Are we hyped for this? Starring:
>Based Ciaran Hinds
>his loyal companion Brutus from Rome
>Penny Lane Pryce from Mad Men
>a Monster (not Cthullu, though)
Can we hope it will be at least good?
Are we hyped for this? Starring:
>Based Ciaran Hinds
>his loyal companion Brutus from Rome
>Penny Lane Pryce from Mad Men
>a Monster (not Cthullu, though)
Can we hope it will be at least good?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not Cthullu
good, cthulhu is a fucking obnoxious soyboy meme
What's it about pal
ship gets lost in cold ocean region, spooky shit happens. I think it's an adaptation of something
>Can we hope it will be at least good?
Pick one
Google "Franklin expedition"
The commercials look good, but I have a feeling it will be a massive letdown
The original Cthulu mythos is excellent, senpai.
for tumblr, maybe
The Dan Simmons book?
I really liked the book will be interesting to see how it turns out
Only if this is the title song
H.P. Lovecraft was a hardcore racist/antisemite. Also, in recent years the leftists have turned on his work.
I will watch everything my man Ciaran is in.
Book by Dan Simmons, pretty fuckin good one at that. No skirts, spooky, good amount of historical autism.
The great thing about the book was not just about the monster, but how the crews break apart. I really hope they don't dragged it out forever and turn it into walking dead on ice
but he loved cats, everyone loves cats, his favorite cat, Niggerman, for instance, featured in many of his writings. Say what you will about HP, but he truly loved Niggerman.
that doesn't change the fact that he wrote undertale tier soy shit
>that cast
I hadn't heard anything about this until now but I'm sold.
>No skirts
Forgetting the mute eskimo
Lost ship in the arctic in 1800's, cannibalism and sea monsters happen.
What's the backstory on the mystical bear monster?
It looks good, but you trust AMC to fuck it all up
>undertale tier
Oh, you're underage and retarded. That explains everything. Run along back to Sup Forums, faggot.
some eskimo god
>calling people underage
>reading lovecraft
Is that really what the monster is though? My interest in this show hinges on how much sailing transpires and whether or not the monster is cool.
So how many women will suddenly be on the crews?
I don't think there's any in the trailer
Says the faggot that plays video games.
Two scientists, at the least.
Hey soyboy
>lacking reading comprehension
I said undertale was shit you moron
in the book there's no sailing as the ships are frozen into the ice and trapped. The encounters with the monster were cool, it's described as much more than a bear. But a lot of the tension comes from the crews and how they're cracking being isolated and running out of supplies
Shouldn't you be in a capeshit thread right now?
Only Sup Forumsedditor trash even knows what it is. Back to your containment board faggot.
right back at ya kiddo
>Only Sup Forumsedditor trash even knows what it is
you mean memecraft
You're the one who lacks reading comprehension. The fact you're making video game references implies that you're a gamer. That user's insult still stands and you look more underage than ever.
agreed. even if the show itself is shit, those actors will be enjoyable to watch.
Nice deflection. Also:
>implying one of the most well known/influential horror writers of all time is only known by Sup Forums
With every post you look more underage.
Sounds interesting. I'll give it a shot. I hope they do cool things with the monster though and don't just go multiple episodes without so much as a single scene involving it.
>Master and Commander with Zombies
>also knowing what it is
It's got meme actors and an authentic setting with no women or coloreds.
>multiple episodes without so much as a single scene involving it
this is gonna happen and theres no way to stop it
Is it the book in one series? Or will they split it up? Or worse drag it out and make it last forever
>his loyal companion
The book went loads without the monster, it was more about the crews mutinying. The monster was just this background threat
I feared as much. AMC shows always have a tendency of dragging on forever and taking really cool concepts and stories and somehow making them boring.
>don't just go multiple episodes without so much as a single scene involving it.
Why would this be a problem whatsoever? Are you 14?
Well, to be fair, it's a true story. The monster is just added since no one really knows the real story of what happened to these people so the mystery leaves room for horror and tall tales.
Master and Commander with ethereal eskimo bear god of death and cannibalism
>tfw the eskimos knew were the ships were this whole time but no one bothered to ask them
>created by Inuit spirit god to kill her brothers and sisters and consume their spirits
>monster is defeated and released into the Arctic wastes
>begins killing Inuits and eating their souls
>shamans band together and defeat it
>shamans born and bred to keep it at bay
Alot more backstory than you'd think, apparently. I oughta read this book.
I honestly think episodes like that are necessary. Not to the extent that AMC is guilty of, but I think it's important to see characters just being themselves.
When I read the book I found the first few hundred pages not very gripping, I only stuck with it because I'd read some of his other books. But after powering through the slow start I was hooked and finished it in a matter of days
I read the book! Be on the look out for sweet Eskimo sex.
We'll have to wait through 7+ series before we get to that finale
They better not Walking dead this shit.
This. It's historical fiction with some horror elements incorporated.
>used to be able to finish a book in days
>now vidya and tv have spoiled me into being a brainlet and reading is tough
It's more about sitting down to read now tho desu. Once I do that I can speed through a bit.
Holy shit what a faggot.
The racist thing doesn't come through much in his work, at least not any more than a normal person form his times.
People cite Innsmouth or Arthur Jermyn as evidence of this but it seems like a pretty far reaching claim. Lovecraft based most of his works on his own fears and the dude disliked anything that didn't fit with your typical Anglo-American ideals.
GoT Reylo Disneymoms don't care about some BORING drama of old time sailors going crazy
>Based Ciaran Hinds
>His loyal companion Brutus from Rome
Say no more, I'll watch anything if it has these two
>Made by Ridley Scott
What does Lovecraft have to do with Undertale?
fuck, I hate that my initial reaction to this has become negative. also, will we ever get a Exodus: Director's Cut?