I just finished The Sopranos. It was a fantastic show. But what I don't understand is how could anyone have any other interpretation of the ending besides Tony gets shot?
I just finished The Sopranos. It was a fantastic show...
the ending was satanic black magic, sick shit!
it was meant to be ambiguous without interpretation
you're left with 2 possibilities -- he gets shot, he gets prosecuted
either way he's done, that's the ending
it was the vipahs
>it was meant to be ambiguous without interpretation
I think the closing scene captured the moment well. As a Waste Management Consultant, your (everyday) life is always on the line. Even if it doesn't seem or feel that way, that's the ugly truth. For me, the ending is about that final moment.
people don't agree because david chase keeps changing his mind about the ending. i just accept that tony gets shot and move on, i dont care what the senile tard says.
give me one thousand dollars
Because some people didn't completely misinterpret and misunderstand the entire point of the show
>“Sopranos” star James Gandolfini, who struggled with booze addiction in his final weeks, scarfed down a decadent final meal that included at least eight alcoholic drinks, The Post has learned.
>Gandolfini guzzled four shots of rum, two pina coladas, and two beers at dinner with his son — while he chowed down on two orders of fried king prawns and a “large portion” of foie gras, a hotel source in Rome said.
Fuckin' queeahs!
You got something you wanna say to me?
It's the final trick chase plays on the viewer. Making them wonder if it all makes sense, if all the pieces really fit together that well. On it's face there, yes, there are cues that he gets shot
>muh ringing bell
but all that happens is the screen goes black and the show ends, it could just be life goes on and we don't know what the fuck happens, members only jacket guy could just as easily be hosting a glory hole in that bathroom in the world of sopranos. Which might seem like a stupid red herring but the uncertainty you feel about Tonys ending is the same way he lives his life, so it doesn't really matter if he gets killed in the finale or not. Its about whether the patterns you recognize are worth making sense of or if you're trying to analyze a big nothing.
Realistically, how much trouble would this guy be in for revealing the name of one of Melfi's patients?
It was Melfi who told him. She’d be fuked
But it was during a session, so Elliot could look the other way. He told a bunch of people at a dinner party.
I'm on season 5. Tony's breathing is getting me worried.
please leave this thread before you get spoiled
It's just Gandolfini getting fatter.
The director whacked the audience.
probably saw it before they shitposted 24/7 on the internet and didn't understand the ending without someone telling them.
Kill yourself liar
You, the hotel and the post are fucking scum.
>im a retarded faggot
His breathing is almost 90% of the sound now.
>it's a chrissy gets salty over nothing and storms out of the room episode
oh every episode
This is how...
I thought that was kind of a weird cut.
This basically.
Based Chase schooling the plebes.
from that moment we are seeing tonys split second fantasy of being killed.
youre going to spoil yourself the greatest show ever for what? Memes? Disgusting
Enlighten us, then.
The ending is without a doubt the most genius I've ever seen. You have to think about the whole show as just a snapshot in time. Maybe Tony gets shot that night. Maybe he goes to prison for life. Maybe neither and he continues his life of crime. Sure, Chase drops some hints here hints here and there, but nothing is certain. The show ended with that cut to black - our time with the Soprano family is over because the show is over. Chase was challenging the prevailing notion at the time that there HAD to be finality to the ending of a show - or movie for that matter. The fact that people are still talking about the show and debating the ending over 10 years later is a testament to how powerful it was.
It doesn't matter, that's the point
Are you a hole or a homo?
Really user? Really?
>In July 2001, Iler was arrested for the armed robbery of two Brazilian tourists and for possession of marijuana. He pleaded guilty to a single charge of larceny and received three years' probation.
>Iler was present on October 23, 2005 when the underground poker club Ace Point was raided by the police
Is A.J. going in to the mob for real?
This is what Chase meant with the ending. The show ended that way because the show itself is uncertain.
plebes and plebs are interchangeable you dunsky
>getting robbed by AJ
holy shit that would be so humiliating
>It doesn't matter, that's the point
He'd probably shoot you for bringing up that he's a bitch like he was in the show.
Kill yourself you retarded 90s born sack of shit.
>old man gets angry when he's wrong
That's a new one
It's an abrupt ending because the entire premise of the show is to show a period of Tony's life. It cuts to black because what happens after doesn't matter.
>armed robbery of two Brazilian tourists
Why would he bother?
We will never have a good sopranos thread again because of faggots like you.
of course tony got shot.
>tfw the girl I'm dating is exactly like Carmela
I really don't know how to feel about this guys
I remember this. Pretty spot on.
good? Carm is loyal as fuck
Oc what do you guys think?
What was the point of this sexy babysitter?
how old is she?
23. Pretty spooky how much she is like her. If we were older I would've been 100% convinced that David Chase met her and based Carmela on her.
what does u/sweetiebellbuttslave mean
showed that vito was uninterested in a nubile young girl
wtf shouldn't it be the other way around?
I'm no faggot, but why would any gay man be sexually attracted to Vito?
Why are certain men attracted to fat women?
Despite them being fat, some fat women still have pretty faces. Can't really see Vito being attractive fat or in shape.
My dad's an old fuck who drives cabs, and he gets hit on by gay guys all of the time. If I were to play armchair psychologist, probably some sort of daddy fetish. It's definitely a fetish, because my dad looks exactly like Tony except a bit fatter and gray-haired.
Patsy doesnt get enough love
That's because he killed Tony.
for a fucking show that went on for 8 years and 6 seasons, it's pretty fucking lame the way the show ended. there's absolutely no conclusion without a real ending. they had fucking years and years to come up with a way to end the show. Fuck the "ending" and fuck Lost
t. someone who thinks breaking bad had a great ending
he'll be fine
Patsy didn’t have the balls he was just a patsy
>killing the father of future daughter in law
Fucking dumb fuck faggot. Why do people like you even watch the show?
He almost did it in season three, but settled for peeing in Tony's pool. Maybe he still hated Tony for ordering his brother to be wacked, and the idea of Tony becoming family was too much for Patsy to take.
Patsy clearly relaxed more after the pool incident and never let Tony down even when things didn't go his way (overlooking him for Capo). Patsy was also very involved in the botched killing of Leotardo, if he still felt against Tony he would have approached Butchie
>Patsy was also very involved in the botched killing of Leotardo, if he still felt against Tony he would have approached Butchie
I don't think he knew about Meadow and his son at that point though.
There is no ending. That's the point. The whole finale was a massive subversion of typical finales. Instead of closure it felt like they could have made an entire season out of what was coming up.
The whole thing is like Tony's experience with himself ever since he started to self-reflect. There is no clear and cut ideas or lessons, just interpretations we take away from it. Like Melfi, at the end of Sopranos, our relationship with Tony ends. That's it.
What happens next who knows? Tony could continue being a criminal to the day he dies or be locked up for life, shot by New York or what remains of his crew. Paulie might die. Silvio might wake up. But we don't know and nor should we.
Uhm, dad? When is uncle Paulie coming over? I need to talk to him, no i can't talk to you, i need someone with a full head of hair and nephew that loves him.. Mmm, uncle Paulie!
So we can all agree that Patsi took out the hit on Tony right?
Carlos was already selling out to save his son and patsis son was included. Engagement or not Tony would have killed Patsi to make sure he doesnt flip as well
>Tony could continue being a criminal to the day he dies or be locked up for life
Tony was like a month tops away from getting jailed that scene with his lawyer implied that and with literally no crew besides paulie the jersey crew would have most likely collapsed
Johnny Sack did nothing wrong
Learn to read fuckwit
He's easily the most underrated character. Vincent Curatola's performance is just perfect, scary, but also really human. I also loved how this character had been there since the beginning in a super minor role, only later turning into a major player.
Yeah but he still gets shot.
>So we can all agree that Patsi took out the hit on Tony right?
no. if anyone took him out it was the Lupertazzi family since Paulie suggested they may have told lies about a truce. But then again its a big if.
theres no right answer whether he was killed or not.
if you need to ask what happened at the end - youre a pleb who doesn't get it
if you think tony got whacked - youre a pleb who doesn't get it
if you think tony didnt get whacked - youre a pleb who doesn't get it
it clearly focuses on Tony as the last shot before it cuts to black. If it were to cut to black to imply gunshot to Tony then why show him on the screen.
whether you think he died or not is your belief. neither are fact
>told a morbidly obese woman he didn't want her to lose weight and extend her life
He cried at the wedding. My estimation of John Sacrimoni as a man, fucking plummeted.
> on season 5
> browsing a thread about the ending
you absolute madman
then why watch the show? why do anything?
*appears in your scene for no reason*
There is an established pattern in the scene. Bell rings, Tony looks up, we see what he sees. The last time he looks up he gets shot. We see what he sees, black. The last episode had a flashback to Bobby saying in the season 6B premiere, "You probably don't even hear it when it happens, right?" Tony didn't hear it, he had no idea what was coming. But we did. The shady guy in the jacket going into the bathroom, a clear reference to The Godfather, Tony's favorite scene in the film, even.
there was a scene with him talking to a guy that 'died' and the hospital brought him back. He said everything went black.
Just woke up from a dream where I was talking to Tony and Bobby, and they were being cool like I was one of them. Either I need to rewatch the show or get some real friends.