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QotD: What movies have you fallen asleep to?
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QotD: What movies have you fallen asleep to?
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>QotD: What movies have you fallen asleep to?
a nightmare on dull street
I hope you've had nightmares
I only dream about mundane things for some reason
I like to eat ice cream after dinner
I like to fall asleep after watching TV
I like to wake up in my mother's arms
What does Megaautist dream about
What the fuck even are these threads?
Reminder smoothbrain is the laughing stock of discord
Nigger babies.
Post your profile
you're giving reddit way too much credit in your bio
rateyourmusic, tumblr, reddit, twitter
where else do cinephiles hide
i love smoothhands. fuck with him and die!
t. smoothbitch
Sit in the corner with the rest of the duncecaps
Holy Bible: King James Version
Dennis rated it 1 star
Recommends it for: level a crooked table
Badly edited, poor continuity and internal consistency. Authors seem to change between books. Plot is cliched and thin, with virtually no character development save for Judas Iscariot. The main characters of Jesus and Moses are entirely one dimensional messianic figures. The novel opens with Adam and Eve, and then ignores them for the next thousand pages or so. The built-in bookmark was a nice touch, but a little pretentious.
Oddly, it wasn't shelved with the other fiction books.
you're just jealous you will never get to play with all us discord circlejerk assclowns (:
Certainly not life changing or anything. The plot was hard to follow and the editing was horrible. The characters were painfully one-dimensional and this Jesus guy delivered some of the worst dialogue I've ever read. All in all I found it too long and it took itself way too seriously. The fact that it sells so well is beyond me and the way people hold it up you'd think God himself had written the damn thing.
Cinephiles hate Christianity but they pretend to like it because it when they watch flickering images because it makes them feel "transcendent"
The word of God? Unlikely.
Inventive and full of interesting stories? Most definitely yes.
But alas, I believe in Science, not fiction.
Also let's not forget about all the condoning of rape, murder and pillaging that this book is full of - especially in the Old Testament. It's disgusting to think that people call this "The Good Book" and hold it sacred.
Damn, what the fuck happened with that sentence? Are you okay?
I guess it's pretty cheeky to give the Bible a bad review, but why not?
It's boring, self-contradictory, petty, and mean.
I only read it out of some kind of weird obligation to understand how the other 98% lives.
I did learn a lot, however.
If guests come by and want to rape my angel, I will let them rape my daughter.
So say we all!
i love rickmasters. fuck with him and die!
This book is really annoying, sexist, homophobic, and a lot of other awful things too. Honestly, if a character isn't getting raped then they're being burned alive for being gay. It's horrible. Also, it's wayyy too long. No offense to anyone that liked it, but it simply bores me. The first chapter is okay I guess, but everyone is way too stupid. Who kills their brother over something that dumb? It's annoying, frankly. This is a book that I'd never read twice.
I'm not trying to be witty or anything, but I can't see what's so amazing about this book enough to worship it. Jesus is such a Mary Sue. Also, God is pretty awful to everyone else. Geez, dude, you think you could be a bit nicer to the people who are worshiping you all the time?
I haven't read the Qu'ran yet, but I hope it isn't as boring and dumb.
Rather salacious and tempestuous, but pretty far-fetched in most of the plot development. Though the climax was OK, the lead-up in second half was rather banal and repetitive. Overall good for being such dated fiction.
Inconsistent and contradictory.It was only after reading the entire bible that I began to question evey bit of dogma that had been shoved down my throat as a child. Had I not read the bible start to finish I probably would still believe in the god Jesus.
Are these discord users' reviews of Intolerance?
For Trump, Pence and the rest of the purported "Christians" with him:
"Then God will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’”
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’”
“God will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’”
“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’”
>discord users
>writing reviews
This but unironically
>b-but muh ratings curve!!!
Rape, slavery, misogyny. For a second I thought I'd picked up 50 Shades of Grey instead of the bible. Alas, other than one or two nice wee stories, the writing is even worse than even EL James could manage.
I prefer my literature better crafted and without the highly racist, sexist and homophobic overtones.
Maybe the sequel will be better...
>This book is really annoying, sexist, homophobic, and a lot of other awful things too
>but it simply bores me
>Inconsistent and contradictory
>The plot was hard to follow and the editing was horrible. The characters were painfully one-dimensional
Why is The Bible criticized for the qualities DW Griffith is praised for
Treating the foreigner and the stranger in your land exactly the way you treat your own family is in the Law, in three different places. God wasn't subtle about this. He put in the threat, too, reminding those he was commanding that "you were slaves in the land of Egypt." Implying that he could lay the smack down on them at any time.
You keep tipping that fedora, neckbeard. Civilized people know that we're commanded to care for refugees.
>I prefer my literature better crafted and without the highly racist, sexist and homophobic overtones.
Dropout_bitch's review of Intolerance
>wanting to refuge uneducated violent dirtrags that hate everything about your religion and will do everything in their power to take you down
You will never produce anything half as good as that review. Retire now.
Worthless Bum rated it 1 star
Shelves: religion
Use as toilet paper if you run out.
What I learned from this book is that the Judeo-Christian tradition is rooted in a racist and misogynistic document with almost zero moral worth from any post-Enlightenment standpoint. The few moral positions taken by the book that are not abhorrent to the modern reader are almost trivial. As an ethical guide, it is useless. As a story, it is, for the most part, plodding and reads more like a technical manual, and thats not really fair to most technical manuals I've read.
There are a number of passages that, when taken out of context, are nice. But I found them hard to take seriously when coming from a man who says it's okay to beat your wife.
Disgusting hairless arms.
David Lucchesi rated it it was amazing
Shelves: end-times, religious, war, law, romance, survival, recommended-to-me, highly-recommended, reviewed, crime, how-to, self-help, drugs, weapons, action, adventure, apocalyptic
if you've read this cover to cover you've probably been to jail. everyone, believers and non-believers, should at least scan it once. if you scare easily, skip Revelations!
As a work of fiction it amounts to a very poor reading, and any halfwit with that odd drop of common sense can see there's very little in this book that is historically accurate. Those who claim otherwise either have never studied history and science or are downright stupid. Or most likely fit both categories.
Internally inconsistent and derivative. Unsubstantiated truth claims. Ossified moral guide. Meaning relies on cosmic validation. Suitable for self loathing, mindless hypocrites.
My brother asked me why I rated the Bible one star. Well.
It's internally inconsistent, sexist, antiquated, and dangerous. It has sparked many conflicts throughout history and continues to be the source of misinformation, antiquated and bigoted beliefs and conflicts today.
That's why.
she looks filthy
>and continues to be the source of misinformation, antiquated and bigoted beliefs and conflicts today.
I'll show her a conflict.
by filthy of course we mean SEXY!
she is disgusting
no u
If you can't eat 100 hamburgers in 10 minutes then you're a soyboy
and you're obese
I'd be jolly.
They'll gladly call Malick and Dreyer transcendent though
i was just thinking of that review
We're merging
cool now go suck his dick
Is the Hitchcock one talking about side angles and blocking
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck found a clever way to choose the right studio for their script: the story goes that on page sixty of the script, they wrote a completely out-of-nowhere sex scene between Will and Chuckie. They took it to every major studio, and nobody even mentioned the scene. When they met with Harvey Weinstein at Miramax, he said, "I only have one really big note on the script. About page sixty, the two leads, both straight men, have a sex scene. What the hell is that?" Damon and Affleck explained that they put that scene specifically in there, to show them who actually read the script, and who didn't. As Weinstein was the only person who brought it up, Miramax was the studio chosen to produce the film.
Gee, it sure is BORING around here!
wheres brucie poo
>75 replies
>13 posters
This thread is fucking gay.
Kill yourself OP
oh no! he's fully consummated to stinky PETE!
ketucky's a shit state
More like Kencucky
breathtaking and beautiful
Digital matte paintings; greenscreenbound
What's the difference?
One's technically better.
The irony. All that technology, but only use it to reproduce and recycle
Neztor posts a screenshot of john ford cavalry movie
Gee, really looks like a painting
no it doesn't
Established artist for comparison
Reminder jean renoir said he preferred the photography of the 1910s to the technical developments in the 50s
1910s unrivaled, unmatched
What about the 30s?
What are you saying
Which has better photography lbg?
Ford because when he puts the camera behind the character it makes me feel more like I'm there on the adventure with them :)