He saves Earth-0 from the Dark Multiverse

Batman 66 is the anti-thesis of the edgy and dark multiverse.

His theme with counter the dark vibrations.


Yfw is the answer to all the edgy bullshit in comics.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Superman sings this to Darkseid

Adam West Batman can solo all the Dark Knights with a Evil-Batman Repellent Bat Spray

Real question: what song did superman sing to beat darkseid? Donner superman theme?

Didn't they already do that in the return of the caped crusaders?

>Donner superman theme?
I like to think it was youtube.com/watch?v=S1LAdRODHvY

>the theme plays like D, C
Reading the latest issue of Metal was a trip

Morrison said that it was your favorite song.

What is going on in the comics?

60's Batman was tongue in cheek, it was about how stupid and silly comics in the early 50's were. It's not the antithesis of grim n gritty, it's a confirmation of it. It says "comics are stupid and superheroes are unrealistic", which is what grim n gritty heroes were a reaction to.

THIS is the antithesis of grim n gritty. It's hopeful and uplifting and revels in the limitless nature of superheroes, but it's entirely serious about it. It's not winking and nudging the audience for comedic value like Batman, and it's not trying to subvert the classic comics by being more realistic, grounded, or cynical. It says "superheroes are really cool, they can do anything and always save the day!" completely in earnest without trying to be intentionally silly or "fun".

If Adam West Batman actually showed up to help defeat Barbatos and the Dark Knights I would actually forgive Snyder for all the shit he's ever done

"Justice for All"

>it was about how stupid and silly comics in the early 50's were
Because they were stupid and silly, that's how comics were back then.
Batman 66 wasn't trying to go "haha isn't this just the dumbest thing", it was as earnest and appreciative of it's source material as the Superman movies were. There wasn't anything to "subvert" back then.
Batman comics back then were stupid, and silly, and tongue in cheek. The Adam West show adapted this and tried to show people it wasn't harmful to anyone.

You are a casual who would rather bitch about things than doing research and watching them yourself

>16th note not tied to the 8th
Still triggered.

>It's hopeful and uplifting and revels in the limitless nature of superheroes, but it's entirely serious about it. It's not winking and nudging the audience for comedic value

This. It's part of why I've gone from being one of the biggest fans of the MCU to not even bothering to see Spider-Man or really caring about Infinity War. We have gone from some sarcasm and the occasional quips to almost a parody of themselves.

>the answer to all the edgy bullshit in comics.

It was there all along. Too bad we had to go the way of Watchmen that took 31 years to fix.

Cereal Man better not screw this up. I'm all for deflating Moore's ego.

>it's a confirmation of it

No it's not. Camp and edge are both a reaction to comics. One is better than the other (It's camp)

Child-like wonder and amusement is always better than the 90's edgefest.

>"You sure are a gruesome bunch of dastardly doppelgängers, but luckily for me, I know all your soft spots!"

>A Bright Knight who exist because of Alfred's dream that Bruce will always have the answer to everything
Well screw you OP. Now there's no way Metal's climax will live up to that.

>Now there's no way Metal's climax will live up to that.

Snyder's endings can't live up to it's hype.

>Adam West Batman gets Omega Sanctioned
>Appears minutes later by Barbatos
>Barbatos is shocked. "How did you escape the death that is life?"
>"I have a lot of experience getting out of deathtraps."

>Other characters see the BIFF BAM POW and comment on them.
>They're special harmonic vibrations native only to his world, just the thing to fight Barbatos with

>66' Batman is Alfred's Dream that Batman has an answer to everything and that he and Robin will always come home safely no matter what weird death trap they find themselves in



Well, in the Batman Lost previews we do see a universe Batman was apparently a fully deputised member of the police with the badge on the mantle piece.

>Batman 66 trips Red Death with a grapple shot
>"Sorry, Barry, old chum. But your worse half was speeding"
>Devastator grabs Batman 66 and begins crushing him
>"Guh! Quite the grip you have there, my frightful foe! I can see why Clark had his hands full with you. Only that's your problem; I'm not Superman!"
>Pulls an Anti-Doomsday Virus spray can from his belt and maces him in the face.
This is the best thing they could ever do to honor Adam West


>Batman Lost


If West Batman is the salvation of the DC Universe against the Dark Multiverse, Metal will unironically be the greatest event comic of all time.

Batman 66 theme song is a warning to stay away.
What did they mean by this?

Also the Batman who Laughs requests jukebox song 66 at the bar.

Red Death was Dark Knight returns Batman, the Merciless stories had old costumes of Bruce and Diana, bet you guys that Adam West will be the B-Man who laughs

Could we send a letter to DC with this idea?
it could end up being an ¨alternate/elseworlds¨ ending for the event.

66 Batman is incorruptible, sir. He's practically Bat-Jesus, and perhaps the most heroic Batman in the multiverse

> Darkseid uses the Anti-Life equation and launches an invasion to tave over earth
> AW Batman sings a rousing speech
> Anti-life Equation is nullified and for a single moment Darkseif sheds a single tear as Batman's song made him feel positive emotions he never knew he could feel
> He quickly regains his composture and orders a hasty retreat to Apokolips, deeming Earth as a planet too impure for him.
> Batman wishes him a safe trip back

It's the one shot detailing our Bruce's adventure in the Dark Multiverse. Comes out next month with Metal #4 coming out in December I think.


please don't rise my hope to high expectations we've never met.





she wants to fuck bruce

Pretty sure it's Beyonce

>Donner superman theme?
I fucking hope. It's too perfect.

>Damm were we supposed to make a left or a right near crime alley
>Batman we have to hurry if we don't get to the warehouse in time jokers gonna blow up hostages!!
>Quiet, robin just cause we're lost in this horribly designed city doesn't me we should Panic!

read it with Adam West's voice

Kryptonite by Three Doors Down.
