It's happening!
>HuffPost too pussy to make the real Swastika
>unbiased news
pick 1
> they are who I say they are, and there for nothing they say has merit.
Fucking Kek.
>the Center
>CIA-Trump-Pepe hybrid
>Nazi Azunyan
>Happy Merchant
>m-muh Putin
This image is amazing
>peace-loving buddhists from a Hungarian bird-sculpting forum
w-why are they attacking us? am I going to be arrested??? please don't take me!!
Stop it huff po kun~ you are making me look good ;3
It's a pretty cool logo though, maybe we should adopt it to distinguish us from your generic neonazi
>born to meme
This is a high quality pepe desu
kek these faggots can't do anything right
nice blog retards, try spell check next time
That was a great article.
Got past the first section, couldnt stomach any more.
I'm not reading all that shit. Give me a tl;dr, does he basically call Trump supporters neo-nazis and refer to that "menacing frog" again?
theres no such thing as the alt-right
we've already gone through this, here is the flag of the Trumpenreich
This is autistic as fuck and smells like (((American journalism.))))
>Launched in 2003, Sup Forums was a free-for-all of mostly underemployed young white guys looking to have fun or cause trouble. Trolling—the act of provoking or harassing a person online—was born in Sup Forums forums. The reward was the “lulz”—the cackling that ensues when trolls crushed their perceived foes. Most of the victims were people of color, women and gay men.
shame on you guys
>born on Sup Forums
good one huffpo
Can someone please explain to me how and why they fell for this "alt-right" meme? Do they genuinely believe the shit they're writing?
They're just playing identity politics again.
You can really tell that these people never used the internet before 2000.
Is that Azunyan?
>tfw there is no such thing as bad publicity
Jokes on them. I'm not alt-right. I'm more of a monarchist. A Tory. I don't believe America is or should be independent of the United Kingdom. We need to reunite with the mother country and once more be subjects of Her Majesty, Elizabeth II.
Look how they made sure to get a picture of Putin in there
read most of it, desu they could've painted us much worse
Thomas Paine would like a word
i hear this alt-right fellow is colluding with the hacker known as Sup Forums
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. Albert Camus
Read more at:
whats with the fake blood everywhere? it's not Halloween anymore
>alt right
Lol normies think they can label us.
We are chaos. Amorphous. The only two labels we consistently care for are: extermination or exile of jews, and securing the existence of our people and a future for white children.
We're the bad guys.... couldn't you tell?
What the fuck am I reading
>Others lace up jackboots
>lace up
>>HuffPost too pussy to make the real Swastika
you are correct
>people of color, gays, women
oh nooooooooooooo
like they need anymore fucking coddling
very, very tl;dr
self important musing that goes nowhere and tells half truths filtered through the typical smug educated liberal lens
They're trying to make us look gross with all that slime, but honestly I like it
It's a very nice, spooky yet cheeky aesthetic that evokes images of the original Ghostbusters
Very implicitly white
Are they not aware of all the POO POO PEE PEE images?
>I did some digging and found the name of one of these racists
oh boy, can't even go a few hours writing an article without trying to dig up info and dox someone for your catlady hordes to ostracize.
Spencer's got the right ideas
the dumbass neonazis playing in the woods of Indiana are nothing more than an overt sideshow
>Things That Didn't Happen: The Article
The Wolves of Vinland are run by Jack Donovan (literally gay) who is Spencer's best friend and frequently speaks at NPI conferences
I really dont understand the point of these articles they write. Do they really believe that saying the chans = Trump will drive people away from him? All it does it make them more retarded looking. Trump every chance he gets says the media is corrupt. Normies look at these hit piece articles about these places and they actually start believe Trump. Even if these retards tell the truth about us, all they're doing is making themselves seem less credible.
Liking the buchou Azusa they included there.
>other races form common racial identities and clear voting blocs
>totally fine! encouraged, even!
>white people begin to do the same
>oy vey, what a bunch of racist scum
>That nazi Azu
Pretty much. The author doesn't seem to understand the ideas of wanting to protect white people.
Why did it have to be Azunyan?
are liberals scared by green gakk?
that header is fucking BASED
>mfw wanting an ethnostate is only racist when you're white
can somebody grab that winking trump pepe?
we need a gif of that
No Hillpepe...
OMG there is this thing called the internet....
Its all true I read it on HuffPo