What will you do if Trump loses?

What will you do if Trump loses?

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laugh at all the drump fags pull their hair out, thinking their god was going to "save" america.
Time to wake up and face reality boys.

Prepare for World War III

>not preparing for civil war

Play vidya for like a month to grieve, not touching Sup Forums or any social media at all pretty much, then do whatever the fuck i was doing before the election. idk what that is but i guess i'll possibly find out soon enough. fingers crossed

Buy weapons and create my own squad then make a platoon then turn it into a company then turn it into a battalion then turn it into brigade then into an ARMY

fingers crossed that i don't find out that is...

Why not prepare for both?

>white men need to prepare to kill dindus and spics

It would end overnight


I'll get on with life.

They're all going down I think, by the looks of thing everyone with over 10 grand in the bank in the USA has been compromised by the Jew.

>not already being prepared

i'll likely sever my last connections to this world. liquidate all the things this place considers wealth. I'll finish preparing to go into the wilderness. then i'll survive or die.

Move on with my life and look back at the entertaining memes with extreme fondness from the primaries to the general.

bleach my anus

On November the eight you drumplets will be crying in your deplorable safe space.
My dubs command so.

trump will win



double tap

655 vs 655
What does Kek mean by this?
That we'll get lulz no matter what and lulz is life?

Leave California.

It means trump will win, but since I hinted at him losing Obama will suspend the election, declare martial law and usher in the antichrist.

of dubs in conform this

Laugh at you guys for being even bigger cucks than Sweden
You still got a chance faggots

I'll legitimately shed a few tears

he's not gonna lose. Check em






Checked, PRAISE KEK!

Will MAGA hats be more or less desirable after the election?

I won't accept it.

Be disappointed in America but have a few laughs at the Sup Forums meltdown.

i hope so that way it will be easier to tell who the idiots raciest and bigots are and the ones most likely to cause trouble

if trump wins, they'll be worth less because they'll be continuously produced unless trump discontinues a specific color

if trump loses hats most likely won't be produced which will only increase their value especially outside the US

Go full nazi

I don't know what fake reality you're living in, but in my reality he's going to win.


Gonna buy some crisps and shitpost.
Like every day.

How do you know?

wow drumpf btfo!!!!!!!!


If I get 10 replies I will post a 3d pepe gif.
Brand new btw.

>when he loses
Fixed that for you

I just.

420 praise it


Shitpost hillpepe

Celebrate and have a carne asada since my cousins aren't getting deported

Smirk at all of the leftist SJWs on FB virtue-signaling about how they stole the election from the God-Emperor through jewish Soros tricks. They can have their one moment in the sun, before the weight of the FBI/NYPD pedo accusations and indictments come crashing down and destroys everything that they worshiped.

Democrats will finally be exposed for the hypocrites that they are, and the power of the leftists will be broken for decades. I also get to call any Clinton supporter I see a pedo supporter, which is a bonus. I personally cannot wait to redpill any leftist that I see once it become undeniable that they were supporting the immoral candidate all along.

The real question is whether they let Donald into the White House, after Hillary gets Killaried. I don't know if Kaine will stay on, but I think that the magnitude of these accusations will be enough for America to be pissed at the entire Clinton camp, including Kaine, enough for him to step down as well. It will depend on how much we meme voter fraud into the populace; THAT will be our next great task after the election. With luck we can meme a referendum into existence or something, where Trump will win in a landslide against the broken Democrat party.

Of course, having Trump win in 5 days means that we can start the party early, but our victory will come. If the NYPD leaks are true then it could start at early as a week after the election.


>Destroyed the Republican establishment.
>Destroyed the credibility of the media.
>Destroyed the stranglehold PC culture has had.

He's already won.

Any help with FOIA requests much appreciated anons

cry and rage on Sup Forums, then start to prepare for the inevitable outbreak of WW3. probably save some money to make a quick get away to the scottish highlands or something.

Shoot up a kindergarten.

Post the folder i've been making for the past few months, laugh at stupid retarded Drumpf supporters that were wrong, then kick back put my feet on the table and enjoy madame presidents reign

I already decided I'll be a passive aggressive cunt towards women as long as Hillary is in office.

I will keep my head down, buy a mill and lathe. Keep amassing ammo and wait for them to come.


Laugh my ass off as the first woman President is dragged away in irons as the New Civil War commences.

Kek thinks you're a faggit.

I will become an R9K tier recluse and be a total shitlord to all liberal, polite (correct), and fat women as well as numales. I will become a real life caricature of the terminator. I will also build a massive gunpile of weapons for WW3

Trump better win, MAGA.

Chimp out


Only a fool would bet against KEK

That's a nice folder lol, I'll be here when you release it. I too think Drumpf supporters are retarded.

Thanks lol, and yeah they don't have any cents.

Shitty CTR meme.

Give up. You'll never make a decent meme with all the time you spend kiddie fucking. You're up against Omega NEET's here with GIMP and pirated copies of every windows image manipulation program running in WINE here.

You've literally got no chance. Also, NSA is on our side now, and is recording every keystroke your pedo ass makes on that shitty Windows 10 box of yours.

Good day.

Why are niggers this retarded?

I'm just gonna sit back with some popcorn and wait for Jesus to come back to Earth and kill all the assholes.

Isaiah 66:16
For behold, the LORD will come in fire And His chariots like the whirlwind, To render His anger with fury, And His rebuke with flames of fire. For the LORD will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by the LORD will be many.

protip; he won't

laff and shit post every day after work for an entire week or until I get bored of laffing

pull my dick out



>Thinking chariots and swords can go against an ar15

Love your threads man. Can't wait to see all the butthurt drumpfkins crying on November 9th

join the inevitable protests and demand her resignation .

if trump loses, there is no way hillary will be allowed to be president. over half the country wont stand for it. she will be forced to resign and kaine will become pres


stay off pol for 2 months, be depressed, get some guns, and focus 100% on school.
he wont lose though so dont worry.

It doesn't really matter if Trump wins or not (though I sure as fuck hope he does) because he's already awakened a large amount of the populace to the corruption in media and our government. By doing this he has already made America great again at least on a thought level.

I know right lol, I kinda feel bad though... I'm pretty sure most of them will go to jail for cyber bullying/not paying taxes when Madame President becomes our first woman president (historical)

>Implying the retards wont go back to snapchat and shitty facebook memes with business as usual.


All poetic figurative language.

Think of the new Jerusalem descending on Earth as a giant mother-ship described as being literally the size of Europe.

Think of flaming chariots as the most technologically advanced manned inter-dimensional spacecraft.

A lot of people will be shitting their pants. Especially when they see the heavenly city is a giant pyramid. It will give a whole new understanding to how Lucifer literally wanted to be God on earth.

RWDS will be removing your cousins from earth sub-human



Put on plate carrier, grab rifle. Start heading towards California


Is Artanis /ourguy/?

I have food, water, and power to last a year out in the countryside. So my plan is to last through the famine and war and when things settle down I hope some decent people will be in charge.

Should I prepare by buying the stores stock of pesnut butter, protein powder, and rice and grain?

Prepare my asshole to get thoroughly fucked by a Russian nuke.