Where were you when a fucking low budget Syfy series completely BTFO the Scanners head explosion effect?
Where were you when a fucking low budget Syfy series completely BTFO the Scanners head explosion effect?
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I was smoking dank kush
haven't seen this yet, but scanners is like 30 years old now m8
And in all those years not a single Hollywood production was able to top the Scanners head explosion, it took a low budget Syfy show to top it?
what series?
Post the effect in question faggot
what did baphomet(?) mean by this? (the mindfuck under the cloak thing)
post webm famalam
Better question.
Would you give Diane scissors?
Okay, so where's the head explosion?
I hope this isn't it and you're joking.
That looks like shit.
it was just a mold of the guy's head filled with chicken guts, jello and red food coloring placed atop a dummy and shot at point blank from behind with a shot gun
This season is really unnerving. American Horror Story has never achieved this level for me.
AHS is a soap opera for teenage girls. Channel Zero is a show for people who actually like the horror genre.
I don't think this terrible CGI gore even comes close to topping Scanners.
this is worse than scanners, not better, am I being memed?
>low budget
OH it shows
Do you have autism? There's no digital effects here, they just blew up a dummy.
Give me a week in Blender and I can make that. And I'm not trying to impress you.
looks like alot of cgi blood to me
Your eyes are genuinely fucked.
If that's true their dummy looks a lot like shitty CGI.
I agree with you about the teen soap, but shitty b8. Channel zero is retarded
>There's no digital effects here
Are you blind?
holy fuck this is laughable
Are you?
Your low IQ is unable to interpret the image correctly.
My IQ is on par with Nazis brought over in operation paperclip, faggot. I checked.
its quite literally all digital effects
It's literally a dummy they blew up.
the blood would spray in a mist, not like wine being splashed all over, plus it's literally hanging in the fucking air while the (cgi) body falls
>when your skin suit rips and you don't have a skeleton inside you
>PS3 Video Game Graphics
the "blood" is suspended in midair. are you retarded?
>actually like the horror genre.
>shows of a clip of modern horror still riffing off J-Horror from decade(s) ago
>what is slow motion
>what is velocity
Lovecraftian kino
>everything you ever see in a piece of horror has to be 100% unique and original and cannot ever take inspiration from prior work
I feel sorry for you, glad I don't suffer from autism.
Channel Zero Butcher's Block. Each episode got weirder and weirder. Best season yet.
Yes. Doesn't matter. This season was about mental illness.
oh no
It was fucked up. Poor Alice and Zoe. Poor Izzy. Poor everybody. The Peaches thought they were getting immortality but the price was too high. They were probably glad for the nightmare to end. Alice is in the place where insanity would be a blessing, though.
I really wanted Alice to live happily with her new human eating demon worshiping family.
She would have, if this were nuOuter Limits.
Is the writer/director in this thread shilling his crappy show, cuz it certainly seems like it
This season was pure kino. Lovecraftian horror done right
Sup Forums has been pretty positive towards channel zero so i doubt it.