What is the Film equivalent of a millennial whoop?

What is the Film equivalent of a millennial whoop?


Attached: 800px-Millenial_whoop.png (800x492, 22K)

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The inception bwaaaaam

Wilhelm Scream

Only by millenial it meant 1900s and it stuck until now


this but unironically

This sound effect

>millennial whoop
are you calling a harmony a whoop?

A whoop is a 90s hip hop thing like this

Do you think harmonies are a new thing

clearly retarded

these parts are in pop songs so they can be sold internationally

doesn't matter what language you speak if the words are 'ooh-ah'

I missd the meaining of what that whoop shit is, should have googled it first.
Just a scale, most likely to increase emotional responses.
Music, specifically pop music is propaganda, even to the point of having subtle sounds that only people with smaller inner ear bones (children/teenagers) can hear, like achild repellent.
Not that you will be able to hear that if you are over 20

It's not always a harmony, but the millenial whoop always sounds like the same "woo-ah", it's the same thing as the doo wop

yea I added to what I said here

it's a descending and repeating minor third. how could you have watched the video or looked at the picture in the op and not got that.

it's been very heavily used in pop for the last 20 years

Nailed it. That and the "dark remix"

you don't know anything about music, stop talking.

also every genre has its crutches


>everyone in the entire world learns to read music and listens to music and experiences music the exact same way

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incorrect. not everyone does. some people are idiots.

>you don't know anything about music
sure, though as a teenager I noticed how music is influencing my feeling and my peers feelings/behaviour, while also experiencing audio noises on very popular songs that only my peers could hear, but not older friends....sure user.

You think when a record company allows an artist to release records, they found some raw talent and felt compelled to help them express their creativity...
No you fucktard, manufactured music has a clear objective to create money and changes in average peoples minds.
It's not what we are like, but what we like that defines us.

>idiot for not wasting time learning idle information.
Sure you know the full cheat codes for every grand theft auto game, speak latin and ancient roman, sanskrit and are a master at medicine, both eastern and western too. Plus you memorised the local phonebook and can pronounce pi to 786 decimals

kill yourself

This shit goes back to the 90s though...

it's the ultimate normie hook in all of music
makes me want to kill myself
started noticing it around 2011

you should commit to understanding the basics of a subject before you try to talk about it.

you actually don't know what you're talking about. shut the hell up.

Attached: too.jpg (645x968, 46K)

>go look it up on youtube
>actually never heard any of these songs
>they all sound like shit

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user you are fucking retarded and delusional about it. please just stop posting

why are people trying to put a label on this? all those examples sound similar because they're singing the 4th of the chord.... this is like complaining about how many songs uses Dsus4 to D. it's retarded

>they're singing the 4th of the chord
but they're not.

t. hack pop writer featured in the video multiple times

actually yea you're right it's just a 5 to a 3. sounded like a 4

It's a line that's alternating between the 5th and 3rd of the chord with occasional variations while all singing "WOAH-OOH".

it's generally the fifth and third of the tonic over a series of chords.

Yeah and?

only the cool kids use b5 to b3

what the fuck is this supposed to be? Showing me that different songs use whoops, oohs and aaahs? woaaaaah mind blown!

Howie Scream >>>> Wilhelm Scream

people who make videos like this are usually retards that suddenly think they are geniuses for realizing that a lot of music is similar

it's showing that a lot of modern songs use whoops in the same way, in the same melodic and harmonic context. the point of the thread is to ask what are some comparably common devices in film.

>some sounds sound nice
Who fucking cares?

and blues music uses the blues scale
hollllly crappppppppp

the only good one ive seen is "the lick" because its actually the same thing, not just some vague "woah these songs use melodic non-words!"


>can only be herd by younger people
>if you are above 55 you might not hear it
>might not
Imagine being so fucking old that you think 40-50 year-olds are noisome "younger people" that need to be dispersed.

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do you think you're smart for acting like you're above this?

they dont though. The examples in the video are different melodies, tempos, scales, even different words (some are woahs some are ho some are ahs etc). It just isn't really saying anything

it is the same thing in almost every example in the OP.

dude did you know bebop uses the bebop scales
hollly crapppp

they're the same interval, used across a small set of different harmonic changes, and the tempo and syllabic differences aren't really significant.

what the fuck? No its not. How is California girls anything like Brand New?

wouldn't be surprised if parker came up with that

>The Pachelbel Rant is over a decade old

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despite being more different than most of the other examples, they're still pretty similar.

a popular progression is popular for a reason. color me surprised

What is your point? Who cares if it is? Are there not a billion songs to listen to that ARE different? What is your problem?

stop responding for me
my point is that beyond using non-words in the chorus, they arent even remotely fucking similar

they're both melodically similar. together with the other similarity you yourself have pointed out, and taken in the wider context of the rest of the video, they illustrate a trend.


>they are melodically similar

holy fuck go study some theory, pick up an instrument, mess around in FL studio or something. I dont know what the fuck to tell you if you think this

and the person who started the thread is asking if we can find trends in cinema which are comparable in how simple and ubiquitous they are.

i have a degree in music and have taught for the last ten years.

what the fuck is wrong with you?

user stop
nobody is laughing anymore

color grading the shit out of everything so you can get away with phoning in the lighting. found it distracting when I rewatched LotR recently and that's an instance of it being used relatively well

Actually they kind of do. The Millennial Woop consists of the dominant and the 3rd above the tonic. This pattern is ingrained into almost everyone. Remember that taunting "naaah naaah na naaaah naaah" kids do on the playground? That's also centered around the dominant and the 3rd. Musicologists have found this pattern is almost unviversal among children of pretty much every culture.

Leonard Bernsteing explains it brilliantly in one of his Harvard lectures. Can't be arsed to go looking for it though.

well observed and true
nobody does anything "in the camera" these days

Miroslav Vitous "Symphonic adventures" sample cd was the first time i heard that slab of audio and it's followed me since. It's nice lick just over used to the death , early South Park HAMMERED that orch sample library.

that's just neatly played pentatonics, it's almost impossible not to play that lick in that jazzy state of mind.

i can hardly bear to watch modern movies. so artless

I made a teeny tiny little music video for a song recently and it used very basic stop motion animation. I was surprised that i had to explain how I'd done it. I was asked if it was CGI or a "special app" I grew up watching stop motion maybe that show I've always understood it but i was surprised at folk not already knowing the principles of stop motion even after just one viewing.

Here. Starts at 27 minutes, but the whole discussion leading up to it is also relevant.


Essentially, the first "words" uttered by children everywhere is almost universally "ma", and the first "music" uttered by infants everywhere are the notes that make up the millennial whoop. Paraphrasing heavily, but the entire lecture series is worth a listen.

this will probably interest you


fucking pentatonics

i see it as an ever-expanding world of opportunity for people like us. we'll be heralded as visionaries for "rediscovering" techniques people came up with literally 100 years ago. audiences will surely reward us. r-right?

thanks user

So the millenial whoop is basically the musical equivalent of baby talk. That fits interestingly into the idea that pop music is part of the deliberate infantilization of culture.

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>deliberate infantilization of culture.
Then why wasn't it played over the faked moonlanding?


Hmm don't bank on it!
I have been a music only guy for 20+ years and now I'm going to art school to learn to make visuals too because there's no art or money left in music as just audio. I always thought "don't dilute your time/skills, stick to sound you'll meet equally inspired video dudes, we'll skill share". It never really happened. I now need to go and become a one stop shop where I've done everything. Shits taking longer than I could ever have imagined but I'm patient still i hope.

(pretty baked right now too)

good luck dude. can only count on yourself in the end I think. making something really good is a lonely endeavor

thanks user
I've learned allowing yourself to change your expectations of what you once thought was successful to where you are now will stop you getting disheartened. I'm lucky to have these options. :)

It’s not pentatonic you bellend. Will you fucks stop talking about stuff you don’t understand.