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>A N A K S U N A M U N
I heard the Pharaoh pronounce it different from the rest of the cast, but the accent felt more legit, so which is it?
/r/ing the gif of him sliding in like "NOOOOOOO"
Can someone post the frame where Ananksunamun runs aways and his heart break into pieces?
I've been waiting for this thread for YEARS. Where my Imhotep niggas at??????
>that dramatic fire when he crouches down
And i wouldn't change a thing, i love this movie.
Better than mummy girl from new movie.
Me too it's so cosy as well
I like the confused look the scorpion king spares for imhotep, despite the fact that he's been fatally impaled
Imhotep did literally nothing wrong.
He killed his king for a traitorus thot.
She was only a THOT in the second movie because the resurrection was flawed. She was his genuine waifu in the past and the first film.
Were Egyptians really this hot or is it just a meme?
Well this is considered the most beautiful woman of all time in Egypt so probably not
I had this on vhs and would rewind this part and wank to it
It's matter of makeup and clothing. They were often (not always) bald and they used toxic cosmetics.
>we need an egyptian queen that is so hot that men kill each other over her
>let's hire a beaner
as opposed as, you know, A FUCKING EGYPTIAN
ancient people were rank uggos no matter the civilization(compared to what we find beautiful today) we just over time collectively chose more appealing features so the ones alive today better looking in average
Immortality was his punishment.
they really werent the brightest
to give him time to think about what he did
it was just a prank
They were really banking on nobody reviving him.
Reminder that Cleopatra was Greek
>be turned into an everlasting symbol of utmost revulsion that people WILL seek out to destroy
The idea was that he was supposed to be buried for all time in the most terrible place they could find in Egypt beneath the statue of Anubis with a bunch of zealots guarding his tomb day and night.
So it was like eternity with no eyes no skin devoured by bugs and left to rot in a tomb for all time hey sounds pretty bad to me.
But whitey came along and fucked everything up. Kek.
Was he supposed to be there earlier? This always confused me.
modern egyptians share no lineage to the ancients
Contemporary sources noted that she wasn't that hot, just very seductive
what the fuck happened to them?
they were kangz, after all
>watching new one
>Golden Book of the Living Amun-Ra shows up
hmm, are they trying to connect them?
Makes sense, since new movie takes place like 80 years later so characters like Jenny could be Rick's grand-grand dauther.
Generally pretty cool idea to bring the mummy to our world this time. Tomb of Dragon Emperror clearly shown that old formula was already explored enough.
That's been proven to be untrue.
Me and some other user discussed this in the Mummy 2017 threads recently. It's a good way to bring people who were triggered by the lack of Brendan Fraser on board to the franchise to play up this aspect.
It's just a reference
can HE save the franchise?
Omid was the funniest cunt at that time. Always playing the scumbag arab villain.
I still laugh maniacally when this scene rolls by
Depends on which egypt you mean. It's always been a sort of melting pot between the mediterranean regions and Africa. The majority of ancient egyptians like when the mummy took place were bliggity black kushites though, and there is only one dynastic period where they actually produced art based in realism. That's where you see busts of pharoahs all of a sudden having massive noses and ears, and protruding jaws like they really had.
Later on you have semitic dynasties, and then Ptolomeic ones, and finally arab conquest.
Came here to post this.
So many boners as a kid watching this.
>new mummy film trailer
>the son from the OQ(original quadrilogy) is exploring a tomb
>premise is him looking for his missing dad(brendan)
>the big reveal is that brendan is now a mummy
>not a good guy mummy, hes the actual antagonist this time
>he tried to recapture his golden days but he failed in his last adventure and is now an undead killer
Everything you said except don't make Brandon a mummy/the bad guy
Ye, it would also make sense. He should be 130YO at the time of new reboot, and that would make zero sense. Dark Universe aims into clash of supernatural monsters with casual reality. Quoting "mummy" creators.
>That's mainly because the large gap of time between The Mummy trilogy and this reboot would have made that problematic. As Universal explained:
>We never really talked actively about bringing Brendan Fraser in, because he lived in a very different time period than the modern day and so he would be potentially not even be alive. [Laughs] Unless he himself were a monster, it didn't seem like he would make a whole lot of sense. And if he were a monster, then we would have had a lot of explaining to do about why he was there.
Liknking that Jenny, or whatever, to Rick family would be pretty cool. Universal created the idea of crossover cinematic universes, now refreshed by Marvel. Universal could totally link new characters with older ones, breaking common cinematic universe cliches. Many people thought about "teaming-up" in Avengers style, but that was never the idea. They were supposed to be standalone movies connected by Prodigium agency, thats why big part of "Mummy" takes place in their lab.
>The plan is to bring them together in a shared cinematic universe, a la the Marvel Cinematic Universe or DC Extended Universe. However, that doesn’t mean that Universal Monster films are going to interconnect the same way that MCU and DCEU movies do, per se.
Well, we have to wait and see.
they were never black
There was a fourth?
>first faps
they tried to make it too much like justicevengers, focusing on making decent movies and doing cameos/mentions would have sufficed
like someone says they need to find a guy who can help explore a tomb, someone mentions tom cruise's character but someone replies with thats a bad idea and that tom is a theif and etc
Yeah, this. The immortality wasn't a "side effect", it was the entire basis of Imhotep's punishment. They cursed him with eternal life so that he could experience every moment of his mutilation and subsequent entombment with endless clarity.
It only became a problem three thousand years later when the empire had been thoroughly lost to the march of time, the medjai had been reduced to a handful of starving nomads, and a couple of dumb fucking euros found the super secret hiding place of the damned.
I think they could turn biggest problem into biggest adventage.
There are less monsters and universe is less complicated than comic superheroes.
While it didn't work well for "Mummy" as alone, it could work for whole series on longer run. Having VERY close and tight connections between these movies, would make Dark Universe most complex and best linked. Of course on the longer run.
What I mean is, look, there is like half of MCU movies that do not add anything into series. They are unrelated as whole. Ironman 2 or something got zero impact on rest. And here is where Universal could shine.
I think you should get the idea. Think about future, Marvel is shitting their movies and they are forgettable and feel dated after 2-3 years. Universal is refreshing nearly 100YO classics (Universal Monsters came in 1920s, but peaked in 30s-40s) so these movies should stand for at least next 50 years. If they gonna be well-connected, they gonna have great rewatchable value.
That user is wrong but there were always blacks in Egypt. The ruling dynasties ranged from ginger looking levantines to the kinky hair hoteps you see in the 25th dynasty. Lower Egypt was majority Berber/Semite while Upper Egypt had a mix of different races. Egypt was also always getting conquered by various ethnic groups. Sup Forumstards that claim Egypt was all white are just as retarded, if not more than the WE WUZ KANGZ that claim Egypt was all black. One of the most reposted pictures on Sup Forums is the "dickwashing" relief that is edited to make the slaves look black when in reality it's just a relief about circumcision carved into rock, pic related. The most famous pharaoh in all of Egypt was Ramses II, who was a ginger, who interestingly enough was portrayed as a bald headed arab guy in The Prince of Egypt, contributing to the popular myth of Ramses being connected to the supposed slavery and exile of the Jews in Egypt.
Cleopatra was Greek and wasn't physically super hot but everyone said she had a strong affect on men because she oozed charisma
>the bronze age collapse never happened
>melting pot
>everyone was bald except for those red heads whose hair was their claim to divinity
strange how everything goes to shit as soon as they lose that trait
Man I didn't this one was that bad. Tom Cruise was out of place but otherwise it was alright
Sofia Boutella is hot so that probably helped
I think Cruise was 100% top-form here. He acts like confused guy who got no idea what's going on... and I buy it.
How would You feel waking up in bodybad after horrible plane crash and having visions of unknonw lady talking to you? I would be confused, and confused as fuck. Cruise did that "what the hell is going on" feeling perfectly.
I dunno man, why don't you ask them?
>Generally pretty cool idea to bring the mummy to our world this time.
>old formula was already explored enough
Do you live in a backwards world?
It felt like he was playing a role that was written for an actor 20 years younger. His character had this weird boyishness to him that felt super out of place with someone old enough to be my father. I dunno. I still enjoyed the movie.
To be fair Cruise looks at least 15 years younger than he actually is (55)
Getting to ham it up all the time must have been a blast