make ahmed the next bond or i will join isis
Make ahmed the next bond or i will join isis
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Why don't they just make their own shit? i understand that original ideas are a risk nowadays but honestly, fuck off.
This reminds me. I was trying to think of a way to spin this sort of rhetoric the other direction. Maybe those faggots will stop shooting up schools if they could see movies coming out that didn't just portray them as evil.
Shut the Fuck up right now. Stop whitesplaining to these people. They don't have the privliges you do to just "make" their own movies.
Can't tell if you are being serious or not
lol good luck trying to get past low-budget obscure indie filmmaker status in jewllywood
I have an idea. Why doesn't someone do a film adaptation of "Satanic Verses?" That's got inclusion you can ride for years.
Is it just me, or does it sound like Riz Ahmed's been thinking of joining ISIS?
>cast us or we'll cut your head off
the funny thing is that most sand niggers watch almost exclusively channels from their "homeland"
Can't he be deported for saying shit like this?
literally who
nvm idc
That sort of changes if you grow up in Harlem or Brooklyn and can barely speak the native language
Are you implying beheading videos don't display the deep culture of their forefathers?
I'm also laughing at whoever says the ISIS guys look cool, generally they look like a bunch of retard LARPers except when they're murdering captives or civilians or whatever.
good, they will become shitty terrorists and fail the same way people who join the army or police thinking it will be like a Bond movie
>Giving a shit about Isis
I haven't heard shit about them in the news in years. Why should I care?
You know it's entirely reasonable to disagree with what he said but I'm sure you didn't read the article. This is the "the headline tells me all I need to know" generation.
The greatest middle eastern movie stars a blonde haired blue eyed man.
useless post
the headline and article are extremely retarded and so is he
You are not only a retard, you are proud of that fact
no u
Isn't this a veiled threat?
>Let us take over your franchises and institutions or we will become terrorists and blow you up
Wait wasn't he in Four Lions? So by his own logic, that would made more Muslims join Al Qaeda?
>people pay to watch movies with this kind
You should know already that they can't create.
>Isn't this a veiled threat?
yes but he's brown so we don't really get to do anything about it
>not all muslims are bad
>but if you don't show them on TV, they will be bad
why liberals are so retarded?
>I'm Mohammad, Mohammad Mohammad
Do tell
>kiss our foreign asses or we'll kill you!
I can already see cuckservatives and progressives puckering up
adulteress, on the rocks, buried, not stoned
The names Bond. Jihad Bond.
>not suicide bond
Explain how the TV shows are the problem here rather than the teachings of a death cult drillied into these kid's heads from birth
What's that movie about a bunch of idiotic chav suicide bombers called again? Been meaning to watch it.
You are on a board dedicated to television and film. If you don't recognize a reference to what is universally recognized to be one of the greatest films ever made, you should leave and go watch "Lawrence of Arabia."
If you think it's "too long" or "boring," then you should watch it again and try to understand why it garners such acclaim. If you think that's a waste of your valuable time, then you should fully embrace the anti-culture of the modern world, leave here and never return.
>ok liasten carefuly bond, here are your equipment for the mission
>here we have the latest in IED's, which can be quickly and easily assembled from household products
>this isi your AK and RPG briefcase
>and your vehicle. Modified with extra front ramming bars and cunningly disguised as a kebab van, with fully functional donner spit
I dont see a lot of chinese on tv and they dont seem to be joining isis.What an idiotic thing to say
Is that why everyone in muslim countries are Isis? We should send them all of our niggers and lefties to help them out.
next I hear there'll be a an ambulance of peace
They're joining the Yakuza
Not all Muslims are like that, in fact it's pretty easy to find shit in the Bible that calls for death to non-believers.
That being said though the reluctance to call out attrocities committed in the name of Islam and the whole concept of Islamaphobia is fucking stupid. There's a reason we don't believe in it.
Personally I think a lot of it is just getting back at America for bombing them so many times and were dumb enough to train them. The rest of the world paying for America's mistakes I think.
niggers and lefties can only congregate in places where they can whine and complain
in places where faithful submission to tradition is demanded, those ilk will quickly chimp out in vain and die
That's twisting around what he actually said
People on this board cry every day about Hollywood not making shitty right wing movies for them, might want to take a look in the mirror dude
>islamists will literally join a terrorist organisation if they aren't in movies
>yet governments around the world want to continue importing hordes of them
Holy shit the thread OP and the posts are really bad
That's a British movie you fucking retard, the absolute state if you- writing out those whole paragraphs like the smug little pesudo-intellectual you are. Get fucked kiddo
Diversity will overcome terrorism. We must send the muslims our homosexuals, it's the only way.
The pompous twat obviously doesn't watch too many movies.
best post of the thread 2bh
i dunno if hed be a good spy.
i mean hes so small you could smuggle him in a briefcase.
but hes paki so... immediate terrie treatment.
>liberals love homos
>liberals love muslims
>muslims hate homos and liberals and literally everything
You're right. You'll never be able to compete with your superiors. An hero right now.
The bad guys would smell him from a mile away.
I love my privilege. Oh well. Can't say I am sorry because I was born into it. Not my job to gift anyone else.
i think actually what Mr Ahmed was saying is that the young muslim lads aren't feeling included in the media and as such may feel more connection with the terrorist propaganda, "propaganda" being the operative word, as it is designed to create a false impression of the heroic struggle of people they may feel more identifiable to themselves, and as such will be more likely to be influenced by such material and it is a bad thing and maybe we could accept that muslims are here and born in these countries and make them feel more included and therefore less likely to bexome radicalized by other influences.
Why is this asshat demanding diversity on a section of the airwaves, when he can just look at the airwaves of any country in the world?
Is it so hard to watch shows from another country that speaks your language?
Is it so hard to look for shows from other countries subtitled to your own language?
If you want diversity, then go out and see the world (it doesn't hurt to learn another language while you're at it)
If you want diversity, then get out of your comfort zone (there's so many great shows from other countries)
Bullshit. The bible never calls on death to non believers, it only says they will go to hell. There is a large difference there. The muslim faith was founded on terrorism and actively justifies the murder of infidels. People like to pretend that most muslims don't listen to those parts, but at the very least they are sympathetic to it.
Are you communicating in English right now? Can you offer up a better film set in the Middle East? What language is it in?
I wasn't aware the Sahara was located in Britain.
Does anyone have a link of that one video? There's three terrorists riding in the back of a jeep or truck, and two of them are yelling the third guy's name for being a fuck up. They're driving across the desert and they get shot and at the end there's a big shootout
I've been trying to find it but no luck
Yakuza are Japanese
Triads are Chinese
>do x or else i will y
Its pretty much like how Sup Forums says "death to all Jews" but doesn't really kill all the Jews.
>Stop criticizing video games or speaking out about racism and sexism or I'll become a nazi
Pretty much the story of most of the retards on Sup Forums, and they'll even admit it.
And maybe they could meet us halfway and grasp that it's totally possible to honor your culture and heritage without seeking to actively impose it upon others, to integrate into the culture they're now the "alien" within, and start looking to carry forward the positive aspects of it while leaving the negatives behind.
We all share the same "mother."
If lack of Pakistanis on TV is what's making them join ISIS, what is it making them rape young girls?
riz ahmed comes from the country with the highest recorded rate of first cousin marraige on the planet.
He's a good actor tho
>implying I'm in any way racist or sexist
Muslims are raised on an ideologies that encourages murder of infidels and it actually happens a lot. Both in western countries and their own. I really hope you can see the flaw in your comparison
too many white womyn on teevee
Fair analogy, apart from Sup Forums aren't making their demands after forcing their way in to Israel or Saudi Arabia and living off their benefits.
I've only ever seen him in The Night Of, he was highly praised for that but I can't understand why. He was average and out acted by everyone around him.
>He's an okay actor*
Riz is a based actor but full retard when it comes to everything outside of acting.
he looks like an insect. a gangling insect with bulging black eyes and a face like a camel.
It's a British movie made by a British director, setting of the film doesn't mean anything. Is Starwars a Martian film?
This. Fuck people who demand shit like this and make dumb ultimatums
Maybe you should let us be in your movies unless you want us to make problems for you.
That movie is terrible.
(And here is why it is a good thing)
reported to fbi
That's more or less what he said. It's certainly not the threatening "do what we say or else we'll kill you!!!!" stuff that people in this thread are presenting it as. Here's what he actually said:
>If we fail to represent people in our mainstream narratives, they'll switch off. They will retreat to fringe narratives, to filter bubbles online, and sometimes even off to Syria.
>In the mind of the Isis recruit, he’s a version of James Bond right? Have you seen some of those Isis propaganda videos, they are cut like action movies. Where is the counter narrative? Where are we telling these kids they can be heroes in our stories, that they are valued?
>People are looking for the message that they belong, that they are part of something, that they are seen and heard and that despite, or perhaps because of, their experience, they are valued. They want to feel represented. In that task we have failed.
And the full speech
If I don't see enough white people I'm going to join the IRA
Hi muhammad. When are you going to allahu your ackbah?
There is a difference between being inclusive, and making ultimatums like OP did here. I don't believe anybody switches off unless they wanted to, regardless of whatever "counter narrative" is being spun. Majority rules IMO.
Dude I flicked through my Bible in high school and I'm quite certain I saw a passage directly stating that people who worship false idols should be stoned.
It's an incredibly violent book, as is the Qu'ran given that they're exactly the same fucking religion.
>I haven't seen anyone with my skin colour on TV
>So I'm going to become a terrorist because the recruitment video made it look like I'd be an action star
So what you're saying is that minorities are retarded? If all it takes is propaganda to turn you into a violent killer they must be.
Ehh, I've still liked him in what I've seen. I agree what he said was retarded.
Idiots acting like they understand politics. Obviously the Sunnis were on jihad to get better representation from Hollywood
t. moderate muslims