How the fuck did they get away with this?
How the fuck did they get away with this?
statham is invulnerable to political correctness
What kind of amateur ties a woman up like that.
I gotta wonder why he didn't opt for hair plugs. He's got the means.
she was the only asian actress i ever found hot
Given her proportions and demeanor, twine would probably suffice. Would opt for an effective gag though.
he's not insecure and would probably look weird as fuck with hair now that he has gone an entire career without it
That's all he needed to use, no chance she would get away from him, only weak """men""" over tie their women
speaking from experience, buddy?
It really is pretty embarassing. That's some Superbound shit.
He actually looks okay bald
it's french movie, luc besson, so they don't give a fuck about hamburgherican "standards" and retarded political correctness
how did he get away with this?
holy shit this was Besson? what a career
Look up his old photos of when he had hair, bald suits him better
If you tie their hands infront of them they just take the gag off every time. I swear to christ.
>tying her up at all
>not using chloroform
I actually kind of like the hands-in-front thing. Reinforces the helplessness.
real men got to university for a degree in chemistry and then create a special cocktail of drugs that leave the victim motionless
Not really practical. You're more likely to kill them.
I can see you're a man of taste.
Is DetectiveChronicles any good?
Generally fucking terrible, actually. I just like Kagney Lynn.
If they can't see you doing it what's the point?
I'll look her up. Thanks for the tip, user.
Where's the fun in that?
He should really erase that from the internet.
Real men don't need to tie women up OR drug them. You just need to corner them in a secluded area and say "If you scream I'll kill you."
Easy as pie.
All Asian women that complain about yellow fever have sex with white guys
I've never heard of an Asian woman complaining about yellow fever.
Absolutely degenerate.
Is that Kagney?
Thanks for the name.
Based checkem
no idea, but they always get away with these SHITTTY LAZY TAPE GAGS!
tying hands in front is useless, there is very little limitation
Chloroform is a movie meme, it does not work irl. Helium is more realistic, but slow and very dangerus.
If you want to knock some out fast, a tiny dose of i.v. medical grade fentanyl is the fastest.
just use chloroform smdh
it doesn't work. you would have to inhale it for 4-5 minutes
movies are wrong
Dubs dont lie
It was a different time.
Who is this batter commander?
Too lazy to read the tread?
what film?
the Jason Statham one
one the Transporter movies
and what is the meme exactly? he's carrying a tied up asian?
she escaped and he had to bring her back
he is just transporting, doesn't want to know what he is moving. no questions, just moving X from A to B
what AFWM video is this from
Thank you for that Dexter
I know they're not at all effective, but unfortunately those shitty tape gags have been engraved into my brain as sexy. Thanks, Hollywood/pulp novels.
he produced and wrote it
welp, can't win 'em all
also Lucy