Who killed Admiral Ackbar?

Who killed Admiral Ackbar?

Attached: Rogue-One-Why-No-Admiral-Ackbar.jpg (600x315, 78K)

Ryan Johnson

fucking depressing

Random Imperial #37

Rian Johnson

a random tie fighter pilot, that's ok though

the problem is that you attached importance to a glorified extra based on nostalgia, wiki autism and internet memes

Mr. Gucci Loafers

nameless wingman number 2

A Trap


noone, he will live forever
maybe he was a meme, thats right, but even as a meme was fucking great and creative fishy design. much more effort than random roastie in robes.

fucking A

It's perfectly okay if you like Admiral Ackbar. I think he's a fine background character.

But people assign him way more importance than he was ever given in the actual films, his role was to narrate the battle of endor and say a few lines during mission briefings, he has about maybe 90 seconds of total screentime across three films. He's not a character the movie needs to slow down to mourn, or give him some kind of epic heroic sacrifice

Admiral Ackbar was my favorite ancillary character from the entirety of Star Wars.
When he was cast out into the void of space to die with no fanfare, it was like I was. It was really a beautiful piece of symbolism on Johnson's part. They don't care for the old fans. Even though we were always there. Not so quietly supporting the franchise. We're discardable. Like Admiral Ackbar.

>t. shill

Attached: its time to stop.jpg (266x652, 25K)

not an argument.

The actor died right after TFA came out. This was the only way unless you wanted to hear a poor imitation voice him for another 20 years.

It's nice to know you have as little understanding of what makes Star Wars as the hacks running it now.

Or they could have just left him out of the movie entirely.

How about you explain what that is instead of crying like a fucking woman over your favorite background rubber alien dying in a children's space movie?

Attached: kreia.png (669x678, 578K)

Having Ackbar fill in for Leia during her recovery would have been an easy way to stroke the fans' nostalgia boners and make the movie enjoyable, but he wasn't feminist enough, and the fans would never accept the premise of him being untrustworthy or incompetent, so we wouldn't get the whole Finn and Rose subplot.

The entire point is that an unknown newcomer that the audience doesn't trust has to butt heads with Poe. If Poe was competing with Ackbar, then you'd start crying that Disney ruined Ackbar and it was all part of the jewish conspiracy to ruin rubber alien role models for children as part of their plan to destroy the white race

Well that sure Godwin's Lawed pretty damn quick.

Some trap from /k/.

>The entire point is that an unknown newcomer that the audience doesn't trust has to butt heads with Poe.
That's what I just said before you went off on your autistic anti-Sup Forums rant from nowhere.


>his role was to narrate the battle of endor and say a few lines during mission briefings

>veteran commander who planned and led the attack on Endor and the destruction of the Death Star
>said one of the most iconic lines in star wars “it’s a trap!”
>fought in the clone wars and jakku
>helped destroy the Death Star again in the force awakens
What a faggot you are son, how tall are you? I wanna put you in a weight room and laugh at you while you struggle to bench 135 with your soyfat arms and body

>the entire point is blah blah blah
They could’ve written a whole new script that wasn’t complete shit if they kept Admiral Ackbar alive instead of replacing him with your 9th grade Math teacher

Leia because she didn't use her powers to save him.

Kylo Ben

You don't like Ackbar. Stop lying.

not to mention
>having someone named Ackbar kamikaze