Watches black panther once

>watches black panther once

Attached: 1499125250436.webm (526x360, 2.96M)

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This is racist.

Why do niggers do this? It's even more disgusting than female circumcision or foot binding

Attached: 1468473143888.gif (357x238, 2.2M)

>why do niggers do something completely incomprehensible to civilized human beings?

Attached: oh shit nigger what you doing.png (598x369, 387K)

my man wants to become a cyborg, but only has access to wood

Please insert disc

>live in dry as fuck area
>lets mutilate myself
>waste all that fucking water


it's only one tribe, and it's only women thing

Fucking hell, it's so god damned pathetic.

You're seeing this guy? How did you two hook up?

What is that thing in his mouth
Serious question I wanna know what the point of it is

ayo hol up

Attached: 1521093050669.png (200x200, 27K)

It is BLACK panther for you wh*Toid.

It's advanced culture bro

Africans are so disgusting.

The absolute state of niggers

All niggers should be forced to do this and be shipped back to Africa so they can connect with their roots and to shut them the fuck up.

People can do this but I still can't fix my phimosis

That's a woman?!

ayo hol up

Attached: black-panther-green-suit-1002072-1280x0.jpg (1280x704, 436K)

That's a woman?!

I went to a african tribe blade runner imageboard once, he was there crying how inferior the human condition is and wants to transcend it, didn't have access to any actual technology so now he has wood plates inserted as his lips. This is just stage one so far.

looking at the neck, while drinking I would say it's a woman. age around 65-75 years

Attached: african inventions.webm (480x360, 2.98M)

Quack quack

>just sit there and look dignified
>has a fucking disk in his lip

Is this subhuman nigger eating the shit out of that animals asshole?

Attached: WE WUZ.jpg (666x847, 280K)

Truly the race of KANGZ

Attached: download.jpg (189x266, 9K)

>its a Sup Forums freaking about black panther episode

>African niggers are uncivilized!
>puts gauges in earlobes

Niggers should all be rounded up and gassed

white people do it with their ears tho

why is he wearing a suit?

reminds me of that Roger Ebert feeding tube video

He's putting her into heat, LEMMUH EAT DAT PUSSY, B

That nigger can't even drink water properly in a land that's already dry of water, earlobe gauges doesn't do that.

I hate ear gauges but they don't get in the way of anything.

Well how else would they drink water, retard?

>I'll compare this dumb cosmetic thing to something done on a regular basis that literally cripples your ability to eat and drink in a land in a constant state of drought and famine

>watch black panther never

Attached: 1489693843108.jpg (1183x761, 723K)

This is just embarrassing, so happy I'm not a nigger

Bodymod fags are the niggers of white people

to catch a good amount of water from rains

I genuinely thought from the thumbnail that it was a rear view of the Orville.


>age 65-75

IIRC he's trying to arouse it ready to be impregnated by the bull.
Literally giving a cow a poonjob, though I think even other Africans consider this savage.

This is fake, right?

Some culture you got there, bassmouth.

american soyboys let jewish doctors cut a bit of their dick off so that it can be used in wrinkle cream for old hags.

Its black panther

Black panther really broke Sup Forumstards
Holy shit