Does most of pol have a clue over why white guilt exist?

Does most of pol have a clue over why white guilt exist?

Does pol have a clue over the historical crimes of white people?

And yes, faggots, modern white countries should pay for their historical crimes.

>but I'm good I'm innocent

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>Does most of pol have a clue over why white guilt exist?

Scape goats.

>Does pol have a clue over the historical crimes of white people?

I have a clue over every countries historical crimes

>And yes, faggots, modern white countries should pay for their historical crimes.

Right after everyone else pays for their historical crimes.

You think this is suppose to be fair? Don't be sad that whites were better at killing and raping than everyone else.

what historical crimes did amerindians and africans or chinese or indians commited?


>What crimes have

>India commited.

At least you tried to bate.


Oh come on.

White people's only crime is being better.

We could enslave all the races for 10,000 years and they would still be in debt to us for all the progress we've brought to humanity.

if you got genocided you deserve it

It's really not our fault that our ancestors developed fast enough to kick off the age of exploration fastest.

Our only crime was not castrating our slaves.

except the white male became cucked.

how much cucks you are after inventing white guilt for christ sake.

It's an American thing

I tell abos, homeless cunts, single mothers and coffee baristas to fuck off all the time.

>how much cucks you are after inventing white guilt for christ sake.

It's true. Whites have been bamboozled by the jew. That's a failing of ours... but I think we're now overcoming it.

Why is white guilt ok, but not white pride. Why should whites feel guilty for the crimes of their ancestors, but not feel pride for the successes of their ancestors?

get off the internet

you are appropriating white culture

>le white people invented violence meme


Only historically illiterate people believe this (mainly tumblr posters and liberal arts majors)


A fucking Nobel prize

So you're saying I should have absolutely no pride in my countries achievements and for the men who have built it because I have no connection to them..

..but I'm supposed to pay reparations for what they did and who they stomped in order for my glorious nation to ascend to the heights it did today, and experience white guilt and be ashamed of my ancestry?


Instead of whining because you are on the wrong side of history, step the fuck up and make a history worth celebrating. Shit it's like that kid who doesn't have the fancy toy in fucking nursery who decides to break it when the other kid puts it down. You ruin everything for the one happy child without gaining anything for the cunt one. You've just created two unhappy kids.

Fuck you. The soon as we purge the idea of caring about people who by rights we shouldn't give a fuck about/wouldn't give a fuck about us in the same situation, the sooner we begin repairing the fucking fracture of humanity you worthless niggers created.

inb4 le peaceful savage myth

I'm Irish what crimes did I commit?

Fire Nation was based off Empire of Japan invading the rest of Asia

Even when i was younger i knew this

white guilt cucks always celebrate the Mongolian Empire but hate the British Empire despite the Mongolians destroying the center of learning in the world at the time and slaughtering tens of millions of people.

see: John Green

In fact any violence from any non white Empire is celebrated. Muslims, Blacks, East Asian, etc all of them are admired for their violence.

Tell me why Finland and Finnish people should have "guilt" and what "historical crimes" has been committed by the country/people, and why we should pay.

Good luck, champ.

white guilt, cuck fetish, multiculturalism, transgender, queers, feminism, massive inmigration, female sexual liberation, sjws are white inventions that only exists in white nations.

pls don't export your sick culture to my country thanks.

white guilt faggots couldn't find Japan on a map

They are generally uninformed dipshits like Gary Johnson who only care about weed and virtue signaling.


>(((white inventions)))

kek ok buddy

next you'll say Marxism was a white invention

You don't have to have a cuck fetish.
By giving us your resources for next to nothing you're a born cuck living the worst existence whites lived since cave days.

>complaining about white people

not the Spanish, right? It was deifnitely 'white' people through and through all of history.

White people were the only ones to ever commit any sort of heinous act, of course.

wtf now I hate white people

> modern white countries should pay for their historical crimes.

They don't have to, yet they already do via aid and immigration

Eat a bowl of brown dicks

>Does most of pol have a clue over why white guilt exist?
Yes, because Liberals say it exists
>Does pol have a clue over the historical crimes of white people?
Yes, but also a clue about accomplishments of white people, the fact that America was the only country to fight a fucking civil war to END slavery, and that slavery is in no way exclusive to white people (even exists in some places today).
>And yes, faggots, modern white countries should pay for their historical crimes.
We already more than did, it's called welfare.

>ID: gGoy

Good goy, trying to make all white people look like racists. Not falling for this shit.

i'm down for people paying for their crimes,like your crime of continued existence you god damn filth.
if were guilty of enslaving you niggers your guilty of not dying like the good little bitchboys you are, so die already you worthless piece of trash.

Reminder that Whites created the internet that you are using to speak against us, maricón.

Why should we feel bad about winning?

being gay is punished in most non white societies by the goverment.
white nations are pushing for gays to be accepted in uganda and russia.

the cuck population in the world is 89% white americans though.

Acting like they were a collective group is pretty naive. There were countless tribes, all of which had long histories of slaughtering, raping, and pillaging each other. You think they didn't fight like hell to wipe out the Europeans? The fact that they were too incompetent to create technology advanced enough to fight let alone discover other cultures across the world does not make them noble or peaceful beings.

They were and still are the largest practitioners of slavery in all of human history.

About 20% of Asian men are direct descendants of Genghis Khan, one of the most brutal and savage warlords ever, whose armies terrorized countless nations in the eastern hemisphere.

There are tons of human rights violations, including mass murders, being committed by the Indian army in Kashmir right now. Lmao


Kikes are the ones pushing faggotry

Not when you account for the coffee beans and blood diamonds making our existence supreme.
Keep living in your shanty while I go to school and fuck every girl from every country in the world and buy weed and booze while attending college, you blithering impoverished cuckold.

>whites have to pay for the crimes of their forefathers
>blacks don't have to pay for the crimes they commit today


>look mom! I posted it again!

being strong and fertile /=/ winning in human terms, fuck off with this ape-tier mentality.

They sold their own people in the slave trade, for starters

Same reasons Christians made up the idea of Original Sin. So everyone can feel bad for something they didn't do in order to be granted forgiveness and feel better about themselves.

You allowed the potato to determine your destiny.


Every time someone suggests white should pay for so-called "Historical Crimes" a shitsking irl gets beaten and robbed at knifepoint.

Congrats. This one is on you.

Only sjws were invented by whites. Everything else you listed has existed before, even in non-white empires.

>I let other races to outbreed me
>wow, my race is now extinguished
nice cuck mentality faggot.

White here. No guilt, don't care.

enjoy being a cockroach, since 1945 humanity is doomed to fall in a primitive state, barbarism, dysgeny, and finally dead, i think therefore i am not.

Same. I didn't do shit. I have yet to be proven wrong in this.

You're from Colombia, and you think other societies should pay for the crimes of their ancestors? Get ready to pay forever for the damage done by the cocaine epidemic caused by your country.

the cocaine enterprise is owned by the CIA though.

Get ready for total destruction.

>Having bait this bad.

Fucking kill yourself OP

Other way around
Shitskins are the ones robbing everyone