What the fuck did I just watch?
What the fuck did I just watch?
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MiniDV kino
>Close-ups on Polish Sarah Palmer in the first scene with Laura Dern
highly unsettling, desu senpai
something something it was good because improvization is the bestest
im too much of a brainlet for art so thats my best guess
one of the greatest films made since 2000, arguably #1
I love how the quality and tone of the visuals is so jarring and amateur looking at first until the film steadily gets more surreal and suddenly the visual style perfectly encapsulates the tone Lynch is portraying.
i do love this movie but fuck is it hard to sit through 3 hours of it.
Laura Dern looks like a crackhead
Lynch's dream diary
true but i think in some of those "timelines," as it were, she was a crackhead
Yeah you're probably right
dude dern lmao
How could anyone sit through this shit and watch it all? This is when I decided Lynch was done. Complete shit.
>let me re tell the same story only unwatchable this time
>This is when I decided Lynch was done
He made the decision for you, actually
>all he dreams of is Laura
You simply cannot comprehend kino of this magnitude.
The worst movie ever made.
Which is it? I can't make up my mind!!!
pew pew
>it looks like shit and that's a good thing
Lynch's worse, second only to Dune.
It tries to make you uncomfortable but fails at that - and you've got 3 hours of it failing to sit through.
Laura Harring at the end was nice though.
Dune is a good movie
It's a shit movie and an even worse adaption.
The 2nd half of the movie is indefensible on all accounts.
It's a very good adaptation, actually, up until the very end.
Oh don't be so obtuse
the future of cinema
hyperlinked filmaking
do you want to buy a watch
>only mentions the jihad once
>completely misunderstands that Paul isn't actually a God, he's only pretending to be
>political and religious themes are thrown out of the window
>No tension between Paul and Lady Jessica
It's a horrendous adaption. As soon as the 2nd half comes in the whole film goes straight to shit.
And whilst it stays fairly true to the book in the first half, it is almost all exposition - which does not translate well to film
Considering that Lynch didn't have final cut, I don't think it's fair to blame him for that. Considering the limitations of the form it took, it's a good adaptation done in a unique and fully realized style, even if it isn't the classic that the book was. It's perfectly adequate.
*blocks your path*
Lynch fucking with digital on set and fucking laura dern offset
what a god
How the fuck am I supposed to know what you watched? No seriously, think about it for one solitary second, how the fuck on god's green earth am I suppose to come up with a reasonable absolution to this question you have thrust upon me with the accompanying information I have been bestowed with; which, to be frank is not in high supply. Do you think I am a mindreader? Am I some sort of ESP motherfucker? You posted a picture of a poster for David Lynche's film Inland Empire which could be construed as the answer to your question, but how the fuck am I supposed to know for sure? If I guess that and I'm wrong then I'm gonna look like a fuckin' mook, is that what you want? For everyone here to think that I am a mook? And if is the answer to your question than the most likely conclusion is that you posted that image because you know it is what you are watching and if that is the case ... THEN WHY IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH WOULD YOU ASK ME A QUESTION THAT YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER TO? Is this all a fucking game to you? Am I some sort of lab rat to you? Did you not think I would figure out where the cheese was? Huh? Now I would like to believe that the visual representation accompanying your post has no nefarious implications and is just a coincidence but I cannot in good faith put all of my preverbial eggs in that basket, no siree. In all truth this whole scenario baffles the fucking mind.
Now, did you think about what I asked you? Or were you too too busy being a smart alec to bother to stop and consider where you are before asking all those questions, pard'ner?
>Considering the limitations of the form it took, it's a good adaptation
It's fucking not - what Did you not understand from my previous post? Have you even read the book?
A book well known for its political and religious themes has an adaption that has none of those.
A book where the ENTIRE point of Paul's interactions with the fremen is that he's pretending to be a God so that he can try and prevent a jihad, is adapted into a movie where Paul is a God and doesn't have any jihad to stop. He doesn't stop the jihad in the book by the way, Paul fails.
Being a bad adaption isn't even the same as the film being absolute shit on it's own merits. Some good acting and nice visuals (at times) aren't enough to save the rushed trainwreck that is the 2nd half.
Lynch may not be entirely responsible, but he is without question part responsible. He wrote the script and he still shot the movie - even if you look at what was deleted, Lynch simply didn't understand the material he was adapting.
You seem really mad for some reason.
who the fuck are you?!?
Who is this guy?
I'm not mad - I'm baffled at how you can (presumably with conviction) say that Dune is a good adaption, let alone a good movie.
It's mind-numbing that it's not just you that claims it either. If you guys want to suck Lynch's dick that's fine, but how about doing it for a less-well received film that Lynch hasn't actively distanced himself from.
m a d
oj simpson
who fucking cares. i enjoyed it, you didn't. move the fuck on you whiny bitch.
>I enjoyed it so it's a good adaption
Fuck off retard.
>why discuss anything on a film discussion board
Your argument is "It's a bad adaptation because it doesn't go into as much detail as the book," you fundamentally misunderstand what the film is trying to do.
Why is this so hard to find on DVD?
to my knowledge you can find it quite easily on amazon last time I was looking around
cheapest I can find is $25 on bluray from Japan and it supposedly is dubbed
it's the moby dick of american cinema
I have that one, I think. My version has English audio and my remote has a subtitle button so I didn't even have to watch it with subtitles.
Alright then I'll check it out.
I had to import a copy of The Straight Story from Japan too just to watch it in HD. It was worth it.
Thanks user
I don't know if it matters but I'm American
same. I'm just curious if it had english audio and if I can watch it at all since that's the cheapest copy.
Inland Empire is K I N O.
Jesus, i dont have any respect for people who says that Inland Empire is one of Lynch worst. Its not, period. Its one of his best work. But for me every Lynch film is special, and i love them for different reasons. Very sad that he is not making movies anymore, very sad. There is literally no one to replace him, no director has similar style to him, no director can create such fantastic and surreal atmosphere, no director have such great feeling of sound design...
This guy is actually sperging the fuck out lmao
Well i disagree with you, but i can understand why some people didnt like Inland Empire, if u decided that Lynch was done then u didnt watch Twin Peaks: The Return? Your lost, its more straightforward and accessible than Inland Empire, u should try it.
Serious question, is there any other director working today that has more contempt for their audience than Lynch obviously does?
Rian Johnson
he has no contempt for his audience. He is artist, auteur. He is making WHAT HE WANTS to make (minus Dune). He is not pandering to his fans, to studio exec, to to his family, to his haters or to social justice.. He is just following his ideas and he is pretty honest about it.
Contempt for audiance have directors who dont have any artistic integrity and studio forcing them to do things which they don't want.
>this post
I mean, with an audience of people like you I can understand it, but that's not the question I asked.
This isn't up for debate.
But u are wrong. And i answer you why, i can add to this that he is very straightforward with people. Watch Lynch Q&A with fans, which he is doing not only in US but in more obscure european countries also. Show me other directors with such contact with fans. U cant.
And this isnt up for a debate.
Well the answer is pretty easy, all hollywood directors have more contempt for their audience than Lynch, because they are making the same fucking shit every year. Where is their creativity, they arent even trying anymore to not make something fucking generic which people watched in 1000 movies before.
I sing this poem to (You)
I still don't know how to feel about Lynch's self obsession with Hollywood. Movies like Birdman come off as pretentious due to the circlejerk but Inland Empire and Mulholland Drive seem more tasteful in that regard. I'm conflicted about it.
Also that death scene at the end of the "movie" where the camera pans to reveal the real camera. I may be easily impressed but that shit blew my mind, near made my cry. Everyone raves about the scary Laura Dern scenes but it was already too much of a meme for me.
If all my movies had a bunch of brain-dead dick riders like you fags for a fanbase I'd probably develop the same type of loathing Lynch has for you. Like I said, you can't blame the guy. Human nature an' all...
But seriously, someone other than the dilettante squad give me a reply.
We're still waiting for evidence that back your claim.
I didn't make a claim, I made an observation.
But we've already been over this whole "brain-dead" thing though and I know you're a Lynch fan, but please try to keep up.
Anty-Lynch fags like u are really the worst,
You have 1000 other directors u can like, no one is forcing you to like Lynch movies. So why you are so butthurt? You are behaving like a spoiled child.
that's just chronic Lynching, they can't help themselves
It was a bunch of short films that David Lynch smashed together.
Your observation was shit.
Inland Empire Criterion Collection edition when?
t. philistines
That's always the best part about you clueless turds, you possess zero self-awareness. Subconsciously you know the truth, that's why you overreact the way you do whenever anyone laughs at your naked emperor.
Lynch laughs at you too: almost literally wagging his flaccid naked emperor dong in your faces, you're just too stupid to realized what he's doing to you.
Don't reply to me anymore you stupid fucks, I don't need to hear any more of your retardation.
My fear is that the movie is in SD they'll never bother putting it on a fancy Bluray but if Criterion ever puts it out that's a day one purchase for me
>mfw typical "intellectual" Lynch fan replies
This is exactly why Lynch despises you. FYI
I can't believe you're still here user. Want me to sing another poem to (You)?
See . Stop crying like a bitch and answer the question or fuck off, dumbass.
>Stop crying like a bitch
Tears are coming to my eyes
I cry I cry
I cannot feel the warmth of the sun
I cannot hear the laughter
Choking with every thought i see the faces
I see them fall
My hands are tied as i wish
But no one comes
No one comes
Where are you? where are you?
What will make me want live
What will make me want to love?
Tell me tell me
I sing this poem to (You)
Or shitpost in asspain like a fucking idiot, I guess. Your prerogative.
What does Lynch mean by this?
There is nothing to be answered my short-tempered friend. There are many poems to be sung though to people who haven't realized the straightforwardness and non-pretentious nature of Lynch's oeuvre.
I'm going to find out someday..
>straightforwardness and non-pretentious nature of Lynch's oeuvre
You should be a comedian. On reddit.
wouldn't surprise me honestly
>completely bored during the whole movie
>take break to fap to laura's lips (no judge)
>shit's boring, but Sup Forums tells me this is the scariest movie ever lmao
>take a break to fap to the boobs
>finish the movie
>it was shit
So when did you guys learn that Sup Forums has shit taste?
I own this camera
at blade runner 2049
You should try TM to help you concentrate more and quit those nasty habits.
yum yum honey
when they unironically shilled murdoch murdoch, and then blade runner 2049 was the final nail in the coffin
What if I told you there is an hour of deleted scenes on the dvd?
It was actually shot with the DSR-PD150
i would tell you lynch is a hack
Good movie but would have been better with Naomi Watts or Sheryl Lee in the lead. Laura Dern can’t act.