Kino, fuck christianity

kino, fuck christianity

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Upvote if you have been celebrating Chomsky day since you watched this movie.

did anyone else cry on that scene where they all sing sweet child o' mine?

right in the feels!!!!!!

no, it made me feel happy desu senpai.
This film is a great testament to people living apart from the world but being in touch with it.
they celebrated their mother as a family.

good movie

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It’s always funny to see white liberals romanticized anarchy as a peaceful hippy intellectuals when in reality anchary would allow niggers to run amok and kill them and rape their white daughters.

>despise commercialism
>adore one of the most commercialized, popular songs of the 20th century

Was literally about to post varg

There is no anarchy is this film, he is not an anarchist he is into antidisestablishmentarianism who then became became a naturist too.
You don't see or hear him do or talk of anarchy, in fact he is quite respectful of the american constitution an it's institutions.
Watch the film rtard

it is Antiestablishmentarianism. It wasn't in my dictionary

Not a fan of movies whose sole purpose for being made was to get the lead an Oscar.

>Implying you can't just kill the niggers

this but unironically

>people didn't understand the irony of Ben and his kids worshiping Noam Chomsky like a god

The film was about finding balance between the boons of the lifestyle Ben forced on his family (self-reliance, intense education and self-reflection) and the benefits of modern American society, not dismissing the latter in its entirety

>Pastel colors
>Characters in front of a bus
>Quote from critic

Every fucking time.

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>anarchy? that's scary people are dangerous!!

... whats it like being a faggot?

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Feel free to pattern your life after Captain Fantastic, if you have not already done so!

At least you will be in the open air, instead of your mother's basement. The clean air of God's open country will do you good...

>dude fuck Christians
>Pulls out Noam Chomsky cult of personality worship
This fucking movie lads.

This movie is terrible, ffs
Are you 17?

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holy fuck

another dysfunctional family in a bus?

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I think thats the point

Joke already made. Read the thread fuckwad.


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whoops, didn't know this thread was WOKE

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I don't need to read what a lot of the idiots on this site type. It's am image posting forum, and I don't always feel up to participating in the shit throwing competitions you fucking inbred. And it wasn't a fucking "joke".