>over 20 years since heat
>they still use the shitty gunshot.wav instead of realistic sounds
Over 20 years since heat
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It's what's avaliable. They don't want to spend money recording more sounds when they already have a stock sound thats usable.
just use blanks that makes the sound dammit
Less control of the scene that way. It's easier and better to just add sound in post.
easier maybe, but it sounds like fucking shit 90% of the time
Directors aren't going to autistically make sure that a gunshot sounds 100% perfect when most of the time the audience doesn't even know what that sounds like anyway. Also, it could just be a stylistic choice
with a proper sound system, realistics gunshots really makes the experience better imo.
>DAE Heat sfx
t. reddit
>Dr. Davis telephone please
>Dr. Davis
I get what you're trying to say, but it's literally autistic to use extra money and resources for a quick part of the film that most people don't care that much about.
you're right. its autistic to care about quality. ill just watch cheap cape shit from now on.
That's correct.
Glad you learned, OP.
It's a fucking gunshot, fussing over matching the exact sound to the type of gun possibly used has nothing to do with the quality of the film.
no more
you can say that about literally anything in a movie. its a sum of its parts
>door opens in a scifi film
>it's a fucking film, fussing over matching the cinematography to the type of writing possibly used has nothing to do with the quality of the film
>cinematography and writing
The way a movie is conveyed, makes the whole film. Provides atmosphere and tells the story.
A small moment in a film
Don't be an idiot. Unless the gun sound effect is laughably bad it has no ramifications on the quality on the film. If the directors did have excess time and resources it could have been a stylistic choice of what sound they wanted rather than authenticity. Or the director just used whatever worked a went with it.
>A small moment in a film
this is where i would post a brainlet wojack
Yeah, I know. You have no counter argument and must resort to memes.
You're still not coming up with coherent reason why it matters.
>lol who cares about details and quality in films
>let's make another Capeshitâ„¢!
That's not what anyone means, retard. Stop obsessing over capeshit and then maybe you'll be able to actually have a discussion.
Are you joking? ANYONE who's watched the movie, whether they've shot a gun or not, can tell the difference as night and day
It's the only reason most people even remember heat as anything other than a somber action flick
>Have a good discussion
>Dude lmao sound effects don't matter u autistic or something lmao
Fucking mousekikes need to die and burn in hell.
>You have to provide a reason for sound design being an important part of filmmaking
Movies aren't mute anylore and people can recognize bad sound effects as easily as bad visual effects ?
How the fuck would sound design not matter ? Why the fuck increasing immersion would not matter ? How fuckung dense and retarded can you be you smug empty shithead ?
That would be your fucking job to provide an argument for not caring about realistic and accurate sound design, because it's self evident for anyone with functioning ears.
Are you kidding? Real life gunshots NEVER sound like movie gunshots.
And the change that happen in this time we're so great either. CGI blood is used by almost everyone, and it ruins action scenes.
Bourne Identity and The Way of Gun have the best sound editing in this regard
I really enjoyed the sound of the shots during this scene. Maybe it was because I saw it in imax. But every shot sounded huge and meaningful, like you really were dead if you got hit.
It's easily recognisable audio cue. It's not realistic people all know what it's meant to signifies in from other movies, it's how in cartoon and comics the bank robbers would have a large bags with $ on them.
I'm more annoyed by gun parts not moving and actors going "peng peng" with them, pretending to feel recoil.
Below that, it annoys me when movies show flying bullets and they're actually entire cartridges.
Below that, it annoys me when supposed "gun experts" handle their guns like fucking retards.
Below that, it annoys me when closeup shots of a gun clearly show a spent blank case being ejected.
Below that, it annoys me when movies recycle shitty machinegun sounds for everything automatic.
it's awful and hasn't gotten any better over the last 10 years
Nobody's arguing against quality and detail, just that there are at least a dozen things higher on the list of priorities than gun sound effects, unless you're an armchair operator autist from /k/.
realistic gunshots dont actually sound so good user
So you just hate quality?
The Dark Knight Rises had 4d-experience gunshots in select theaters
if they added impact sounds, this scene would pretty much be a perfect shootout