Will this be a kinou? (Gay series)


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hi, just making this post to see if im banned for a thread i posted earlier

looks pretty gay

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>humpty dumpty and praying mantis irl
>bear mode and buffer in 2d

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left girl is hotter.

I hope they don't. This rage is delicious.

It's pure love though...

Jews? This is an adaption of a manga from a well known gay mangaka bara artist.

Ahhh so its porn basically. Being a gay man is basically a joke in japan. Why do you think gachi was memed so hard?

ignorant retard detected
dont even respond to this post i just wanted you to know that you're a retard

is he Naruto's long lost brother the fourth put for adoption because he found out the boy was a cock sucker?

>Superior gay manga.
>No live action adaption.
Being Ebisubashi Seizoh is suffering.

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this looks like gay kino

I want to hate this but ehh, mite be cool

I'm responding anyway, why don't you argue my claim?

the girl is cute

>Gengorou Tagame

...uh, shit. Literally. You all know who he is right?

It’s only six episodes.

The Japanese Jews did this

Unless she tries to turn them straight (and pedo) who cares?

It’s not porn, the author has drawn a lot of gay porn but this is a slice of life series.

No hits for him on sadpanda. Afraid i'm outta the loop on this one.
I'm guessing he does bara stuff though.

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Very bara stuff -- looks like the bearded guy even more than the non-bearded guy in OP's picture -- and it gets, ah, extremely fetish-y.

I'm laughing because if they have to turn to him for positive homosexual content then it's effectively Sup Forums-tier ammo on how gross and horrible LGBTs are.

i guess the name is spelled differently?
>gengoroh tagame

A yesterday?

Those faggots need to be killed and and that child needs taken care of by a real straight family.

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I legit thought it was live action Yotsuba

will there ever be a more bad ass picture?

Can't believe they made a JAV out of it.

Probably, Massive is definitely on there so his name would be tagged on that

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Oh shit, here we go.
>328 hits
This should be interesting

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Supposedly the first two episodes have already aired. Any downloads/fansubs?

having a real 3d loli next to some big fat gay faggot playing a role in a show made as an adaptation of a mango drawn by a gay faggot who draws gay fat faggots fucking is a bit strange

It's like a jap who draws an absolute fucking ton of lolicon stuff making something tame for a change with no loli fucking, and it getting adapted in to a real life 3d people show

I mean you just know the body for that bara fag in the drawing for the manga is probably a template for the bodies he draws of other bara characters who give each other aids fistings in their standard fuck parties


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Those faggots need to be killed and the girl needs to be raised by a normal straight family. The day of the rope needs to come so we can liberate these children.

What a nice family

Yeah I see this pop up on random days on the most recent so it's weird seeing something similar adapted.