condition, as suggested by Cavell. Hermeneutic interpretations are also apparent in his post-"Watchmen" movies; in fact the interchangeable subjectivities are but another representation of Husserl's and Wittgenstein's "form of life". As his academic hero Heidegger succintly noted, "freedom is the ‘abyss’ of Dasein, its groundless or absent ground". This is essentially the thesis operating in Snyder's films.

So to answer the OP's question, yes.

Don't you get tired of this Henry? Seriously


It was actually too stupid


Here is a quick rundown, if you don't want the quick rundown, search for movieblob's review, I hate the fucker but he truly teared this movie apart by destroying every single scene of the movie in a 3 hours long rant. But you really don't need to watch that to understand why it sucks, just watch the quick rundown I posted.

Thank me later, OP. I'm replying from the frontpage so I won't be able to reply back.

The villain is Lex, Doomsday is just the device through which he acted in the final part of the movie.

Blob's so autistic that he outright misses pretty much every sinle allegorical aspect of the story and fails to even notice what's being conveyed visually. If he's going to ignore the fact that visuals can be (and considering that film is a visual medium, arguably *should* be) doing more than just painting pretty pictures, he should forego commenting on films altogether and stick to something more his speed, like audiobooks.

What's doubly shameful is how he quite clearly proceeds from a preconception of what the films are and should be about and how they should go about being that specific thing. If he had the barest shred of the integrity and intellectual courage to support his opinions and smug sense of superiority, he'd throw on a trip and debate his points here, but he won't and that pretty much renders anything he has to say on the matter of negative relevance to me.


Tried to make a serious movie like dark knight trilogy. Fail. LUL

Monster villains that don't even talk are lame.

>allegory and visuals = makes up for lazy writing
the absolute plebeian state of Sup Forums

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movieblob is a retard and his "review" of BvS is laughable

ps the thick heavy indian accent is hilarious. based marvelpajeets