>caring about capeshit
So they saw how much Wonder Woman made so now they're banking on the current day progressive trend. I suppose we'll see how that works out for them, because it could go either way.
>implying it will even get off the ground
DC announced a fuckload of shit in the past few years and they can't even get a Flash movie made. Maybe for the better seeing as Ezra runs like that girl from Taken
>I'll never make stupid capeshit
>makes stupid capeshit
Guess Wrinkle in Time humbled her, huh?
>it's called the new gods you say
>turns it into we wuz new godz n sheiit
A New Gods movie? They can't even make Justice League work. Outside of Darkseid the New Gods are not very interesting.
Luckily as is with dc films, there will be like 5 director changes before this movie ever gets made.
>its real
This era will be viewed worse than the code.
Feels good to be a marvelchad
>being a cuck feels good
typical marvellet
so every character is black now?
>live action fourth world
Based, but only if it’s cheesy
Her last movie just flopped both critically and financially and yet she gets another big budget opportunity. Really makes you think.
sucks to be a new gods fan i guess
ok tv lets cast them
>it's nothing nefarious, goyim
you gaslighting kikes are disgusting
>be DCuck
>your best heroes fails at everything and your cinematic universe went to trash
>Warner giv green light to The New Gods
>the director it's literally a feminist nigger who dropped Black panther for reasons and now it's fucking salty
I wonder if she realizes she's a token minority or if she even cares if she does. I mean, it's a nice opportunity regardless of the motivation behind it.
>run these stories
>in reality
>DC is bringing us pure, unchanged Kirby material
>Sup Forums thinks this is bad
Shows how far out of your element you all are
looks like marvel is finished
> unchanged
> Ava DinDunervay
Morgan Freeman will be Highfather.
Screencap this.
They can't even make a THE BATMAN without fucking it up.
No it doesn't. It's DC.
>thinking a DChad will ever give a fuck what a lowly marvellet thinks
the absolute state of marvelfags lmao
>Ava DuVernay
>The New Gods
oh no no no no
The Future (of the DCEU) Is Female
You better werk sweety
ummmmmmmmmm where are the Gotham movies?
Is that Tarkin in the background?
Is that Moff Tarkin?
>know this is bait
>feel bad
>that numale profile pic
I don't know what this shit is but at a quick glance it looks like a mishmash of things a black woman would never understand. So why the fuck is a black woman directing it? Doesn't look like shit any woman should be allowed to direct.
>that profile pic
Why is it always a badly drawn cartoon version of themselves? Are they really that insecure about their real life appearance?
Seemed like a TV film - and I mean Hallmark. Featured a stellar lead actor and that's about it.
>After making history as the first woman of color to helm a $100 million-plus live-action film in A Wrinkle In Time...
41% on rottentomatoes, 4.2 on imdb. $42,148,431 at the box office so far.
OF COURSE this is who WB executives would consider for a DC film...
She was one of Marvel's first picks to do Black Panther.
Scooping up Jenkins to do WW after she was forced out of doing Thor 2 worked out for them, so it's a smart move to repeat.
and that is fine because that was a black movie
Is Darksield gonna be a empowering black Woman?
How badly will she fuck up the Dog of War?
Why would you hire a stupid bitch that doesn't shut the fuck up about politics? Did they learn nothing from hiring Whedon?
Why. Is. Everything. About. Race. Or. Gender. To. Her?
Ugh, so glad they got rid of all the disgusting wypipo
Oh boy. Well she has alot to play around with so I'm hoping for the best.
1) This movie is "unconnected" to the others so there's already two DCEUs.
2) Guaranteed BLACKED cast
3) Hire someone who just released a turd
I hope Peter Cushing got a paycheck.
You're forgetting, the dc tv universe, and the gotham universe, so that makes 4
>a woman will direct New Gods
>a BLACK woman will direct New Gods
There is no God
Nope. Only new "diverse" gods around
So, can she be bothered to make a good movie or will she be busy to make the new gods as diverse as possible?
It's 2018 most white people don't see gender or race. If you told them Tolkien was a woman they'd believe you.
>maybe if we get a nigger critics will give us higher scores
I guarantee there was a meeting where someone said this
probably isn't wrong either
What do you fucking think?
I hope WB keeps losing money with this shit to the point they have to sell DC rights
based Marvelchad friend
the ABSOLUTE STATE of DComebacks
He said, on an anonymous message board
she is fucking black what the fuck do you think? would have a point if that user was posting on twitter
does anyone even read New Gods desu?
>she gets another big budget opportunity
she got demoted to DCuck
The "point" is that everyone is terrified of revealing too much info about themselves on the Internet, just to different degrees.
Yeah man I loved auntie beast in wrinkle of time too
Just like Whedon. Warner takes the scraps that Disney fires.
well its not like you can call DARKseid white
How is that a point?
Sloppy seconds has always been a DCEU wheelhouse
the girl in the image should resemble Snyder's daughter in my honest opinion. That would really bring up the salt into these DCucks.
>doing this AFTER a wrinkle in time got shit scores
will DC ever stop playing catch-up?
capeshit are now vehicles for pushing political correctness and diversity. some people will argue that there is something wrong with this...
with MSPaint the sky is the limit, user
But it wasn't really the daughter's fault her dad can't make good movies
Jusg because they are a good female director on small films, that doesn't mean they can handle big blockbuaters. Many male directors can't teansition from small indies to big Hollywood films either.
>upper left lip
>Jack Kirby is a Jewish creator who created a rich new mythology od gods
Why not represent his work with a Jewish director? Aren't they a minority? Are there no Jewish directors in Hollywood?
...but Darkseid.
Darkseid is.
>reveal full name
>terrified of posting a real picture
Yeah no, it's soy syndrome.
Fucking this. Disney treats Kirby's contributions to the medium like they treat everything else - like superficial, meaningless aesthetic. I have high hopes for this project and what it means about the direction DC's taking the story in.
WB loves their flops
we wuz brown kangz
That's Jim Steranko's artwork you retard
Her character from "The Color Purple" almost *was* Granny Goodness, at least in terms of forcefulness.
>literal "n-no you" comeback
typical marvellet
Jews are white for this narrative.
How many times on how many boards are you going to post this?
>Separate DCEU
I'm kind of glad we're never going to get to Kingdom Come now. I don't even want to know what they'd do to it.