Fellow Floridanons, how should I vote on these amendments?
Other urls found in this thread:
No on 1
Yes weed and the first responders
I did yes on the senior citizens
Vote no on 1, its a trick question to get people to vote yes
No on one yes on everything else
>No on 1
>Yes weed and the first responders
>I did yes on the senior citizens
I voted yes on one this is fucked
No on 1, it just fucks over people for the sake of FPL
No on 2 because the definition of what is allowed to be perscribed is way too lax and we don't need florida becoming a blue state
No on old people
Yes on first responders
So I'm in bay county voting trump. Who else should I vote for
>what is allowed to be prescribed is way too lax
>prefers addictive painkillers as treatment
>contributing towards number one cause in accidental deaths
>contributing towards expensive healthcare
Stop acting like degeneracy is the only thing that matters.
That's what I did. Amendment 1 has proponents that say it is actually bad for solar energy, so err on the side that it's just worded nice, and No it.
YES on Amendment 420 2
YES on Trump
No on everything. And throw out all the sitting judges until there is some kine transparent review of their tenure.
Fuck off you faggot cuckservative. Dont tread on us
>No on one
>No on one
>No on one. Seriously this is more important than voting for Trump.
>Yes on dude weed lmao
>No on everything else
I'm all for actual medical marijuana legislation.
Using the phrase "when the doctor determines the benefits outweighs the risk" is not actual medical marijuana legislation.
Fuck off libertaricuck, are you even voting for Trump?
fuck old people
The get some many benefits in Fl as is, this one is somewhat more reasonable than other proposed amendments but they should have saved better for retirement.
>all these cucks who didn't read the dude weed lmao bill are going to fuck up my state
Sucks, but if Trump wins I don't care
>the government should tell me what i can or cant consume
hope you're for prohibition of alcohol as well you cuckservative faggot.
I already voted for Trump.
Quit being a bitch, you fucking big pharma shill.
If you have a problem with people smoking weed of all things, you need to kys. There are more important matters to be an indignant bitch about.
You better vote yes if you havent yet
I hope they legalize the consumption of recreational bullets so you can have a blast.
The government should have traditional western values in mind when allowing substances into our midst
Either CTR or a libre-cuck
I will vote no and I will be proud of doing it.
Medical Marijuana is a good thing, recreational Marijuana is not.
Floridans how is the state looking between Trump and Clinton here?
There are risks associated with every medicine you take. Marijuana can induce psychosis, it builds tar in your lungs when you smoke it, it's habitually addictive.
You just voted against your own interests for no reason. Hope you enjoy higher healthcare costs and more junkies weighing down our police and prisons.
How old are you? Just curious
You're a retard. Laxer marijuana laws will lead to more fiscal conservatism, as cops wont be wasting their time on such a non-issue
Retard, read my posts. I voted yes for that Amendment.
This. I live in Tennessee and whenever I vist Florida all there is old people. They are already living the rest of their days in a sunshine paradise so most likely they can fend for themselves..
It's actually very strict.
>AIDS hiv
>weird seizures
>cancer, dying
>sever spinal or back problems
>or similar conditions prescribed by Doctor
That last part might be a loophole but I think it'll be hard to et without a legit issue.
That isn't the problem you LITERAL RETARD
The problem is the definition allows a doctor to give it out for whatever (oh my back hurts) which is just a paywall for recreational.
Just because you fix some of the problem doesn't mean you can fuck up other areas. Fuck off big weed stoner shill.
Give me an actual medical marijuana bill and i'll vote yes, until then, fuck right off and i'm telling everyone I know to vote no too.
>i dont like freedom
yep typical cuckservative, probably drinks alcohol too.
When will you learn that miami is Cuban American territory?
I don't even understand how someone would want to keep it illegal. What is wrong with you? It's literally less harmful than Tylenol.
There is not one logical argument to keep weed illegal.
Same. Medical is okay
Weed is a proven gateway drug.
How the fuck did Rick Scott even let this get on the ballot?
21, smoked a fair amount of weed in my time too
It's not something that should be supported by the government, decriminalize it and legalize actual medical marijuana.
Looking pretty good famalam. I live in Tampa and considering it's a huge city there is a shit ton of Trump support here.
Where do you live in Florida so I can go smoke weed infront of you and call you a faggot?
I want to believe, I got family in Tampa and Pensacola and they seem to be voting Trump but all the polls saying shes winning it
Yeah, because you know better than a doctor. I had a friend that was treated with morphine for a while after a major motorcycle accident. He became addicted, ended up on heroin and died a month ago.
He stole from his family, got arrested all the time, went to rehab, jail, emergency rooms, etc. So yeah, the more leeway doctors have to combat the plethora of issues they could use marijuana for, the better. You don't know shit.
>there are people that think medical marijuana is really an issue worth fighting for
Fighting against abortion, medical marijuana, and gay marriage is the biggest blunder the republican party has ever made. The GOP will have to fight tooth and nail to win the millennial vote decades from now because millennials will never forget that the Republican party is the party that tried to keep their best friends Steve and Bob from getting married.
We should be focusing on important issues that will have immediate negative effects on us like gun rights, taxation, and immigration.
Vote "no" on everything always unless it repeals another law.
Memes aside, how likely is Trump victory in your state ?
Elaborate pl0x
It's like freedom maaaaaan let's legalize everything, if you want laws and shit you are a cuck brooooo
You've just discredited yourself. Medically it isn't that bad (it's the cultural impact thats the issue) but comparing it to Tylenol is absolute autism.
Big weed shills like morgan and morgan will try every year, I think this will be their year because retards don't understand this is a bigger scam than amendment 1
Go do what you want, but it shouldn't be legal and if you are caught you should be punished
There are lists of weed friendly doctors that stoners make who hand it out for nothing just some money.
Stop appealing to authority, and virtue signalling you shill.
Medical is a good thing and will prevent the tragedy you described, lax medical (which is just recreational with red tape) wont fix shit
>weed is a gateway drug
Don't you have some kids to take to soccer practice?
Dont vote no just because youre a degenerate with marijuana.
I'm voting no, shill, and i've got my entire family and several friends voting no too.
It isn't about me. It's about the culture of our state.
Want weed? Make a real bill without kike loopholes. Until then keep looking over your shoulder for the boys in blue :^)
>mfw leon county will never be republican
So basically I should wait two more years to get my medicine? Keep giving tyrone that money he loves those new rims you bought him.
Get mad at the lawmakers, not me.
I'm sorry you don't have access to what you need if you really need it, but i'm not signing a kike trick into law just because it does a little bit of good.
So because some doctors will give prescriptions when they shouldn't, more people like my friend should just stick to painkillers and wreck this country then die, right?
I dont smoke, but if you are not trolling, I wish you horrible happenings in your life.
>Make a real bill without kike loopholes
Never going to happen. Boy I sure do love paying for La'Quisha's car payment.
Wrong, real medical marijuana legislation should come out and i'll loudly advocate it for people like your friend.
That's not nice, I wish you the best, read bills before you sign them.
>It's like freedom maaaaaan let's legalize everything, if you want laws and shit you are a cuck brooooo
not an argument. if you're for bureaucrats telling you what you can or cannot consume you must also be against legal alcohol and cigarettes as those actually kill people. but since i've brought this up multiple times already and you have failed to address it I assume you're just a standard cuckservative retard with a phobia of weed and is for big government when it suits his interests.
100% because i say so
Tylenol can literally kill you with just a handful from a store bought bottle. Are you really that fucking stupid? Explains the stance on weed though. I guess only literal retards are the reason it's still illegal.
You started with the first non-argument.
I am an authoritarian right traditionalist. Not a conservative.
Cigs and booze are too ingrained in our civilization to remove, and public drunkeness laws and drunk driving laws take care of most of the moral quandaries of booze, and I believe it is a safe way to party occasionally (with help if you do it too much) cigs are awful but are so addictive it would be like trying to get rid of coffee, impossible.
Weed is another story, stoner culture incentivizes much of what is wrong with civilization today, I know, i've been around it.
It also creates retard voting blocks like colorado right now, which would destroy the country if Florida fell to the blue wall (I care more about the constitution and supreme court than I do about letting people get high)
Medical is a great thing and I support it all the way. This isn't medical.
Ayy. 813 area
Everybody already smokes here you fucking idiot. Most cops here don't really give a fuck in Tampa and I smoke outside and walking around town like it's fucking normal shit and nobody gives a fuck.
>muh culture
Literally go jump in a shallow dark body of water outside somewhere, you deserve nothing less than to be gator food.
A proper medical dose of tylenol will not kill you and is the medical equivelent of taking a sugar pill.
Weed induces laziness, mental fog, hunger, memory issues, impairs motor function and critical thinking skills.
>everybody already kills eachother in detroit let's not try to enforce the right thing
Not an argument. Give me a reason why recreational is a good thing, there are a couple of points it is a grey issue, but you haven't layed out one that can't be fixed with a real medical bill
Trump, no on 1, no on 2, yes on 3, and no on 5.
No on one because fuck FPL, no on 2 because the way it is moving is towards recreational usage which has failed in Colorado (more on that in a bit), yes on 3 because why wouldn't we care for our first responders, and no on 5 because we have too many old people and that would kill our revenue.
Recreational has failed in Colorado because now stoners flock there like sand niggers to mecca. But they don't leave CO. Now, you have plenty of unemployed people who just want to blaze it all day and contribute nothing to society like a bunch of niggers. Aside from that, now it's easier for kids to get it. Plus, as a gateway drug, it increases the drive for harder substances
My ballot looks like this.
>thuy Lowe
>no on 1
>yes on 2
>yes on 3
>yes on 5
>yes on all charter questions
Guess my County friends.
>yes on 2 and yes on 5
Okay, sorry. That was mean, but you'll grow out of your stupid beliefs eventually. Voting no on #2 because you want it more tightly regulated is for bootlicking bitches, and people that can't handle it.
Those people you hung out with would be degenerates with or without weed
Perfect score, MAGA brother
I've been there man, it's fun but it isn't good. I've never seen weed improve someone's life, but i've seen it fuck up plenty.
Like I said, give me a real bill that will help sick people, and decriminalize it to keep people's lives from getting ruined for fucking up a little bit (still jail dealers or sellers to children)
No on one.
Hey do any of you guys know why Morgan & Morgan is staunchly supporting the weed amendment? I can't figure it out.
Everyone smokes weed. At least the criminal underworld will have less cash.
I'm sure there is a financial connection but I don't know of any officially
It's true. It's very blue. But we had a good rally yesterday. Trump pulled in a big crowd.
Nah mate Orlando. It's not like it matters in terms of more blue voters. We can't compete demographically with the eternal Puerto Rican so it's only a matter of time before I fuck off from this once beautiful state to Tennessee.
TN is on its way out as well. getting filled with spics and niggers.
We NEED Trump to win desperately.
I voted no on solar, old people and first responders. Yes on weed. Voted for Trump and didn't vote for senate or congressman I wrote cuck on the write in for one of them. Voted against all the women judges.
the fuck is with the wording on amendment 1?
are they trying to pass an amendment saying solar users need an extra fee for selling power back to the grid?
Yes but it's worded so sneaky it sounds nice
I'm sure even trump would support pot
That's just cashmoney to build schools and programs for niggers to learn to read or whatever the fat jewesses that run our state decide to spend the money on
Imy not sure. I'll have to research. But I was thinking no for solar yes for weed no for old people and first responders and no for county sales tax increase. Also will all of the justices and senators have their party listed or will I have to memorize the parties?
Hello everyone
He supports the right of the state to choose, but we know in his heart of hearts he is against dude weed lmao
Shady. I bet this is the work of power company lobbyists
Read the weed bill, do you support recreational?
You would be right, they've donated millions
Bro look up pill mills and the massive pharma fraud we have in Florida. I would much rather people be medical weed than on painkillers.
>Tfw I4 eyesore has grown on me
Fuck this building it looks so stupid and neat at the same time.
Everyone is against dude weed lmao cucks but nobody is against billions of dollars in increased revenue from Nigger tourists
Lol I have seen that building. Off I-95 in Florida. Never occupied and builder went belly up, right?
Hardly anyone disputes real medical legislation.
Amendment 2 isn't real medical legislation.
ya. On I-4 just north of Orlando. Some religious nut bag started it thinking it would be paid for by donations.
I am, fuck no, we have enough tourists as it is, we don't need high snowbirds too
Neal Dunn, Rubio, McAllister
leon country is 50% nigger 25% government cucks and 25% college cucks what do you expect
>source i go to fsu and fucking hate this shithole
>Thuy Lowe
Fuck Ultra and Fuck Urban Beach Week.
nigger tourists pls gtfo
Think about it you moralcuck, i have personally made thousands of dollars selling illicit drugs to dumb niggers and wigger cucks. They are already buying the shit in such quantity that the street dealers can't keep up with the demand. That year little Wayne came down I made almost $10,000 in pure profit.
If we can simply get them to buy the shit in a headshop and let the state make that money we can have a better state all around.
This. Anyone who knows anything about John Morgan knows why NO on 2 is for the best.
The guy bought all of the marijuana farms in Florida so that when medical is legalized, he will have all of the power on the farms.
I'm okay with medical marijuana, but I'm not okay with that faggot alcoholic degenerate lawyer John Morgan and his kikery
Warner you type dude weed lmao. Do you think of Canada?