What's a good age to quit Sup Forums? I turn 25 in 18 days. Been using for 4 years

What's a good age to quit Sup Forums? I turn 25 in 18 days. Been using for 4 years.

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>leaving Sup Forums
Hoo boy, should I tell him?

18 is the best age to quit. I tried to quit a year ago. is right. You're here forever.

After the election regardless of what happens.

This place never changes. It's up to you to mature mentally and seek more from life than sick digits.

You're here forever bro.
t. 31 and still unable to stay away from here for more than a week.


You're FUCKED, buddy

I managed to quit for 2 months but im addicted to happenings so I'm back

I'm 40. The ride never ends.

Make a leaf thread about dna LEAF
And no, race discussion goes far back to emperors and kikes writing on stone.

I would say if you are close to your mid twenties you need to leave. Get out from under the rock, find a wife and kids and for God's sake get the fuck out of here. If you have any life you would have left here by high school.


im going to quit life on tuesday if trump loses

>those godamn fucking hittites and canaanites those races are shit!!!!
>those god damn filthy punics, delenda est carthago

Stay plump Mr Beagle

isn't that all life is about? seeking sick digits in the bank account?

>whats' a good age to quit


newfag. i'm already 25 and ive been here since 2006

Stay Plump mr beagle

Whenever you get bored. You're here forever, but I can go months at a time when it's not election season...

Are you me?

>tfw things never got better

You're here forever.

Stay plump Mr. Beagle.


Those who don't want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

I'm 27

I'm married
I make 115 a year
My wife makes 90

She loves pol
We vote trump

In all objectivity this is a great site to keep in your mix of info. Shouldn't be your only one, but 100% you should check this as much as any other medium

>You're here forever

Dubs of unspoken truth.

Tfw trips

You quit whenever you feel like it, you use it whenever you feel like it. Meme aside, I had periods in life when I was busy with stuff and didn't visit any board for months or even a year, but if there's something interesting on some particular boards, I can visit daily. And I am considerably older than you.

Just get a hold of yourself and spend your time on board responsibly.

i dont think ive been away from Sup Forums a single day since early 2015

>Stay plump Mr Beagle

whip out dick with timestamp



You'll quit when you find a new site to regularly visit.

This work

first started coming here when
happened and been visiting many times a day since. 31 btw

damn nice life bro.


Reddit just doesn't cut it.

I still can't fathom why Americans wear shoes indoors. Doesn't it get uncomfortable?

>he thinks he can "quit" Sup Forums

noice B)

Kek you pathetic fucking NEET

27 here, been here for like a decade now. Don't really remember which year, but at least before project Scientology, advice dog, long cat, habboraids, orly owl etc
Sometimes I quit this place for several months, but I tend to come back in the end.

It was so we could jump into actuon immedietly when fighting the indians

The most I can do is move from one board to another every few months.


I was here... In the beginning of it all...

I-it was just a board, they said. A place to post pictures and make a snarky comment.

Then the lulz came. No one warned us of it... It just kind of happened one fateful day...

And the Internet, oh the Internet, it was changed forever...

But lulz... Lulz never changes...

You can never gooo baaack... You can never goooooooo baaaaaaaaaack!!!

Stay plump Mr. Beagle

We work so much we don't have the energy to take them off when we get home. Most upper middle-class Americans work 9-10 hour days

Turned 24 today and started late 2006.
I'm here forever and i dont mind.

Stay plump Mr. Beagle


this is a culture, not a drug

its up to you to change your life

or keep it the way it is..

Wtf is with the image? It's saying the holocaust didn't happen, but then goes on to say you want it to happen AGAIN... BUT if it didn't happen, then how can it happen AGAIN if it didn't happen in the first place?

Either the holocaust DID, or it DID NOT happen (if there was one thing the Nazi's got right during that time period, it was gassing the gays for being over-emotional fucktards. Too bad we don't have such a health-program here in the US. That shit would be phenomenal).

stay plump mr. beagle

I'm 32, with a newborn, and I'm on here...


You should really return it.

Stay plump Mr Beagle

>So edgy

Stay plump Mr. Beagle

stay plump mr. beagle

Nigger-tier taste, desu. Two-tone died in the 90's.

Ya, and was reborn in 2005-8 if you use a natural band.

>needs a new personal shopper faggot.