Pirates BTFO !

Pirates BTFO !

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this, he's so fucking pathetic


>eliminates isis
>makes blacks work again
>purges hollywood of pedophiles
>secures korean reunification
>angers the hacker known as Sup Forums by threatening to take away vidya and pirated movies
And he was doing so well

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>Assuming that the majority of people who pirate tv shows, movies and video games would spent a nickel on them in the first place.

>deports fewer people than Obama
>wall still not built, still has no budget
>Hilary still not locked up
>white house in complete chaos
>can get nothing done, can’t even repeal Obamacare
Ah yes based trump amirite?


>ywn kill yags barlo and his band of nasty pie rats

Hey fuck China, as long as it's just them go for it

Sup Forums is Chinese?

Also the videogame thing was an obvious attempt to divert attention away from gun control, he doesn't give a fuck and if he did then they'd already be banned.

Statements like this one year into a presidency are fucking dumb no matter which side says it. Not every promise is going to be fulfilled immediately.

Good joke

I'd like to interject for a moment...

>Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)

>If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”

>A US judge, presiding over a trial for copyright infringement, recognized that “piracy” and “theft” are smear words.

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>fat commie fuck

IRC is back on the menu boys. we can be the cool kids selling bootlege on campus again.

>makes blacks work again
how lol is he some kind of magician

>Trump to cure all diseases and stop all crime and hunger, and give everyone a million gorillion dollars and make everyone's waifu real
>Libshits BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!

don't forget
>didn't drain swamp
>didn't build wall

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Reminder that Trump is the greatest executive since the 80s. He didn't go from civilian to leader of the free world in less than a year by swilling paste and playing in traffic. He's so amazing he personally unsealed the JFK assassination files, which wasn't even a campaign promise, it was literally an off-hand reference he made on a radio show.

great, I’ll just wait for russian hd rips then

>pretty much every1 in Hollywood hates the Trump admin
>Trump will fight piracy

I want every single one of these fucks saying WTF I LOVE DRUMPF NOW!

The kikes at the top have always loved Drumpf since he's fiercely pro-Israel.

Where does that $600b figure come from?

Drumpf haemorrhaged money throughout his entire business career, literally did get elected for being a retard retards can relate to and the JFK files were complete non-issues and indicates what a fucking moron you are that you're amazed by it

Everybody knows that pie rats will just buy everything they would have stolen if they can no longer get it for free. Duh.

Good luck with that.

>>eliminates isis
>>makes blacks work again
>>purges hollywood of pedophiles
>>secures korean reunification

Do you honestly attribute this shit to trump, even if this were all true?

Hes flying down to san diego real soon to do just that. You're a fool if you actually though Hilary would go to prison, illuminati won't let that happen.
>president for a ltitel over a year
Also like the previous user said. Isis gone, blacks working, making peace with best korea, what more do you want?

I'm sure you contributed the finding of Osama bin Laden to Obama.

damn I always thought it was called piracy in a positive way because it sounds cool

of course they do user. They are that retarded.
While I don't know as i don't listen to news, but I guess trump has done nothing on that list

If you don't read the news then of course you aren't, jesus how ignorant can anti-trumpfags be?

>implying I'd pay for anything if I couldn't pirate

I'd just watch whatever miserable crap is on my Netflix subscription I barely use

What sort of game is he playing? This is so weird and funny.

>see pic of jaime and cersei
>get excited
>oh, it's a trump thread

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So the absolute shittiest piracy HC Cam Chink bullshit nobody in their right mind would watch? Damn what will we do now?

Seriously though what the FUCK is going on with the Justice League torrents? The bluray is even out now, has DC blocked that shit or what? All you can find is a few shitty ones that are over a month old.

what a prick

same rip old got threads

how about the russians desu?

no one bought it
we're waiting for the true cut

>thinking piracy can be stopped


I forgave him for bombing Syria
I forgave him for not jailing Hillary
I forgave him for DACA
I forgave him filing the cabinet with kikes
I forgave him for taking our guns
I forgave him for taking away my videogames

But he's taking away my movies too?

Why did I vote for this cheeto president? WHY?

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Atleast, he is not Hillary, user! Herpy derp.

the land of the "free"

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he came in during a recession. A retarded monkey could make unemployment go down by sitting on his ass for 8 years

oh wait...

have a bunch of different encodes on the private trackers im on :)
stay mad

Holy fuck can you faggots make better bait and memes it’s like watching an autistic retard try to drink a glass of water. It’s funny the first few times but holy fuck it’s just sad now.

>eliminates isis
>makes blacks work again
>purges hollywood of pedophiles
>secures korean reunification
>angers the hacker known as Sup Forums by threatening to take away vidya and pirated movies

It's fucked that Sup Forums is allowed to have a Reylo general and pedoshit but if we tried to make a Twincest general (/tcg/) we'd get nuked in a second

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Don't make retard strawmen. People attribute that to JSOC and even then it took way too long.

>Not every promise is going to be fulfilled immediately.

Yeah, fuck those people that think that promises should be kept.
you're fucking retarded

the chinese dont release anything of quality. they mostly just leak shit quality dvd rips with hard coded chink subs.



that's not how piracy works at all

Isis is on the ropes - not at all related to Trump
Black unemployment has reached a low, but that is just a continuation of a trend started years ago.
Hollywood pedophiles - I'd actually give Trump the most credit here. He polarized people so much it could be argued it helps catalyze women to start taking a stronger stand. But of course this is also years of cultural norms around sexual assault shifting.
Korea - ok that one is just funny. Dude can't even appoint an ambassador to Korea yet. Yes Kim I'll meet with you, fucking moron. Though the last 3 presidents get the blame for making this shitty. I actually like Trump's hamfisted approach to deterrence.

>t. Supports Pizza Parties

(((the U.S. economy))))

Is he going to buy all the hotels with the source stream material for the WEB video rips?

Those are either not a result of him or untrue.

600 Billion? That makes no sense

Twincest is non-canon. Jamie moved on from Cersei in the books and views her as a monster. Bad writing keeps that farce going in the show.

of course it does satanic trips.
jew accounting is a metaphysical wonder.

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4-dimensional chess, of course

think of the 600 billion


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>Briennefag detected

He's still obsessed with her in the books.

>25% into his reign
>expects it all to be done asap


By doing what exactly?

He's literally saving the world and you're a complete waste of human life.

It's cute that you ever thought Trump gave a shit about you. Or accomplished any of those things.

piracy is literally communism, based trump standing up against commies

making more movies with black casts that even the chinks wont pirate

>2% increments
nice graph you got there

He just did that in the last episode to senpai

The godamn scaliwag

so you honestly think that Trump stopping to arm islamists in syria and coordinating with Russia on land and in the air had NOTHING to do with the drastic losses isis had to take in the last year?

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Piracy doesnt mean conning a ship on the high seas. It means operating independent of recognized authority. Hence terms like pirate radio and pirate news.

So, saving the world by being a dictator? Sure.....

>didn't move heaven and earth in 1 year

Meanwhile btfoing ISIS, meeting North Korea, cutting taxes, getting rid of individual mandate, travel ban, looking at wall prototypes, implementing policy to fight opioid epidemic

The education you have received is so awful that you don't even know how to look up the definition of a dictator. Many such cases. Sad.

Meant for

you should look up the definiton of dictator. He has the same powers Obama had

so this...is the power...of amerimutt education...whoa

>obama counts turning away people at the border as deportation
>now now now now now now now hold up, hold on hold on, hold on and look at how many I deported.

It's like you're a little tiny baby child.
Anyone care to list the plethora of things the previous President promised to do, and didn't?

>muh Obama
rent free, in your head ;^)

he is literally destroying everything
>first he took my gardener
>secondly he took my guns
>then he took my videogames
>now he is taking my civil right to pirate stuff
What's next? We are losing everything bros

>stopping something completely beyond his control

Good luck.

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Will Trump take our virginity as well?

N-No! I'm saving it for someone special

I bet you "can't even" too

wtf i hate chyna now

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Don't forget all the Republican candidates he's destroyed by campaigning for them

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>Takes your videogames
>Takes your guns


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60% decrease
does that number help you better

stupid chinese thieves are so mad lmao

> vote for republican kike puppet
> get mad the puppet is controlled by jews
Don't worry, he's gonna deport all the cheap labor right after he bans Sup Forums.

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>it’s like watching an autistic retard try to drink a glass of water.
Lmao, was that unintentional or are you not aware how trump behaves when he is drinking a glass of water? It's exactly how you described it.

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