Oh, Pam...
Oh, Pam
jesus women age like shit. Is it because of makeup having some negative effects on the skin over time?
someone got work done
>Aren't you going to come join me Jim?
Funny how the moment James Gunn divorced her, his career took off
She was probably so excited to take this selfie that she forgot all about the long, thick log she had left in the toilet beforehand.
Lets see your ugly mug faggot
why won't Pam return my calls
Really makes you think
wash me, jim
wash his stink off of me and soap me up with that hot cum
absolutely based jawline
For someone that's rich, that is such ugly tile work on her shower. I'd expect better.
Anyone know whats wrong with Sup Forums?
probably because there's no evolutionary benefit in being attracted to women who have reached or are approaching menopause
Look at dis dood.
>teehee look at this casual photo of me taking a shower with makeup
There's such thing as having too strong of a jawline you fucking faggot. And your hair looks like absolute shit. You don't seem to even give a fuck.
Also your eyes are crooked. Fuck off.
>hasn't taken the neckpill
would unironically turn you from a 7 to a 10
look at this twink faggot
Imagine the smell in that room